why is money important

in #money6 years ago

Money does not buy happiness.”
We have heard this? A lot of times, but our culture sends us two very contradicting messages about money, which includes

  1. a message that conveys to us that money is not everything.
  2. There is a feeling that money is somehow dirty.
    according to Epictetus “wealth consist not in having great possessions but in having few wants” But money is important, and here, today, I’d want to get all of us to agree on this one assumption. Whatever we feel about money, people with money, or the pursuit of money, can we at least agree that money is important. We can go into more details, try to define what exactly it means, to say that money is important, or what kind of money is important. But for now, will you agree with me that dismissing money as unnecessary is a mistake?
    It’s Not Having What You Want. It’s Wanting What You’ve Got
    “Wealth consists not in having great possessions but in having few wants”. Having few wants is the best insurance against greediness, because human wants are insatiable, it’s in the human nature to keep wanting more, and the more you have, the more you want.

It’s a simple psychological process: you have the basic needs like

  1. Food
  2. Clothing
  3. Shelter

although we do worry think about dealing with emergency situations; we become wealthier, and you enjoy the extra luxuries very much for a few years, but then it becomes our new “normal.” Now, surrounded by wealthier people, we look around, and feel unhappy. They have more than us. we want more. But when we get more, we are unhappy again.
It’s a never-ending cycle and this is what explains why so many ultra-wealthy celebrities keep doing commercials. They have so much, but they always want more. They never get to a point where, if offered a million dollars for doing a commercial, they simply say, “You know what? No, thank you. I have enough.”



Nice topic, waiting for the next blog.

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