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in #money8 years ago (edited)

John Michael "Mick" Mulvaney was confirmed to lead the White House Office of Management and Budget

by a vote of 51 to 49, narrowly making the cut over a unified front of Democrats, joined by Senator John McCain of Arizona, the chairman of the Armed Services Committee who accused Mr. Mulvaney of being antimilitary. Mr. McCain was angered by Mr. Mulvaney’s support for firm spending limits on the Defense Department.

According to the filings, Mulvaney held $50,000 to $100,000 in precious metals at the end of 2015. In addition, the South Carolina congressman holds stock in numerous gold and silver mining corporations totaling $252,000 to $855,000, according to the filing.

In a speech obtained by Mother Jones, Mulvaney told the John Birch Society, a group that believes the only legal forms of currency are gold and silver coins, that the Fed had "effectively devalued the dollar" and "choke[d] off economic growth."

In the same speech, Mulvaney also praised bitcoin, saying the cryptocurrency could not be "manipulated" by the government.

**ALL but one video I posted were removed after posting them here....

05/06/12 Rep. Mulvaney Questions Rep. Waxman (D-CA-30) on Auto Bailouts

10/12/12 Congressman Mick Mulvaney (SC-5) on the Federal Reserve

[Two videos vanished Low-Cost Energy & Ben Bernanke ]

16/07/14 Rep. Mulvaney Questions Federal Reserve Chair Yellen

07/07/16 Rep. Mick Mulvaney Questions FBI Director James Comey

[Two videos vanished Iran Cash Transfer & High Price of EpiPens ]

29/09/16 Rep. Mulvaney on Wells Fargo Scandal

Mulvaney has gone on the record, stating:

"Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize the financial services industry, the U.S. economy, and the delivery of government services, and I am proud to be involved with this initiative on the ground floor."

According to, "in September, he kickstarted Bitcoin Caucus, a joint initiative with fellow congressman Jared Polis to increase Bitcoin awareness inside Washington. Launched in conjunction with Coin Center following two years of cooperation, the Caucus is designed to 'help … colleagues stay up to speed on evolving digital currency and blockchain technologies, and develop policies that advance them.'"

Blockchain Tech: From Hype To Reality

According to [this] report, almost 50 per cent of banks have already invested in the blockchain technology or are contemplating to do so this year. The report projects that the average investment in blockchain in 2017 will reach about $1 million. "Out of the banks surveyed, 69% are currently experimenting with permissioned blockchains, with 21% planning to use hybrid variants. 2017

" “This research reaffirms our belief that the blockchain technology has potential to help banks reimagine banking processes. The technology can help banks automate inter-organization processes, significantly improve transparency and reset existing operational benchmarks. Several progressive organizations have already executed pilots to validate these propositions. We believe, in the coming quarters, the industry will experience greater momentum towards rolling out lab-pilots to real-life use cases,” said Sanat Rao, Chief Business Officer and Global Head, Finacle."

"Through the survey results we can safely assume that blockchain technology would be a key focus area for banks for the next 2 years. It is no longer a question of whether banks will adopt blockchain, but when and how they will implement it."

"Following is our brief assessment on how we see the adoption of blockchain unfolding in the next decade."

"While blockchain still maybe some way away from massive mainstream adoption, banks are already seeing the benefits from the implementation of POCs. However, blockchain isn’t merely a disruptive technology. When adopted, blockchain will create a new foundation for banking processes. It will introduce efficiency in banking transactions and change the way we exchange value and money in the society."

If all these Bitcoiners keep joining the administration...


Four FIVE ALL but one video I linked just vanished because the user closed their account. How strange....

"The OMB director puts together the budget," he continued, his voice hardly containing the excitement of now being in charge. "It handles every executive order. It is the clearing house for every single federal regulation. It has input into all the management of all of the federal agencies ... It is involved with everything. And I thought, 'that's where I want to be.'"

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