
As long as bullies at large remain undeterred on this Wild West of a platform, it will not be safe for any level of investment. Minnows will pluck along, a select few might get lucky, and the rich get richer.... until?

One thing you are very 'right' about @cymela is your excitement regarding 'HEMP'...It is such a wonderful plant/crop with tremendous value to our population. If this wonderful plant is ever freed from the bonds placed upon it years ago by government at the behest of certain industrial figures of the past, we will 'all' benefit. Small, family type farms will have another shot at a 'bumper' crop once again.

That's exectly what we're trying to do. I know the CEO Bruce Perlowin. If Hemp takes off this company will be the leader. They're already #1:

I heard that Kentucky U.S.A. has a 'test' program in place for limited growth of Hemp crops by select applicants...Don't know how that is working out, or still going on.

Yes, it's true they do. 45 states have made Hemp legal. We we're expecting the Farm Bill to pass before the summer break, only on hold like ETF. All Hemp farmers need a place to process the raw plant material. Hemp Inc. currently has the only industrial sized plant. Like Bitcoin before other cryptos. Takes $20 million to build one and about 2 years.

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