in #money7 years ago


These two transactions are clearly visible on steem blockchain but even after poloniex enabled back steem and sbd they're still not in my wallet there:


As a person who lost 6 BTC when MTGOX went under the ice, I have to conclude that this pattern of delays and zero response rate from poloniex support mimics exactly the behaviour during last days of an exchange. I hope I'm wrong, but I just want to point it out.

In the meantime, I have switched to Bittrex completely.


Ja sam se drndala 2 meseca sa njima da mi skinu 2AF.
(sva sreća pa sam imala nešto sitno alt coin-ova samo u walletu njihovom)
Prijavljivao mi sajt konstantno 2AF error iako mi je autenticator najnormalnije sinkan sa gmail-om.
Posle 4 agenta sa kojima sam pričala i svim mogućim ID transakcijama i adresama koje sam slala, skinuli mi 2AF, ušla lepo i u roku od 2min sam samo sve poslala na bittrex. Hello goodbye Poloniex-u :D

Over the weekend I'm going to open a Bittrex account poloniex making me nervous. Cheers mike

I have taken all out of poloniex, it's to shady

polo turned real shady, Thats best never hold funds on an exchange and use a dex like blocktrades or openledger

Troubling signs for sure...

I prefer poloniex rather than bitrex

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