Can Steem Power my life?

in #money8 years ago (edited)

Its a good question, can I use the power of steem to finance my life? I think the answer could be yes. I would need about 500-600 SD a month for everything. Rent, food, smokes and any other extracurricular activities.

One advantage of living in Canada is that when we turn US $ into our pretty funny money we get more of it. Here is the breakdown and monthly cost in SD

Rent (cable, internet, power, heat, water)- 250 SD / month

Food (I have 3 children part time)- 200 SD / month

Smokes (includes vape gear)- 50 SD / month

Extra - 50-150 SD / month

Living good I would need an average of 16.666-20 SD / day from steemit. Cut things down to the very basic and  I would need a minimum of 11.666 SD / day average. This number seems more attainable to me mainly because I lucked into cheap rent in a nice home. 

It is going to be a challenge for this semi-autistic oddball to remember to keep posting content. Every cent adds up. Now if I could only get mining working on my linux or windows box, then I would be making steem in my sleep. Getting an error in windows about the witness and in linux I dont know WTF a boost is or where to find it so I can cmake steem. Oh well I'll figure it out eventually.


Another autistic! Me too :)
That's actually really good to break down your numbers and know how much you need to get by. I'm trying to get my son to join because he's having a very hard time getting hired anywhere. So keep coming back with posts and especially comments! Build up your community :) Good luck

Thanks @merej99 I am actually in the middle of typing something up on the power of comments and plan on using comments a lot over the next couple weeks to prove the income potential from comments and how large comment sections draw new readers to an article.

Will be following you and wishing you well... Anything is possible with enough dedication :)

Steem On

Thanks a bunch, followers are an important key to steemit success.

I think it could definitely contribute to a more lavish lifestyle!

Hope you get all the cryptocurrency you can swim in!

Thanks judy and may the crypto-force be with you

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