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RE: Becoming financially literate earlier in life associated with reduced anxiety later in life according to study

in #money7 years ago (edited)

Lastly, all I said in the original post definitely still applies.

  • We are all born with wealth if we are for instance born healthy.
  • Many of us are born with natural gifts, talents, which we can choose to develop or not.
  • Those who chose to develop their natural gifts, may build wealth from their initial wealth.

For example if we look at the life of Arnold Schwarzenegger and all he accomplished, he had a natural talent (genetics) for building muscle. He decided to become a body builder and take it as far as he could take it. He didn't go into the gym and see people bigger than him, who trained longer than him, and think he should just quit. Instead he had the confidence, the self esteem, the self belief, the drive, to want to be the greatest body builder who ever lived.

So he went to the gym consistently every day, for years. Of course he used whatever drugs and or treatment his peers were using in those days. He worked on his poses, he worked on his discipline, and he won Mr Olympia after losing. He lost to someone more naturally gifted than he was but he didn't quit, he came back and won, again and again and again.

So what is the point? We have an example of a person who leveraged their wealth to build their wealth. By going from body building to acting, he leveraged his success in body building to build on that to be successful in acting. He also was very financially literate, he made lots of money running businesses as well.

The point is that wealth can compound. It doesn't matter what form of it you start with, if you leverage whatever you start with and preserve and build from there. Financial literacy is just the financial aspect of it, the money aspect, such as not to go into debt on a mortgage from a predatory lender, or not to use credit, or to not hold cash savings when you can hold assets which appreciate in value if you know cash is decreasing in value due to inflation.

  • Physical health.
  • Brain power.
  • Knowledge or early access to information.
  • Born into a powerful family in a certain location.
  • Born into a race which has mostly positive rather than negative stereotypes.
  • Born into a gender which is not mistreated.

All these are natural advantages and are unfair. It's a roll of the dice . Even people who have some of the disadvantages that come with being born into the wrong environment, society, or circumstances, or in the wrong era, can find that opportunities do come along sooner or later for most. If they don't come along then they can be created if a person is prepared to take risks.

The alternative to thinking "I'm a victim of my circumstances", is to try to look objectively at things and focus on whatever advantages you do have. Just knowing Steem exists, knowing blockchain technology exists, having an Internet connection, most of that is just luck. People who got in on Steem early on in the birth of the network were some of the most lucky. They hopefully will leverage their good luck to give good luck to others.


I'll somewhat agree with your preposition that we're all born with "opportunity."

And, based on the actual thought and work you've put into these replies, I'm even willing to upvote them.

I posted some possible solutions to the problem you highlighted:

I want Steem to improve for everyone and will do what is best for Steem if a time should come where I have better ways to add value than to blog.

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