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RE: 26 = 3.8 Billion, 26 Richest People Own as Much as Poorest 50% (3.8 Billion)

in #money6 years ago

The 26 richest people only have 3.8 billion between them? When did that Oxfam report come out, 1995? The Rothschild dynasty alone has significantly more than that. In fact, one estimate put their worth at over half of all the world's wealth, although that sounds like a sweaty panic to me. Still, the very very richest people have fortunes that cannot be accurately tallied by outsiders, probably on purpose, and merely by virtue of the fact that their fortunes are distributed throughout assets around the globe (which is a wise financial policy, not putting all those eggs in one basket).

But here's my main comment: what business is it of yours what others rise to accomplish? You could too if you were willing to dedicate your mind singly to the task with great perseverance. And it would be A-OK if you did. Great fortunes in themselves are not evil. Money is not evil. Having money only amplifies whatsoever characteristics of vice and virtue a person already has. So its not the object that does the evil, it's the person using it. As a matter of fact, I have known lack of money to influence persons to commit acts of immorality moreso than abundance of money.

Now, hold on, I do believe I understand the ungirding gist of this "life's not fair" article, aside from the usual covetousness. It is this, and you can correct me if I'm mistaken: you believe that all the riches these people have managed to accumulate should be stolen away from them and evenly distributed around the world so that we were all equal, right? I tell you, neighbor, that if such a thing were ever to happen, it would render money itself of absolutely no value. At that moment there would, in effect, be no such thing as money, until some enterprising gentleman or lady created or discovered a new medium of exchange. For money, just like gravel, only has value if it is unevenly distributed. (Imagine, if all the gravel on earth were evenly distributed across the globe: what would it be good for?) Besides, people are not all equal, because of the way they choose to think and pattern their lives, and therefore, it is utterly impossible that wealth should be equally enjoyed.

Sorry, neighbor, but your plaint against capitalism falls a country mile short of common sense. But I do commend you, in all sincerity, for putting your time and thoughtfulness into the subject. Peace be with you.


Not equal enjoyment, just equal opportunity. The current economic system robs the layman of that opportunity, ensuring that rich keep getting richer no matter what happens to the economy. That's not fair.

This reply is meant to be constructive, not argumentative. I preface it that way, because I want to ask the question, what exactly is the system you're referring to? I could point to a number of groups or institutions and say, "This is the problem over here," but what system is there? By saying we have a system, it raises in my mind the assumption that there is some kind of inescapable framework to this world which all have no will to disobey. Do you mean our system of government? Our tax codes? Our bureaucracies? Are you referring specifically to the fact that large corporations can afford to lobby our congress and that congressmen and women are given cushy corporate positions after their terms of service have ended? Or do you refer to those more shadowy elements such as the Council on Foreign Relations or even the secret societies? Presuming that you are an American, what exactly is preventing you from getting rich?

I know that it is hard for the average person to navigate the complicated legal system, if that is what you mean. But though it is hard, I don't know if there's ever been a time in history when it was particularly easy - easier perhaps, but it always takes effort, focus, and persistence: three things the millennial generation and the one coming after it sadly lack. As for me, I know that I have in times past been the one who prevented myself from getting rich, but I am working to change that, and I believe with a new positive mindset that I am smart enough to overcome any obstacle if I will only continue to apply myself. And I believe for you that you can too.

Well you have covered most of it but I am going to bring up one more thing which is to me the most important; education.

Children are not being raised to be educated, independent, and innovative individuals. This is what makes the "system" feel inescapable. Because when you are being programmed from birth to follow orders, not handle adversity, not think outside the box, not learn how to manage money and run your own business etc, how can we be expected to succeed? How can we undo a lifetime of malpractice by our elders?

I have learned more about myself and the world around me in past 3 years than I did in high school and college combined. That tells me that they are not doing their job. The ever increasing gap between the rich and the poor, coupled with an increase in high school and college graduates supports this.

Our opportunities are passing us by because school has taken away our vision.

Well said. It should be called Public Doctrines Education. It's no surprise when people in power want to stay in power, but for some reason we don't realize that means they may be willing to do anything to accomplish this, including making good (to them) use of all the tools of institution they have access to: including education, media, food supply, public health and health care, and of course the legal system. Although it can be rather intimidating to some, I've found it quite liberating to come to the realization that none of these things are there for my benefit.

The problem is not inequality itself, neither wealth. The problem is that this modern inequality is being created by corrupt means, state favors, and political mechanisms. Do you think there is a free market today? Please.

I agree with you. That is a problem, in my opinion. But it's one that we allowed to happen and continue to allow; therefore, I can only conclude that it must not really be such a bother to most people. In any case, I stand by the comment I left on the article: both the spirit and the letter of the content represent a very dangerous mindset that is intentionally being foisted upon humanity by the very same super-rich people who are controlling everything. That mindset is one which has been trained to beg for collectivism. The elite cabal that wants to control the whole world wants us to beg them for the privilege of being governed to the highest degree, because the best slave is the one who thinks that freedom is too terrible or too costly an alternative.

$8.9 trillion by 2018, 3.8 trillion in 2009, not 3.8 billion...

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