"So how Do I Get Rich Insider Trading?" -- You Don't

in #money6 years ago (edited)

There's only one way.

Over a fifteen year period, my co-accused and I purchased and sold stock with inside information in over a hundred separate deals, churning hundreds of million of dollars for an eventual eight-figure US dollar gain. But that's now gone. All of it, spent or confiscated by authorities on both sides of the Canada/US border. As for my co-accused, a person that was my best friend, someone that I loved like a brother and that I saw or spoke with every day for near twenty years, he's dead. He committed suicide hours before we were scheduled to fly together to New York to plead guilty to inside trading, money laundering, and breach of fiduciary duty in what we were told was the longest-running insider trading scheme ever discovered by authorities.

So how do I get rich inside trading? I get asked that question or some variation of it by almost every person that learns about my past or the fact that I am still the only person in Canada to receive a Federal sentence of imprisonment for the activity. I have yet to tell anyone exactly how I would do it (if I were to do it again) to not get caught or what I learned from my mistakes and from the questions that investigators in the United States and Canada asked me after I cooperated with them. I haven't told anyone because I am fairly certain of the answer and equally certain that it could work ... but not completely certain. Because I don't want anyone to even start down a path that led to me losing everything -- my money, my children, my freedom, my best friend -- I never answer that question as I know I could. Instead, I usually just say, "Don't get caught" as it has the benefit of being true (I decided long ago I don't want to lie or live a lie anymore), doesn't tell them what I learned through experience, and leaves open the thought for them that the best way not to get caught once you start, really, is to stop and never do it again.

If I keep writing these blog posts perhaps I will give tips, though likely inadvertently, on what to do or what to look for in the Stock Market -- or any market, really -- where an informational edge can give you an advantage that can be exploited for enormous monetary gain. Until I do, until I show you how to apply what I learned over a decade-and-a-half of inside trading -- DON'T DO IT! ... the personal losses, as they were in my case, are forever and will always exceed even the greatest of monetary gains.Collared Film.JPG

For more about me and my story and how I want to help, please check out the website http://collared.tenorfilms.com/ about my upcoming edu-documentary "Collared"

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