Fasco-Communist Globalist Criminal David Rockefeller Finally Exits The World after 101 Years

in #money8 years ago

Unlike the mind controlled slaves who actually cheered when they were told by the Fake News (CNN etc.) that CIA asset, Osama bin Laden, had been killed and thrown in the ocean, as per Muslim tradition… and actually cheered for the very people who actually did commit 9/11…

I would never celebrate the death of any person.

But, the closest I have ever gotten was when I heard that, finally, David Rockefeller, had shed his mortal coil and left this plane of existence.

Rockefeller was a “new world order” globalist.

In his memoir he stated, “Some even believe we [the Rockefeller family] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure — one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."

After all, David’s father John Davison Rockefeller Jr. was married to the daughter of Senator Nelson Aldrich who was intimately involved in the founding of the Federal Reserve Bank which infamously took place on Jekyll Island in Georgia. The Federal Reserve act, in 1913, was effectively a stealth takeover of the US government that still lasts to this day.

It is no surprise that nearly every action taken and organization supported by Rockefeller was a part of, or in some way connected to, his family’s financial interests or their end goal of a one world, fasco-communist style government.

One of the most valuable friends and assets to the Rockefeller family was lawyer Allen Dulles, who was a senior partner at the Wall Street firm of Sullivan and Cromwell, who represented the Rockefeller empire and other trusts, corporations, and cartels with globalist interests.

Dulles helped David and his family to successfully implement many anti-democracy, anti-freedom, terrorist attacks through covert CIA subversion operations including the overthrow of democratically elected Latin American “leaders” and ideological manipulation programs such as Operation Mockingbird and MK Ultra.


The list of coup d’etats organized by the Rockefellers is long, however, among the most notable was the CIA’s overthrow of Guatemala’s democratically elected president Jacabo Arbenz in 1954.

The claim was that Arbenz’s regime represented a communist threat which was entirely false. What was actually threatening at the time was Guatemala’s United Fruit Company which was a Rockefeller-owned firm whose stockholders included the former CIA director Dulles.

Then president Arbenz threatened to nationalize the fruit company which was a direct threat to both Rockefeller’s and Dulles interests and thus, in response, the CIA facilitated a coup that overthrew Arbenz and helped to install a ruthless dictator named Castillo Armas.


Similarly in Chile, in 1973 Salvadore Allende, the country's democratically elected leader, nationalized foreign-owned interests such as Chile's Anaconda Copper, a lucrative mine which was under the umbrella of David Rockefeller's Business Group for Latin America.

This nationalization posed another threat to David’s business interests which is why his organization offered $500,000 to Chilean congressmen in exchange for their rejection of Allende’s election victory.

In place of Allende, with Rockefeller funding, the CIA installed the murderous General Augusto Pinochet. Pinochet then ended up having thousands of his political opponents and union members tortured and killed.

Mind-Control Propaganda

The Rockefellers were deeply involved in funding the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird which was started in the 1950’s and was created in an effort to control American public opinion through mainstream media and communication propaganda.

With Rockefeller funding, as part of the program, the CIA enlisted 25 media organizations to disseminate propaganda and added over 400 journalists to their payroll to sway public opinion about whatever was deemed necessary.

Likewise, in the 50’s Dulles helped Rockefeller and his globalist cohorts to pay off leading professors in Ivy-league academia to promote their desired worldview.

Plan to Destroy the Family and Enslave Humanity

While trying to recruit Aaron Russo for the CFR, Nicholas Rockefeller told him that his family’s foundation created the women's liberation movement using mass media control as part of a long-term plan to enslave humanity. He admitted they want to "chip us." Google "Rockefeller Foundation" and "Women's Studies" and you'll get a half million citations.

The hidden goal of feminism is to destroy the family, which interferes with state brainwashing of the young. Side benefits include depopulation and widening the tax base. Displacing men in the role of providers also destabilizes the family.

Other Criminal Acts

The Rockefeller family’s role in countless criminal acts is a long list.

The Rockefellers have always used their control of the US government to force their desires on the populace.

This began very early with electric cars being wiped out in the early 20th century through the use of patents, regulations and other criminal acts which forced petroleum fueled cars as the only option to people worldwide.

The Rockefellers were behind Planned Parenthood which fits into their eugenicist, reduction of worldwide population plans and has funded millions of murders of unborn babies.

In a speech in 1994, during the Annual Ambassadors’ Dinner he discussed how the U.N. should sustain the world’s population. ‘Stabilizing the population’ – as Rockefeller called it – actually meant vaccinations, sterilization, encouraging abortions, using food as a weapon, and viewing disease and war as a means of “correction” to stop population growth.

David Rockefeller was also the Chair of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) as well as the founder of the Trilateral Commission, both of which have been behind pushing a state of constant war and promotion of a communist style one world government for decades.

Communist Style One World Government

The end goal of almost all of Rockefeller’s “work” over his lifetime, as he admitted in his biography, is a communist style one world government.

Government is an unnecessary evil and the bigger it is, the worse it is… and Rockefeller thirsted for the biggest government imaginable to dominate everyone in the world.

The reason he and many other globalists like communism, is because they can sit at the top of the food chain, with monopolies over all their industries (without any competition) while the rest of humanity lives in abject poverty below them.

Rockefeller’s view was that nearly all of humanity are useless eaters and he wanted to control them, dominate them and kill as many as possible.

For this, not a tear is being shed here at TDV that he is gone. And, for those who show up at his funeral, they will be outing themselves as having the same or similar beliefs and supporting a man whose crimes against humanity would take decades to fully tally up.


The globalists are into numerology, dates, and symbols and it comes of interest that David Rockefeller died on the spring equinox. Could this have some significance? Or, alternatively, could it be a sign the Earth, an anagram of the word “heart”, is beginning to cleanse and heal itself?

If the Queen of England, George Soros, and Jacob Rothschild all die on the summer, autumn and winter equinoxes this year then we’ll really know something big is in motion.

In the meantime, the world seems just a little bit brighter today.


This should be used for his wikipedia entry! LOL

Good news - anyone know if the fakebook connection checks out?

great article as always ! this LIME cover i postet 10/2015 -->

With him gone we can push harder for freedom for all people. Rockefeller only cared about himself and his family, many paint him as a philanthropist... that's very much devoid of facts.

It'll take more than that; we gotta get rid of ALL the banking cartels in the world; starting with the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, Bilderberg, the works. Then and only then, the world will FINALLY have peace.

Reshared @phibetaiota.
This is a very good review of the activities of David Rockefeller.
Thank you for posting.
Please see our new open source cyber Conference
taking steps to investigate more openly, the crimes
of people like the Rockefellers. We wellcome
participation for consensus.
~The Management

He probably just shed his skin and flew back to the hollow moon base where the reptilian shapshifters keep their headquarters. :D

I appreciate your posts, they keep me from the line of the faceless marching sheep heading faithfully over that cliff. Thank You.

There is no summer and winter equinox. Them are solstices.

This is a pretty good article. Unfortunately, it's marred by the fraudulent nature of Berwick's businesses. I've been trying to get a resolution with his passport company for months and no one will reply to my emails or even provide a phone number to call. Here's my allegations: https://liberty.me/discuss/t/jeff-berwick-and-tdv-immigration-part-2/

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