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RE: How to Stop Worrying About Money

in #money8 years ago

Not all of Canada is cold. Southwestern BC, especially the Vancouver area, has more in common with San Francisco than the rest of Canada. I can't remember the last time we had more than a dusting of snow in winter. Having lived in both the US and Canada, I can say that Canada is nothing like the US. Our country is far more liberal for one thing. Same sex marriage was legalized over ten years ago and mothers get a year's paid maternity leave. Less paperwork and lower taxes for self-employed creatives in Canada. And for the most part, Canadians are less racist and respect multiculturism whereas Americans prefer the "melting pot" and have this strange belief that the US is the greatest country on earth. This is explained, in part, by the fact that many Americans don't travel outside their borders. According to statistics, only 36% of Americans have passports (compared to 61% of Canadians) which would explain why I rarely came across American students when I was young and travelling through Europe and Asia in the 90s. PS. I don't trust banks either and have always kept my funds in credit unions but as you know, the CIDC insures Canadians' deposits held at Canadian banks (and other member institutions) up to C$100,000 in case of a bank failure. I think the most dangerous factor right now in Canada in regards to finances is the spiraling costs of home ownership. It's especially crazy here in Vancouver.


Unfortunately for a fair chunk of my younger years (mainly due to my own poor decision making at times) I was pretty impoverished and stuck in the praires. I have been as far west as Calgary, it's a totally different feel and vibration out west for sure compared to the praires. I've been out as far as Nova Scotia on the east end of things and first hand seen the Atlantic Ocean.. I'll save that for another post though.

I think Canada as a whole are pretty geniunely laid back people. However that being said we are passionate and you don't want to catch us off on the wrong foot when we've been out sipping maple syrup and playing hockey. :D

I'm glad you don't trust banks. They are truly criminal wizards when it comes to the way they do business and print money out of basically "NOTHING" with their central banking system.

I prefer Bitcoin honestly. It's sort of my gold standard at the moment. Once I get caught up on my debts and get a wee bit more wealth stored away I'm going to try to diversify. It's never good to hold all your eggs in one basket.


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