Things I am invested in ....

in #money6 years ago


Physical gold has served as money for centuries. I prefer physical gold over paper gold. Paper gold is when you buy the "rights" to redeem that piece of paper for an amount of gold. The problem with these is that when shit really hits the fan they can repay you in the cash value your paper is worth. Venezuela is a good current example (I am sorry if you are living there atm) but would you rather have gold or bolivars in that country atm? Anyway it costs you money to store your gold. It earns no interest but as long as people are willing to trade for it, it has innate value. Innate value means that it does not draw its value from another source. Example the USD draws its value like all fiat currencies from the governments ability to tax its citizens.

The above section and the disclaimer won't change much in the daily posts. What I am doing regarding this pick and updates will change from time to time. The idea is to keep it so you can quickly scan these 2 area's and get my thoughts and actions without costing you much time. I recommend just checking the I am section and the Updates sections on ideas that you like.

I am : Accumulating

Update : Has served as currency over 2000+ years, will it continue?

DISCLAIMER : I am long gold coins

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We can trade gold online now. Profit or lose anything may be.

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