Money is an illusion - What will come after the collapse of the fiat monetary (debt) system?

in #money7 years ago (edited)

IMG_4081.JPGEverybody who is aware of what a fiat monetary (debt) system is, will probably agree with me that at it's core it is destined to fail. Swap the "i" and "a" in the word "fiat" and add an "h" and there you go, that's what it's based on, "faith". The system is actually creating faith out of thin air... We could probably also agree that the debt markets have risen exponentially and that such a curve will eventially implode in itself. A balanced system will grow slowly and even over time. This is the process which can also be found in nature. Therefore it's a natural growth. Exponential growth is therefore unbalanced and unsustainable. In other words also known as a ponzi-scheme. Our monetary system is already failing and ultimately will completely fail...

In this article I don't want to focus on what will happen when it fails... Thats a whole topic for itself. Here I would like to outline the current solutions which are widely talked about and at the end I would like to explain what the true solution is and why... please bear with me...

The most popular solutions are:
-SDR's or gold-backed (and/or other precious metals/commodities) SDR's
-USD world reserve currency backed by gold (and/or silver) or one of the other large players involved in the AIIB backing their currency
-solely gold (and/or silver)
-cryptocurrencies (backed by gold and/or silver)
-a mix of the above solutions
-back to bartering with misc. goods

Obviously all fiat currencies must be removed otherwise there can't be any change. SDR's are nothing else than a basket of fiat currencies created by the IMF. They are more or less a basket of ponzi-schemes. Backing the SDR's, the USD, the Reminbi or any other large currency with gold, silver or any other commodity would mean continuing to play with the same dirty old chips. Backing those currencies with 10%, 30% or 50% doesn't help anything because there would still be a part which is unbacked and open to manipulation. Would a 100% backing help? The answer still stays the same. Even if all fiat would be backed with something real, it wouldn't solve the inbalances created by the fiat monetary debt system which has to be rebalanced first. Furthermore the trust being installed by the goldbacking is shifted to the trust of keeping it backed which we have seen in 1971, can be "temporarily" 😂 halted. Cryptocurrencies are a good intermediary solution due to decentralization, privacy and some other attributes but they are also dependent on the functioning of the internet and there are still many unknown aspects to each cryptocurrency. A mix of any of the above solutions is obviously no real solution because mixing a set of unsound, unsure, unknown options will bring even more confusion. Going back to bartering on a local base could become a real option at least for a while if chaos hits the whole system and shuts down everything. Anyhow it is also not a durable solution because it's too complex and we would like an easy, transparant, fair and balanced solution.

So what one should always do to remove a problem is always go to it's root-cause. It's the same with a sickness. Removing the symptoms does only treat but will never heal the patient. Our monetary system is a patient lying in a coma and we have to heal it.

The answer is:
To heal a broke currency system based on faith and confidence, the treatment would be to return to sound money (i.e. gold and/or silver) BUT to heal it we need to remove money... Yes, money itself is the cancer in our world. Therefore the whole financial system and everything it brings with it, from sole derivatives to structured products, to MBS', ABS', bank accounts, paper money, digital money, gold, silver, it's all a freaky little illusion we have collectively created... And each day we are heating up discussions on what we should have or not, brokers selling complex instruments they don't even understand, banks stealing money out of client accounts... it's all one big collective dream... Being financially awake is not holistically awake... Being financially awake is trying to tell the masses that the financial system is fake and corrupt to it's core. Being holistically awake is trying to tell the financially awake that the financial system is an illusion itself. (and being holistically awake is also not being universally awake which is another story for itself)

Now let's dig deeper into why money is an illusion and where the root-cause of this problem is...

The cause of this distorted system is not the FED created in 1913. The FED and all other central banks are only a causal effect. The problem goes back much further. Let's go back several centuries and even millenias and who knows how far back this slavery system is already going for... So it is said that gold was used and later paper deposits to simplify bartering... So we can state that money is nothing else than a form of exchange which was exchanged before directly with goods. So we can conclude that the goods were the money before. To exchange goods each party must claim to be the owner of that specific good. But where does this claim come from? Who has the right to distribute and announce which person has claim to which real state, which real good, which other person (slavery)? The answer is nobody has the right to claim to be owner of anything. Earth was given to us as a planet of abundance where nobody has to die of thirst, hunger or suffer. When tribes where exchanging goods they were automatically claiming to be owners of those goods. What they didn't understand is the fact that we all come from the same consciousness, from the same source. We are here on earth not to claim property on anything but to share whatever we can with others. We are born with nothing and we die with nothing. Accumulating anything in our life is therefore non-sensical but it can be understood nowadays because we were tricked into a situation where people on earth claim to own and therefore create scarcity which each person wants to combat. The honest person will combat this artificial scarcity with accumulating as much illusionary wealth (money) as possible. The dishonest person will start to steal from other owners. At the end of this game nobody wins. The huge "winners" of this property-scam are always afraid of losing their properity and therefore extracting more and more from the weak. The "losers" are always suffering and feel helpless because they are robbed of their true wealth. That's why we see nowadays this huge disparity between rich and poor. It is reaching a climax of property theft. This property claiming scam is supported by man made laws of property which amusingly are always in favour of the property "winners". Maybe this coincidence is apparently there because they created those laws. The only laws humans need are the universal laws combined with a sound common sense.

Again, nobody has to own anything. If we create a new monetary system then the people who were "smart" will be the big "winners" of the new monetary system. Those people could be the silver and gold stackers...? Altough they might all be honest people they will be the new "winners" in the new system and therefore have the same problem the current "winners" have. They will be afraid of losing their property. It will bounce from one inequality to another. The coming wealth transfer would therefore change NOTHING. It is a continuation of the old ego-game, "this is mine", "this is yours". Without changing our awareness of who we are and why we are here, the suffering will never change. Therefore we should remove all this everlasting property illusion and ego-centered view while acknowledging that we truly all are one, to start sharing, breaking down all divisions, such as religion, nations, regions, races, and so on. The diversity of each person is a universal expression of uniqueness as each leaf, branch and tree is different in nature. How boring would life be if we were all the same!? Money is just a false expression of dividing and conquering other human beings while misunderstanding the truth... We can't own anything because we ARE everything.

The reason why i ended talking about different aspects than only money should outline that money and the financial system is not the center of the earth, it was just put there by egoistic and somewhat evil intention. Its nothing to change, its something to overcome.

You can't fight evil with evil, you cant fight evil with good, you can only remove evil by being good.



Thanks for the post. I guess the only real non-fiat situation is where you barter. In other words, I give you three sheep for one month’s accommodation, or I give you 10 loaves of bread in exchange for 1 kg of coffee beans. Some people still do this to avoid tax I think. Actually I think I have done it too. You can exchange services too. Like I can say, OK, I will translate your website for you from German to English, if you give me a laser teeth whitening treatment.

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