A Response to "Bitcoin Won't Work When SHTF"

I’ve been commenting a lot on bitcoin lately as it has had an amazing and volatile week.
One thing that I keep noticing in the comments, though, is at least one or two people always chime in and say, “Bitcoin is screwed when SHTF”.
SHTF is short for “$hit Hits The Fan” and generally means the time when the dollar collapses and the US, and many other areas, turns into a zombie apocalypse.
Of course, when the US dollar collapses, we will most likely see many areas of the US turn into a real life version of World War Z as drugged up, fluoridated, vaccinated, dumbed down Americans roam the streets once their EBT cards are turned off.
And, yes, this is not only a possibility but a very real probability in the coming years. The US government, CIA and Pentagon have been planning for this eventuality for a while.
But, when this happens, will bitcoin be “screwed”?
Well, there are a number of variables to think about.
There are many ways the “S” could “HTF”. For example, the US government may pull a 9/11 part II and do a false flag EMP attack as things get bad enough to turn off the power so Americans can’t tell the world about what is going on.
If that were the case there wouldn’t be any power, possibly for years, in many parts of the US.
And, yes, this would be very bad. In fact, if you lived in any major metropolitan areas where there was no power, the last thing you’d be thinking about is bitcoin. You wouldn’t be thinking about gold either. Nor would you be thinking about much else, other than how many rounds of ammo you have and where your food supply was stored.You’d be too busy running from the zombies to care about anything else.
But, even in this situation, that would likely just be the US, and possibly some surrounding areas. The rest of the world would still have power and they’d be able to easily access their bitcoin.
Other “SHTF” situations could include a worldwide nuclear war. This also is actually a very real possibility. Thanks to governments across the world we actually sit on the edge of annihilation.
But, if that were to happen, bitcoin wouldn’t be the only thing that would be “screwed”. Everything and everyone would be “screwed”. So why just point out bitcoin as being “screwed” in a SHTF situation?
It leads one to ask, are these people posting on bitcoin articles about bitcoin being “screwed” when the SHTF also posting on other sites? Like on sports sites? When an article talks about how the Yankees beat the Red Sox, are these same people on there posting, “Baseball is screwed when the SHTF!”
It’d seem rather insane, or at least very negative, to be posting about the apocalypse on a baseball story… so why do it on a bitcoin story?
The reason is because these people have a subconscious hatred for bitcoin because a) Gold has not performed as well as bitcoin and b) because they missed out on the massive gains to date.
To those people, you need to let go of your hatred. Your hatred manifests in your own body and people just really won’t even want to be around you as you shout at the TV every time they say bitcoin has hit a new all-time high.
And, as well, your obsession with SHTF scenarios is also not healthy. As I said above, the scenarios are very real. But they also may not happen.
Who knows, perhaps people across the world will begin turning their backs on government and central banks and adopt bitcoin as their currency of choice. In this situation, we may have a few months of massive change and some crises, but very quickly, the world would move onto being more peaceful and prosperous than any of us can imagine today.
That’s what I’m trying to do. I’m trying to move things in that positive direction.
The SHTF bitcoin haters, though, would rather sulk and obsess about apocalyptic scenarios where they won’t have to think about how stupid they were for ignoring bitcoin since 2011.
Get rid of the hate, buy some bitcoin and join the revolution. You’ll like yourself more and others will like you too.
Or just keep posting “Bitcoin is ‘screwed’ when SHTF” and look like an idiot.
We have written a book, called Bitcoin Basics (click here for more) to help get you up to speed if you want to do the right thing… and, maybe like we have been doing for 6 years now, you’ll also profit handsomely from it.
The choice is yours.

in apocalypse internet wont work, so id stick to gold
I think it is great to think about worst case scenarios and how to continue living and saving your value.
Due to Hollywood most people think about zombie like scenarios or a great war. Unfortunately one of the worst threads is very easy to become a reality:
the powergrid fails
the consequences: internet isnt working, communication not possible, food supplies dont work anymore... there is even a book written about it "black out" by Marc Elsberg.
So depending on the situation i am afraid bitcoin, USD, EUR, gold are the least of our worries then -.-
I've seen these statements as well in the comment section. I try to get a feel for the vibrations and conversations happening. Most of the time these people don't even phase me...as I'm looking for something that might be valuable.
I bought BTC last year in Feb when it was worth aorund $420 USD. I have invested $500 CAD back then and today my accounts are worth over $1400. All I have done is watch it grow. If I had left that money in the bank it would be worth less than $500. today. I love BTC, and I believe they will not mess with the internet because they need it as much as we do.
If you want your money to hit the fan, send it to Berwick. He'll gladly pocket it and then forget you ever paid him. Read my fraud allegations against Jeff Berwick of TDV Media here: https://liberty.me/discuss/t/jeff-berwick-and-tdv-immigration-part-2/
I try not to worry about doomsday scenarios that I personally can do nothing about. If shit happens, then it happens. Until then I aim to enjoy whatever time the universe has seen fit to grant me in this life.
I don't really like it when cryptocurrency enthusiasts get overly fanatic about a certain coin and start treating it as a religion. I like Bitcoin. It's made me a lot of money over the past year. Yeah, it is showing its age and has numerous flaws, which I acknowledge. But that doesn't stop me from buying it and enjoying the rising prices. You've got to go with the flow, as they say.
But I also like other cryptos. I try to keep my portfolio diversified and not go all in on any one coin. Personally I really like Ethereum as an evolution of Bitcoin's technology. Bitcoin is like a VCR, and Ethereum is a DVD player. And I'm not letting myself get too attached to the DVD player either. If someone comes along and invents the Blu-Ray of crypto, I'll look forward to making money off that too.
stupidest planning solution ever btw. no planning at all guarantees that if anything goes wrong, you're first to die. especially with impending US civil war, and FEMA camps... I'd say this is the most tone deaf comment I've ever seen. slow clap.
Sigh. Yes it will. You print out paper wallets, load them up with small denomenations, and hand them out like cash. don't get gold, is too hard to split up. Get silver, and get it tomorrow before they run out. That is if you like making money. Get pre 1965 US dimes. Bitcoin will work during SHTF. You just have to think outside the box.
If shtf bitcoin will be worthless. No internet derps. This is stupid.
Great read! :D
In an apocalypse the currency will be canned food and candy bars lol