Sara's Money (The Ninth Chapter; Part II)

in #money8 years ago (edited)

Through word-splitting, ‘ceremony’ is ‘cerem’ + ‘ony.’ Phonetically, ‘cerem’ is ‘serum’, which is “blood.” In Scottish, the antiquated word ‘ony’ means “any.” Thus, ‘ceremony’ is also “any blood,” because anyone can partake in it. 

However, phonetically, the first half of the word corresponds to ‘sera,’ a Latin word meaning “lock,” because when one participates in a marriage ceremony, they are locking each other’s money, from that point on, into a business institution.

Sera’ also is a name for the “evening, night.” The word ‘even’ means “fair, level,” so not only is ‘evening’ a word for the night, but the process of “making something square, fair, or level.”  

What always seeks its level? Water. Thus the nature of money and the Moon is water, because it can always be balanced, or made even, full, whole, new, used to facilitate society, or used as black magick to enslave it. It has a certain magnetic quality about it, and can be gained or lost in a manner that corresponds to the nature of those who use it. Money contains the energy, the frequency, of everyone that’s ever handled it. It is the lifeblood of every civilization, regardless if that’s a good thing for humanity or not. 

So when we look at the plurality of ‘serum,’ which is “blood,” we have ‘sera,’ because money related to any ceremony (sera-money) is blood money, because a dowry is essentially the restitution for the loss of sovereignty that one incurs through marriage. 

In Celtic, ‘al’ means “harmony, stone, or noble.” Marriage is a custom that is accepted as ‘normal.’ ‘Norma’ is a “carpenter’s square” in Latin, and when experimenting with word-splitting, one could discover that the combination of these words could mean a “noble carpenter’s square,” or a “stone carpenter’s square,” and if something is ‘normal,’ it has the nature or form of a carpenter’s square in the sense that it makes things level, balanced, or harmonious in terms of the status quo. What is a stone carpenter, a carpenter who builds with stone? A mason. What was Iesus? A carpenter. What were homes in the ancient middle east built with? Stone. 

Another tool that a woodworking carpenter uses to make wood smooth and level is a ‘plane.’ When a builder, carpenter, mason makes something even, he levels it, and by some degree destroys what it was, or brings it down through reduction, and thus the saying of making something “fair and square” arises.  

Square’ is another one of those words that has over fifty meanings, but to layfolk it is slang for someone who is ignorant of current fads. To masons, being ‘on the square’ is also a derogatory statement that mocks someone for being in base consciousness. The word ‘fair,’ as an adjective, alludes to any of the following: “free from bias, ample, moderately good, promising, bright, sunny, or fine.” As a noun, it is “a beloved woman,” hence a fair maiden. 

Its phonetically identical counterpart is ‘fare,’ which could be any of the following: “price of passage, food or diet (feed us), and something offered to the public for entertainment, enjoyment, or consumption (feed us).” But as a verb, the word ‘fare’ means “to experience” or “to eat and drink” (feed us). To ‘square,’ as a verb, is “to pay off debt, which is to get out of debt, or not be dead ore (a debtor), to even the score, set right, or bring into agreement.” As an adjective, being ‘square’ is “not owning anything.”  

Perhaps it is worthy to consider that the purpose of this construct is to teach individuals to respect all life, including their own, and that no living being may ever be owned. Tending one’s own ‘garden’ does not only mean “to mind one’s business,” but also “to guard within, to guard oneself internally (guard in).” But if we look at the word ‘gar,’ it means “to cause, compel, or force something, or someone, to do something.” When you tend to your own garden, it will bear fruits that compel, or cause, others to tend to their own gardens, because if your garden is fruitful, it will inspire others, and language is breath, inspiration and expiration, deep or shallow, hence by guarding within, you are garring your ‘den,’ your lair, your temple, your body to be perfect. As you tend to your own ‘gar-den,’ you will transform your own language, hopefully under the intent remitted with love as its foundation. 

Remit’ is “to transmit or send, usually a payment (pay mind), to give back. In law, to send back (usually to an inferior court).” However, if you take a closer look, the word ‘remit’ is also the word ‘timer’ in reverse. A ‘timer’ is “a person or thing that times, measures, or records times.” Since we have the gift of memory, does that make each of us a timer that is capable of remitting our time to the court of an inferior game? But what if each of us is a ‘time-err,’ “one who is led astray, in thought or belief, by time?” 

What if our existence is a remittance, a timed sentence, and we sent tension because our egg is tense? What if we remit our mind, the payment of our spiritual currencies of time and attention, to an inferior place where justice (just ice) is administered, a place where they try to court (win) our favor? After all, Winter is Satan, and it’s cold as hell right now.  

What if they put us on ice to pre-serve (age) us, thus when we hold office, we are off ice? What if we are dice? ‘Di’ equals two, hence ‘divide’ means to see double, because ‘vide’ is Latin for “see.” What if we are double ice, di-ce, and they put us on the rocks and then cast us (castus) into a garden of eating (Eden)? After all, ‘castus’ means “guiltless, pure, chaste, pious” in Latin, and we do start off in this construct as virgin (pure, original) beings. 

Are you awake? A ‘wake’ is “a watching, or a watch kept, for some solemn or ceremonial purpose; a watch or vigil by the corpse before burial.” When you go to a marriage ceremony, are you keeping watch by Sara’s money, the blood money, the life blood, before a mare and her groom turn their relationship into a corpse, a dead legal-fiction known as a corporation? That would be a night-mare. A ‘vigil’ is “wakefulness at night,” and to be ‘vigilant’ is to be “ever a-wake.” Are you vigilant? Are you forever a wake? Is our existence a solemn or ceremonial purpose to be watched? A ‘wake’ is also a path or course of anything that has passed or preceded; a track of waves left by a ship.” 

Are you a wake left by the citizen-ship? Who is Sara? She is ‘cere,’ the “seed.” But of what? Both ‘brum,’ the most high, Rama, Abram, Brahma, and also of ‘bellum,’ war, contention, antagonism, rebellion. Is she the Whore of Babalon? ‘Baba’ is the Father, and the Father is the Sun, the most high. What happens after you take the sea-oath for Sara’s money, the marriage ceremony, the blood of the Moon? 

To be continued... 

The above was an excerpt from my latest novel, which is not available yet. If you'd like to delve into my fantasy series, they are available at most online stores. However, there is no magick like that of the spoken word. If you'd like to get the audiobook for free during a trial with Audible, visit here to give the sample a listen:

Book 3 will be invoked in 2017

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