Trump is Pushing US Into Scripted and Pre-Planned World War III

in #money7 years ago (edited)

Remember before the (s)election when Donald Trump, who was a New York Democrat running as a Republican, was the anti-war candidate?

And Killary Clinton, who was a lifelong Democrat, the party that sells itself as the more anti-war party, was the war candidate?

And, how Trump’s rhetoric about making friends with Russia and even letting Russia take care of ISIS in Syria led many to believe that the only way to get out of a potential World War III scenario was to vote for Trump?

And then how Trump was elected, started saber-rattling with Russia… and China… and North Korea… and then bombed Syria just like Hillary Clinton would have?

Yeah, that all happened.

It seems crazy, doesn’t it?

There’s a reason why it seems crazy. It’s because it happened on purpose.

The Globalists/Banksters/Zionists/Masons/Jesuits/Illuminati (pick the one that makes you most comfortable) who control the whole show do it all on purpose. They are laughing at the whole world right now for falling for their tricks, time and time again.

And they love to make it as confusing as possible so your average slave, or “voter”, feels a complete sense of having no control and not even being able to understand what is going on.

Many people right now are saying, “But I thought voting for Trump would end the wars. I guess things are more complicated than I thought.”

Nope, they aren’t complicated at all. The wars will always continue. Wars aren’t meant to be won. They are meant to go on for eternity. If the fact that the US has been terrorizing Iraq for 27 years now, since the first “Gulf War” in 1990, doesn’t make you realize that, then nothing will.

Every four years in the US, two puppets are offered up to the public and the people, dumbed down in 12 years of government indoctrination camps, then think they have a choice about who is going to tell them what to do for the next four years!

They don’t. The two options are always rigged. Trump is no different than any. And, even if the public chooses the less preferred one, like in 2000, they’ll just mesmerize the public with some “hanging chads” for a few months and then install their preferred choice… which in 2000 was George W. Bush and the real President, Dick Cheney, who were better suited to manage the 9/11 false flag event that had been planned by the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) for years prior.

What Americans need to realize is that they don’t have a government. They have an evil cabal of mostly satanic globalists who enslave and extort them throughout their lives and even after they die, with the final Death Tax to take what’s left even after the poor American tax slave has left his mortal coil.

Sadly, this cabal has been so proficient over the decades that they have brainwashed, propagandized and mind controlled the majority of the population so thoroughly that they will stand up, sign and cheer when their master’s song is played before their bread and circus sports games.

And, just like Trump was a trojan horse, as we’ve been saying for the last year, to fool the public. Now they will use Trump to engineer, at least to some degree, a type of World War III.

This too is all planned and scripted as the globalists control the governments of Russia and China as well. This game is very serious. And this rabbit hole goes very deep.

And, it looks like, they have quickly begun to roll it out.

In a matter of a few days a false flag gas attack, or an outright hoax as it looks incredibly fake, was conducted in Syria. Within hours, before anyone could even look at any of the evidence, Trump attacked Syria.

Why so quick? Because people have access to the internet now and are getting very fast at exposing all of these hoaxes. It took many people years to figure out that 9/11 was a false flag. The last Syrian gas attack false flag took a few weeks before people realized it was a false flag.

And, they knew, it’d only be a matter of days before most of the online media could expose the latest Syrian attack as a false flag or hoax. So, before anyone could even say or do anything, they launched the “beautiful missiles”, as MSNBC’s lyin’ Brian Williams called them, into Syria.

I was in the middle of quickly writing about how the Syrian gas attack was likely a false flag or hoax when Trump had already attacked Syria! It was literally that quick.

And then, just in the few days since, Russia has said that if it were to happen again they will respond with force.

Meanwhile, other parts of the US Navy are apparently heading to attack North Korea.

So, in the span of a few days anti-war Trump has attacked Syria and is on the verge of war with Russia, North Korea and, by proxy, China. Oh, and he is now considering sanctions against Russia and Iran too.

It’s a good thing Donald Trump won the election because Hillary Clinton would have gotten the US into World War III… right?

Well, according to some of the dumbed down populace this is actually the case. Here was a barely legible comment from a mouth breathing public school graduate on our Youtube channel when we said Trump was starting World War III:

According to this fluoridated citizen, it was actually good Trump won or we would have been in World War III two months ago, not now!

What a beautiful two months it was too… just enough time for Trump to block attempts at removing Obamacare and not put Hillary in prison.

What that commenter, nor most, don’t realize is that the entire game is rigged. The people have no choice. They want you to keep bickering about which tyrannical ruler was the least evil… as they continue to rob everyone blind and commit their evil wars across the world fulfilling their blood lust.

And they even get the enslaved population to go off and do their killing for them, and be killed, all with a sense of pride about committing evil acts and sometimes giving up their lives in service to their corporate overlords.

But, don’t worry, they won’t kill everyone in a massive World War. They’ll kill lots… like they did with the equally contrived World War I and World War II. But, they need enough of us around to build all the stuff they want… plus it’s not really about money anyway, it’s about power. And if they killed us all there would be no one to control and dominate.

What they’ll do is just cause more hoaxes, false flags, wars and rumors of wars into perpetuity to keep people’s minds off the fact that they are wholly and completely enslaved.

If, one day, the people wake up and realize what is going on, however… now that could be interesting (start by sharing this article with your slave friends).


There is another theory:
If Russia wasn't previously informed - and involved - in this quick attack on Syria (and there are informations on a previous phone call between Moscow and Washington), then their defense system installed in the specific area in Syria would have clearly impeded it.
What does that mean: that there exists a strategic consense between Washington and Moscow at this point of time. Why Putin said the day after that he clearly censured the attack? Because Syria is still his partner.
Furthermore, the fact that the attack was done while the Chinese President Xi Jingping had coffee with Trump in Florida, was surely not an accident.
North Korea and its nuclear weapon program is a constant thread for America. China is the only Eastern power which could be able to control this literally ticking bomb. That means that the attack - besides its message towards al-Ásad - included another one towards China: "It's time."
The air craft carriers moving towards the East are just incrementing this pressure.
All these measurements are strategic steps of an overall and global positioning of the US.
There isn't any evidence that these steps could lead to any global conflict. As long as there is no escalation between the US and Russia, I wouldn't ever use the term "World War". Many many things must go wrong until the super powers decide to enter in a military fight. Believe only in Europe who have zero interests in starting any military measurements. And a World War would include them.
From my point of view it's not too early to talk about war, there is better said absolutely no reason to suppose one.
Just think about Russia's defense system in Syria and why they didn't bomb the US bombers flying over it or at least why they didn't eliminate the rockets... There were very few targets, it would have been very easy to them :)
Last but not least, the fact that Trump uses military measurements to enforce his strategic positioning shouldn't surprise too many. He's a power seeker, and global power requires global rules. However, the warning shot over Syria (which was clearly intended to not hurt any people but just hurt al-Ásad's military power) was a strategically driven one, tolerated by Moscow and accepted by Europe (Merkel called it a "reasonable step").
World War is a big term, we should use it very carefully.
Steem on.

The primary point Jeff brings out here that others refuse to address is the planned nature of it all. Molyneux ALWAYS downplays the conspiracy angle and therefore fails to get at the root cause of the events in the global arena. Corbett is FAR more credible regarding the global stage.

I like seeing Berwick posting here, and I hope he continues. I do wonder how long he will tho, given the drop of payout reward levels we're all experiencing now.

My way of thinking was that Clinton was a sure thing, if you want status quo and Trump was a roll of the dice. I will always take a roll of the dice. Better than no chance. Not surprised by Trump, just disappointed.

Yess I think this was the main reason he won, the anti-establishment fake propaganda.

The above RT video is likely fraud itself in many ways. Don't trust Russian propaganda channels just because the regular channels behave stupidly.

Jeff, as an anarchist you're clearly against government theft but are you against individuals stealing from each other? I've been robbed by your company TDV Immigration and have been trying to get a resolution since September 2016. Please take a moment out of your busy schedule and get this resolved. You have my email. Let me know if you need my phone number. Here's my allegations against Jeff Berwick's TDV Immigration:

They are using Napoleonic tactics in Syria to divide and conquer. Submit to the globalist bankers or they will bomb your country, if they can't rule you with bribery, they will use brutal force.

Very nice article man! Sadly the truth. We should have known better..

just another puppet

And I was hopeful about Trump. : (

Population control WW3

You hit the nail on the head! I hate to admit it but it looks like a lot of us were duped. We gotta wake up because the "right/left paradigm" still holds true. In other words, the right and left winged parties are essentially the same. Very informative and thought provoking post! I'm definitely resteeming this!

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