Donald "Big Government" Trump Approves Of Even Bigger Budget Than Obama

in #money7 years ago

Yesterday, the House passed another massive yearly “Omnibus Appropriations” spending bill which came in at a whopping $1.163 trillion! That’s more than Obama spent last year.

American’s who thought Donald Trump was really going to bring hope and change must really be shocked to see spending as yuge, or yuger than Obama’s.

Over the last 3 fiscal years, each of the US government’s yearly spending bills, or yearly “Omnibus Appropriations Acts” as parasitic bureaucrats like to call them, have been over $1 trillion US dollars.

Last year, the Omnibus Appropriations Act “appropriated” $1.067 trillion.

And back in December 2015, the senate and house under the Obama administration approved a similarly large spending bill at $1.1 trillion.

And now the Donald has surpassed them all, with $1.163 trillion.

And have no doubt that this is approved by Trump.

The White House said on Tuesday, “If the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2017 were presented to [President Trump] in its current form, his advisors would recommend that he sign the bill into law.”

Interestingly, there are no extra funds for Trump’s border wall that Mexico isn’t paying for in the budget.

What is included, and has increased, is $52 billion in spending for the Department of Offense.

Before being elected, Trump said the US should get out of Afghanistan, Iraq and should not be in Syria. He also warned Killary Clinton would attack Syria and get the US into World War III.

Since being elected Trump has dropped the Mother Of All Bombs on Afghanistan and has attacked Syria, bringing the US into direct confrontation with Russia and he is also on the verge of attacking North Korea which could bring the US into direct conflict with China.

Trump apologists say that the problem is Congress. But these people are clearly brainwashed slaves who actually believe the Presidential race each year is legitimate and that they have a choice in what the federal government does.

They don’t. They own you and you are a slave. Democracy is there to keep the slaves believing they aren’t slaves and that they, in fact, are the government!

They don’t. It’s a big club and you ain’t in it, as George Carlin so rightly said.

They’ll spend the next four years on CNN and Fox News analyzing all the minutiae of what Trump and the rest of the government are doing. There’ll be some scandals, some wars and constant debate about what should be done.

It’s all a big show to keep you distracted and make you think there is some hope for change.

There isn’t… not as long as people look to the government to give them freedom. And, if the revolution, or evolution, ever happens it won’t be televised.

So, turn off your television programming, renounce anything to do with the government, stop paying their extortion fees and stand up like a man and claim back ownership of yourself.

And, profit from it all. That’s what we do here at The Dollar Vigilante. We denigrate the government and the central banks every chance we get. We show how they are destroying the economy and impoverishing people.

And then we profit from it by selling our dollars in exchange for gold, silver and bitcoin.

Last year we made 99% for subscribers mostly in precious metals and gold stock investing.

And we’ve made subscribers fortunes in bitcoin which continues to hit new highs every day, currently, over $1,550.

The US Dollar has collapsed to 0.000637 Bitcoins today. It has fallen 99.999% against the cryptocurrency since 2009 and over 99% since we recommended it at $3 in 2011.

Join us (receive a special limited-time discount on the TDV newsletter here) as we help free the masses from slavery and help you profit massively while we do it.

Or just keep watching CNN and Fox, keep your money in dollars which have and are collapsing versus cryptocurrencies and keep hoping that every four years you can go into a curtained closet, tick a box on a piece of paper and hope someone saves you.


I Don't Give A Fuck About Donald Trump.

What the con man he is. He should get an Emmy. Check my page from time to time for political, crypto currency and world news.

Who is the new boss.......SAME as the old boss!

whoever doesnt believe trump is a hack by now is truly short of the mark. Check my page for lastest political and crypto news.

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