Greg Hunter Interview: Peter Schiff - The Coming Inflationary Depression

in #money4 years ago

Greg Hunter interviews money manager and economic expert, Peter Schiff of Euro Pacific Capital, about the debt, economy, gold, and markets.


  • (00:33) Should we be worried about all the massive money printing?;
  • (03:05) Are we seeing the beginning of the debt default cycle?;
  • (05:09) Is it a problem that nobody goes bankrupt?;
  • (07:14) What do you think is going to happen?;
  • (13:13) How is Sweden standing out from the rest of the countries?;
  • (17:15) Talk about the cost analysis Sweden performed;
  • (22:27) What is going to happen in the years to come for hard assets like gold and silver?;
  • (31:54) Does the massive unemployment indicate how bad it will be?;
  • (37:01) Will this be the greatest depression?;
  • And more...

41 minute video by Greg Hunter published 23 May 2020

Link Associated with this Interview

Inflationary Depression Coming – Peter Schiff


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Obviously the economic collapse is quite advanced, but the economy sometimes resurfaces and flows quickly so we will have to wait and see how everything goes with this new start.

Evidentemente el desplome económico está bastante avanzado, pero la economía en ocasiones resurge y fluye rápidamente así que habrá que esperar a ver cómo va todo con este nuevo inicio.

Yes, it will be interesting to see how this unfolds.

We must hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

Have a great week!
Steem on,

Saludos amigo @etcmike, al parecer no terminamos de salir de una cuando ya viene algo peor, lo mejor será esperara y ver qué tan malo puede ser.

Hello @etcmike, the world is changing and that is what we must first understand and accept...

Hola @etcmike, el mundo está cambiando y eso es lo que primero debemos entender y aceptar…

I think that inflation is inevitable, thank you for the information with GREG HUNTER

Thank you very much for the information, good luck

Time is so difficult world struggle faced health and wellness economic development really required support for everyone 👍Global growth in reverse .
Thank you very much for sharing this Seres.

Great job 👍sir Greg hunter series sharing here about economic.

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