Historical Pattern Reveals Timing of Dark Days of Market Crash

in #money7 years ago

In a dream on July 19, I saw a graph showing two upcoming drops in equities. No dates were revealed, but history gives us some insights about the timing.

Cycles analyst Chris Carolan found an amazing correlation between previous financial market crashes and lunar cycles. He found previous crashes have often hit bottom on 27th or 28th day after the seventh new moon following the spring equinox. He summarized his findings with this statement:

“Put simply, every market participant should have his calendar marked with the “dark days” of lunar 7-27 and 7-28. Even better, everyone should calculate the time of the eighth new moon and subtract 55 hours from that point. A time window of plus or minus twelve hours from that point is the lunar calendar model for an Autumn panic’s low.” (Source: Autumn Panics by Chris Carolan)

Lunar 7-27 and 7-28 is not referring to July 27 and 28, but to the 27th and 28th day after the seventh new moon. In 2017, those dates fall on October 16 and 17, just ten weeks from today. So if we see markets declining steeply ahead of those dates, traders should close short positions by October 17.

The timing of Chris Carolan’s dark days fits well with other events happening this year.

On August 21, a solar eclipse crosses over the United States. The Bible reveals the sun and moon were given for more than just sources of light. They are also for signs and seasons (Genesis 1:14). Solar eclipses are a sign of God’s impending judgment, a warning to repent before it’s too late (Isaiah 13:9-11, Joel 2:10-11, Joel 2:31, Acts 2:20, Amos 8:9-10, Matthew 24:29-30, Mark 13:24-26, Revelation 8:12). Then, exactly forty days after the eclipse is Yom Kippur, the day of atonement, starting at sunset on September 30.

Forty days is the same amount of time God gave ancient Ninevah when He sent the prophet Jonah to warn them. There is evidence showing their forty days were also preceded by a solar eclipse.

“An archaeological find of cuneiform tablets was found in the 19th century describing events in Nineveh. A famous eclipse mentioned in the tablets was known as the Bur-Sagale eclipse, which is verified by NASA as occurring on June 15, 763 BC. The path of totality was right over Nineveh. God had declared the sun and the moon were for signs, and now the Ninevites saw the wrath of God coming even before Jonah arrived a couple months later. When Jonah arrived, they were ripe for repentance.” (Source: wnd.com)

Yom Kippur begins at sunset on September 30, at the end of the forty days. It is considered one of the holiest days of the year for the Jewish people. It also marks the conclusion of ten days of repentance, starting with Rosh Hashanah, which begins at sunset on September 21. So, Yom Kippur is a day of finality, when time is up. For those who have repented, atonement is granted, but for those who have not, judgment is set. Chris Carolan’s dark days follow two weeks later, which fits a scenario where the markets start dropping steeply after Yom Kippur and hit bottom by October 17.

On September 24, national elections are scheduled in Germany. In a dream on July 26, I received a call on my cell phone from a former co-worker. He is from Germany and still has a strong German accent, which makes him a little hard to understand. In this call, he was even harder to understand because our connection kept breaking up. He said, “I have a prophetic message for you and your friends. A sudden promotion is coming that will change things for you going forward. It will happen in just —-static—- days.” Given the timing and significance of the German elections and the fact that my friend was German, perhaps it is a clue about something significant happening in Germany soon. The timing fits Chris Carolan’s dark days.

On September 30, the U.S. federal government is scheduled to run out of money unless Congress approves an increase to the debt ceiling. Since the election of President Trump, Congress is more divided than ever. The Democrats appear to be willing to do anything to destroy his presidency, even shutting down the government. Again, the timing fits with a market crash hitting bottom by October 17.

Mounting tensions between the United States and North Korea might be another source of trouble for the markets this fall. The U.S. Secretary of State published a Notice on Wednesday, August 2, 2017 that will restrict the use of U.S. passports to travel into, in, or through North Korea, effective Friday, September 1, 2017. (Source: U.S. State Dept.)

If there is a market crash this fall and it follows Chris Carolan’s dark days, I believe a lot of things must happen first. In a dream on July 19, I saw a graph showing two upcoming drops in equities, with the first drop being smaller than the second. There were no dates revealed, but the amount of activity was significant, enough to fill at least a couple of months. The graph started with the first drop and ended with second, but there was a lot of activity in between, including a new all-time high (Note: I believe that’s where we will see UVXY drop to $24.99). So there was some time at the top, followed by more time because the second drop did not begin with a steep panic type of drop. It worked its’ way down, then moved horizontally before starting the steep part of the drop.

If all of that is going to complete by October 17, then the first drop must start soon. I am expecting to see it starting any day now.

This information is provided only as a starting point for prayerful consideration and is not a recommendation for investing.

Author: James Bailey
James Bailey is an author, business owner, husband and father of two children. His vision is to broadcast the good news of Jesus Christ through blog sites and other media outlets.

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