Update Freedom Fund

in #money7 years ago (edited)

Another month has passed on my dividend income journey and I want to give you a short update on my portfolio for mid September 2017. Currently the portfolio has already reached a size of 54 472.05 EUR. The portfolio contains of 35 companies and one ETF so far.

In August and September I added the following position to my portfolio:

Veolia Environment: 75  shares at a price of 19.54 EUR
General Electric: 95 shares at a price of 24.54 USD

This investments will now add about 136.00 EUR before tax to my annual dividend income. It is just nice being able to make an investment worth of more than 1000 EUR per month. It increases the amount of money, which is working for me and it reduces the time I have to work for money the way I am doing it right now :). So it is a win win situation, and I have to say investing just makes fun. For me it is already normal to put every month some money in the market. Of course there will come other times as well, with decreasing stock prices but this is time we have to be greedy.

Now I am invested in already 35 companies which is already a lot, and I still have a couple of on my watch list :).

Overview Portfolio


I also calculated my overall performance of my portfolio for the last 12 months, including dividends after tax and of course considering the investments. For the dividend investor the performance is not so important but it is still nice to see that you are not doing so bad :). In August and September the overall performance was a little better compared to July, but this mainly comes from the last 2 weeks where the market performed slightly better. Nevertheless I see that some of my dividend stocks are a little under-performing, which is not a bad sign as it gives us some good buying opportunities.

Currently my best performing stock is Cummins (CMI) with a gain of 68.84% and my worst is Greene King (GNK) with a loss of -30.15%, but I am thinking about adding some stocks of as the current dividend yield is extremely high with almost 6.0%.


Anyway as long as the dividends are coming in and my projected dividend income increases month by month I am more than happy. Currently my full year dividend income is 1 465.60 EUR that is an increase of 6.1% compared to July...

Keep on investing guys!!

How was your development of the portfolio or any other thoughts about my portfolio?

Disclosure: I do not recommend any decision to the reader or any user, please consult your own research. Thank you for your understanding.


Nice job! Dividend income reports are fascinating to me, mostly because once you stop look only at the dollar amount and focus on the % increase, you can really see the potential for effortless income. Will definitely be following your journey!

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