ICE NINE. The Elites are going to freeze and seize your bank account !! Has already happened in several countries

in #money7 years ago (edited)

Financial markets were effectively frozen in Cyprus in 2013, Greece in 2010, and Argentina in 2002.  Those were all dry runs for the next big big big big big financial crisis.

ICE NINE as a Special Water Molecule that Freezes at 45.8 Celsius

ICE NINE is a polymoprh of water invented in a fictional story by Kurt Vonnegut.  With a different freezing point of 45.8 Celsius (114.4 Fahrenheit)  Once this polymorphed molecule comes into contact with regular water, all the regular water molecules freeze. Regular water morphs into the polymorph on contact. The contagion spreads very quickly, and all the water on the planet is frozen in the blink of an eye. The entire system goes "ICE NINE". 

ICE NINE for Financial markets

ICE NINE by Jim Richards refers to a hypothetical scenario for a future financial crisis, where your bank account is frozen by the government, probably for three or four months, while the world transitions to SDRs (aka "world money"). No more USD.  No more Euros.  No more Yuan.  No more Pounds.  No more Swiss Francs.  Everyone moves to SDRs as world money, which reliquifies the global financial markets.  

Sort of similar in the end state as letting hyperinflation run rampant for two or three years, letting existing currencies get destroyed in the hyperinflation firestorm, and then you start over. 

But instead of going through a two or three year chaos firestorm period of hyperinflation, major world governments cooperate to skip the two to three years of hyperinflation, and just transition to a new currency without going through the chaos period.

Financial markets will go ICE NINE

The central banks have run out of room to print more money in the face of an new impending financial crisis.  So where will liquidity come from in the next global financial crisis?  The problem will be too big for the Central Banks to manage.

Someone has to step in with even deeper pockets and a relatively clean balance sheet.

Enter the IMF - International Monetary Fund.

They have a concept on the books called SDRs - Special Drawing Rights.  Literally "world money".

They started issuing SDRs in 2009, preparing for the eventuality that the Central Banks could not contain the 2008 financial meltdown. But the Central Banks managed to stop the contagion from spreading uncontrollably in 2008/2009, and the IMF backed off on SDRs.

The IMF will be called in during the next financial crisis, for an "immediate" solution to the liquidity crisis.  They will offer SDRs. There will be a transition period to get to SDRs. During this period, financial markets will be frozen. But you can't just freeze a part of the financial system. Money will leak into the functioning portions of financial markets, and then transition becomes harder. So all financial markets will be frozen. Your bank accounts will be frozen. The stock markets will be shut and frozen.  All electronic financial markets will be frozen. 

There will be an attempt to freeze the crypto-currencies. Governments will probably succeed in freezing crypto markets, since they can control who gets on/off the internet and monitor what flows over the internet. You know that the NSA has full records for every keystroke you have made over last 10 years, right? You know that the NSA has recordings of every phone conversation you have had over the last 10 years, right? Between the NSA and Chinese military, you don't believe that the internet can be reigned in and controlled in 24 hours?

The only safe asset that you will be able to personally control and manage outside the easy purview of the governments that are going to implement the ICE NINE treatment for all financial market will be land and physical precious metals.   

Buy physical gold bullion and hide it. 

Buy physical silver bullion and hide it.

Buy physical platinum and palladium and hide it.

I'm sure this won't be a popular concept for anyone worshiping at the altar of the cryptos. 

It's relatively OK to call the baby ugly. But don't criticize a man's religion at risk of starting a fight. Or maybe starting a war.

Cryptos are going to change the world and usher in an era of permanent peace, sweet butter in every churn, greener grass in every field, and everyone will have Lake Wobegon intelligence levels, according the religion of cryptos. The idea that government could shut it all down and freeze the network in 24 hours is sacrilege. 

Sorry for being sacreligious. And poking a few holes in your crytpo religion.

Just wanted to get a different point of view on your radar.  Don't stop thinking !!

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Jim Rickards, as is true with many doomsday scenariosts, has a lot of doomsday advise out on the internet that is necessarily more often wrong than right. This is to be expected since doomsdays are by defintion uncommon, not a weekly occurrence (LOL). Crisis' do happen from time to time. When they do most of the doomsday folks will be able to point to their predictions as evidence of their advance knowledge and early warnings. Broken clocks are also right twice in every 24 hour period.  So large doses of grains of salt are appropriate, unless you have high blood pressure when grains of salt should be consumed in moderation.


They only masked the financial problems in 2009 and their "solution" has given us an even worse catastrophe that could come at any time. I keep some bullion but not as much as I'd like to have if it really hits the fan.

I'm not certain what you say is going to happen will but it's completely plausible. The NSA has a terrifying amount of information and the world governments have us under their thumbs. They just haven't used the resources they have to their fullest potential. Yet.

Next financial crisis will be the big one, all the resources and tools will be used, small guys will get run over

A little alarmist feeling for me, but it is the truth. The REAL kicker is that the ACC is now setting up as the facade for SDR...

The SDR is going to be the global currency.

Right...but people won't even know they are in it. The ACC will make it possible to digitize all hard assets...which means that even if you have it in hand it you may not really own it.
I need to learn more about this all, but it seems like they have it almost set up.

Indeed. I'm going to share the video with as many people as possible. Thanks for posting it.

The US dollar is collapsing. Buy silver or loose everything in the greatest collapse in human history, already begun.

US dollar collapse is going to happen, implications are beyond most folks ability to imagine

It is not fictional anymore.

Government of India had frozen its citizens accounts for more than 3 months in an effort to carryout 'demonetization' during which Citizens were not allowed to withdraw more than $30 per day for 3+ months.

Although this was for a CLEANup of corrupt system (much needed), it just shows the power Government holds!

For governments that have any marketing capabilities at all, they can create the back story on why their actions are really "for the best" of the population, sand they can sell that story. Kudos to government of India for having some finesse in their marketing of the crisis they were fixing.

They sometimes "CREATE" the "EMERGENCY" so people willingly participate (not talking about India, it was due overhaul for many decades)

Full upvote here. This was very insightful.
I have been thinking about what the governments around the world planned to do during the next financial crisis. Somehow I have been sceptical about a total collapse because people (and states) most often figure out another way around the problem. SDRs might be their way of having the wheels keep on turning after a couple of months. But the trust in their currencies (including SDR) must suffer and free market cryptoassets WILL flourish.

Thanks for opening my eyes
Time to buy gold..

Governments seem to exist in many cases, to keep the current group who are in power today, in power tomorrow. Governments don't want to see anarchy on the streets, in a total apocalyptic scenario with total lawlessness. Whoever has the most ammunition, firepower and biggest gang controls each block in every city and town. Largest majority of people don't want this type of lawlessness.

When governments offer to step in and "solve" the crisis with SDRs, the population will be overwhelmingly in favor of the scenario that "saves the day". Look what happened in 2008. Many of the actions of the US government, under Geitner and Bernanke were illegal, but they were still hailed as heroes.

Stack up on your cryptos... just gotta hope they don't shut down the internet too!

Hope is not a strategy. The internet will be "controlled" during the crisis

There will be an attempt to freeze the crypto-currencies. Governments will probably succeed in freezing crypto markets, since they can control who gets on/off the internet and monitor what flows over the internet. [...] Between the NSA and Chinese military, you don't believe that the internet can be reigned in and controlled in 24 hours?

Detail more on this please.

There are seven major companies operating as Tier 1 peering points. All that governments need to do, on a coordinated basis, is shut down peering traffic across these 7 networks, and the internet is severely hobbled.

Some folks may argue - it is impossible to shut down the entire internet, there are always going to be some rogue nodes and rogue networks. True. But a few small nodes isn't what people think of today as "the internet", which is a global machine carrying thousands of Petabytes of traffic.

Shut down the 7 major Tier 1 peering points, and you've taken a Ferrari and turned it into a broken skateboard with 3 wheels. The internet would still exist. But it would be nothing like the internet you know today. Think back to dial up modems and 300 baud connections. What you would have left operating would probably be less capable than that.

PoW activities by miners that take minutes and hours today, would turn into weeks and months. If they could still run at all.

If you have BTC in your own private wallet, you would still own that BTC. But where/how will you transact? Where/how will you convert to fiat?

Seven majors:
Level 3 - USA - 79% all IPv4 addresses
Cogent - USA - 34% all IPv4 addresses
Global Telecom - Italy - 39% all IPv4 addresses
TeliaSonera - Sweden/Finland - 34% all IPv4 addresses
NTT Comm - Japan - 43% all IPv4 addresses
Tata - India - 28% all IPv4 addresses
Telecom Italia - Italy - 24% all IPv4 addresses

These powerful elites are already controlling everything and I'm not surprised reading this . For the better or worse , crypto is causing its ups and downs .

Fast. Cheap. Borderless. Bail out free. Bail in free. ben shalom bernanke free. janet yellen free. goldman sachs free. anonymous. voluntary. government free. Violence free. comex manipulation free. decentralized. inflation free. eternally capped at 21,000,000. uncounterfeitable. no storage or security overhead. It is perfect in every way. Bitcoin. Use it. Live it. Love it. It is superior to fiat in every way. p.s. I am a silver bug.

BTC is wonderful in all the ways you have listed. And the train comes off the track when the internet gets controlled and major peering points for global traffic are disconnected. Just needs a few governments to collaborate on a coordinate solution, and the global internet that you take for granted today is gone in a poof.

What exactly are the BTCs you have stored in your private wallet good for in that scenario?

Who and how are you transacting the BTC into xxxx? into fiat? How? Into gold or silver? How?

Honestly, I just do not understand why one should buy bullions of platin and gold. Where should you put them? Most people do not live in big houses on the countryside. And if there is going to be this apocalyptic scenario, what good will having a few pieces of gold do to you? In that case you want food and water.
Also, the governments are not just able to shut crypto down like that. I am certainly aware that things are looking extremely dire in the financial system, but there is not going to be a single world government taking control of everything in such a short time span.
--> Diversify your assets, get out of debt and keep your eyes open

Do you have any idea of the volume of $1million USD of gold? You can put it under your bed with no problems, and still have room to put $4Million more beside it.

You don't need a big house in the countryside to easily store $5Million USD.

If you have a lot more than $5Million USD to worry about and store - you can afford to buy yourself some help on you storage problem, LOL

Ok, that is obviously correct, it is rather easy to store e.g. 10k in gold.
The problem I see rather is "what then?". I would not be able to buy something with that gold, and governments have also forbidden the usage of gold before. Easy to speak out against those terrorists which are hiding their wealth and are thus responsible for the governments collapsing.

Presumption is small pieces of gold could be used for trade and barter.

Yes, I understand. Honestly though, crypto seems far more appealing to me. Our generation puts high value on digital things and things become more and more blurry - after all there are people paying several thousand dollars for a World of Warcraft item. Tangibility is not the main concern anymore in my opinion.

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