Are banks about to charge negative interests on deposits ?

in #money8 years ago

I just discovered some reports that ABN AMRO is about to charge negative interest rates on deposits. This is scary because this might trigger other Western banks to follow. If banks chose this path, expect precious metals and cryptocurrencies to soar. If you don't own any of them yet, now might be a moment to think about whether you want to acquiring some.

Dutch article:

English article:


@diego24 This i bad news in the mainstream but good news for the crypto world.... if this thrend will continue, i wouldnt be surprised that mass adaptation on digital currencies will come.

They will have to do it

@diego24 Just put all your money in SBD. You get bank like liquidity and USD safety.

That's a very good idea. But first I need to be more sure about steemit's security before I put all my money in here. But a part of it would is definitely a sound idea.

this is pretty much what i did recently. half of my assets ar in NXT for free ardor, half of it are in SBD

I was five years too early on gold and silver and a few years too late on the cryptos 😃

You were not too early on gold and silver, neither too late on cryptos. Once hell breaks lose, you will be happy you have all 3 of them ;-)

your right, mass adoptation for crypto has yet to come. i also got on board cryptos just a year ago

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