
in #money5 years ago


Though money was also running the world in previous times, it is running the world today in real. Today, the life of people revolves around money. Every single transaction in and out is with money, every second and breath of life demands money. It is the reality of today's times. Though it is hard to accept, it indeed is the "reality" of today's times.

Almost every person you see seems so restless and stressed out. People today are so lost amidst responsibilities, choosing the right career path, working on their careers, achieving their dream goal and job, and saving money for the future. They are losing focus of their mind and soul, and they are losing focus on their working. They do not realize that they are losing focus on their life.

However, talking about the other side of the story, here, people are not wrong. And wrong is the circumstances they live in, demands of the growing modern world, who believes in showing off more rather than the real living, chasing luxuries, and getting easily impatient.

Wrong is the demands of the modern world who easily indulge in the feelings of inferiority and live most of the life of insecurities. Here, people are not wrong, and wrong is growing endless demands of the modern world.


Earning a lot and a lot of money has become the prior goal of the people today. And it is the main reason why most of the people today seem so restless and unstable in life and mind. Money is affecting the mental stability of the people to a high level.

When people have no money, they crave to earn it. When they earn it, they crave for more. When they earn more, they crave for even more. When they get it all, they spend it on unnecessary stuff. When they spend it unnecessary, they then again start complaining about no money.

And again, they start chasing more and more money to get their life back on track and be financially stable. And you know what? Things get more worse for them in this case as compared to how they were previously. Because now they have to work even more harder to grab all the money they lost previously on the unnecessary things. And this leads to anxiety, depression among them further ruining all their peace of mind and happiness in life, ruining their confidence, and actual potential to earn.


Here, people desperately want to come out of the situation but they are not able to. They fail each time no matter how hard they try. They die inside, they feel like someone has shaken their soul, and there is no meaning of their existence on Earth. They feel like their life is split into pieces to the level they cannot ever imagine to bring back together even in their dreams. Isn't that hard?

Such situations get indeed hard on people. And most of the times, it is the mind that is affected the most. Financial stability is largely correlated to the mental health and hence it is crucial for us to possess and save sound money to be in a good mental health.

If however you didn’t know much before and you lost/spent all your money or some amount on unnecessary things out of ignorance, here is list of money saving and earning tips to help you gradually come out of the money problem:

1. Save an Emergency Fund

The easiest ways to save during a financial crisis is to create an emergency fund. Saving something each day and putting it into that emergency fund may not minimize your trouble to a great extent but still can help you a lot far to overcome money problem. Save in any way, either make a piggy bank, create a bank account, or save otherwise, but save, just save.

Savings are the best ways to accumulate long term funds. When you'll save, you'll feel better and motivated. You'll feel you are gradually coming out of the money problem. And you indeed will gradually come out of the money problem.


2. Look for Some Fixed Income (Either Online or Offline)

When in financial crisis, you must never overlook getting some fixed income be it any source (either online or offline). Get a part time job outside your home premises or look for some freelancing job to manage a regular fixed income so as to support yourself amidst life problems.
Doing so will reduce your stress to some extent, give you motivation, and will even gradually take you out of the money problem.


3. Relax, Don’t Panic!

Majority of the people or say all the people start getting panic when in extreme financial crisis. However, looking at it the other way, their panic is genuine. After all, money is a big thing that is running the world today. And having lost all the hard earned money is not an easy deal! But even though the situation is indeed hard, you must acknowledge the fact that every problem has a solution. There is no such problem in the world that does not have a solution.

So, instead of getting into quick panics, you must hold on. You must believe that you will come out of the problem. And if you hold strength, keep going, work hard, and be happy, you will indeed soon come out of the problem.


4. Believe in the power of your deeds

There is no denying the fact that good deeds finally pay off. So even if you are stuck like its hell difficult to come out, don’t give up, and believe in the power of your deeds, good deeds. Continue to work. If you cannot work big initially, start small. But start somewhere!

When you’ll start, you’ll feel better, and encouraged to work even more. Ultimately, you’ll reach a stage where you’ll be doing more in less time and for more profitable outcomes.


Financial constraints can be a drain on your energy as well as mental health. At times of big financial stress, it may get difficult for you to cope up with the situation. You may get highly mentally unstable and lose focus of your mind and soul. You may feel like you can never come out of all this.

But, here, you have to learn to control yourself, and hold on strength to fight with the situation. You have to work hard and keep going. You have to keep your fears aside and start believing more. In the end, you get through everything!

Work hard, be consistent, keep going, be kind and large hearted, do good deeds, and conquer it all!

Hope you all enjoyed the post..

Much Love<3<3<3

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