The money system is a false religion

in #money6 years ago (edited)

Money is an imaginary idol used by dark occultists for mass mind control. The money system is rigged to rob the poor and feed the greedy 0.0001%. The solution is to realize the reality of how the money system works, and to realize the philosophical reasons why it is an idol and abomination. The general population of slaves is told many lies about money, that it is a representation of "value", that is "facilitates" exchange, and that is "stores" value. The truth is that nothing can represent value in reality, because value is 1, intrinsic to the usefulness of actual tools, foods, and resources, and 2, in the eye of the beholder. You can't eat money, or do anything else useful with it.
Money does not facilitate exchange, but in fact limits it. Think of all the art, goods, instruments, expensive foods, etc. just sitting in stores being of no use to anybody for the simple reason that nobody can afford to buy them. Walk in to any art gallery and you will notice that there are hundreds of paintings on the wall that have been there for multiple years in many cases. The owners of the galleries ask hundreds or thousands of dollars for these paintings, prices that nobody can afford, so they just sit there indefinitely. The reason for this is that the owners have to cover the monetary cost of doing business, which is purposefully made to be extremely expensive. "Ownership" of the building is based entirely on false principles, whoever's name is on a piece of paper at the bank supposedly "owns" the building, and the actual people who built the building and are currently using it supposedly have exactly 0% ownership in the building that they use every day.
This is not how true ownership really works in nature, and is a machination with the sole purpose of usurping mass amounts of property and resources, and making everybody the slaves of an elite class of central bankers, politicians, and corporate fascists. In nature, ownership is determined by who is using the piece of property, who rightfully attained it in the first place (meaning did not steal it), who is maintaining it, and who is defending it from trespassers. If natural moral law was recognized and respected, the people who actually work in the building everyday, hanging art on the walls, making food, or whatever they actually do, would be recognized as the owners of the building. They would not be expected to pay rent, mortgage, or property taxes to anybody else.
In nature, all rights are ultimately property rights, and the fundamental wrong-doing is stealing, taking that which is not yours to take. Your body belongs to you, your possessions and living area belong to you. Murder, rape, trespass, theft, assault, and coercion are all forms of stealing. Taking life, taking sexual freedom, taking security and peace of mind, taking property, taking someone's health, taking someone's right to choose and exist in peace, are all wrong-doings under natural law that generate suffering and karma which creates a hellish prison on earth.
True property possession has nothing to do with imaginary money systems, or with "authoritative" demands of central bankers, enforced by police violence. All of these false religions are designed by a hidden hand control class to steal your life, your time, and your shit, turning you into their food. These control-freaks claim the right to tell you what you can and can not put into your own body, effectively claiming ownership of your body.
The reason why they put the masonic all-seeing-eye, representing consciousness or god itself, on the back of the dollar bill, is to subconsciously program you into seeing money as your god, so that you will bow down and sell your soul, your values, and even your own children (in school systems) over to the slave-masters to be used, abused, sucked-dry and thrown away.
The truth is that money is a completely unnecessary, limiting "tool" that only prevents people from storing value, attaining value, and exchanging value. In truly free, "type 1" societies, there is no money system, and people just give their resources away to those in need, because they realize that all are one, and as one suffers, all suffer.
This situation cannot change until the majority of humans understand, care about, and act to change the causal factors in each others minds, hearts, and choices. It is a global problem that requires a global evolution in thinking, as Einstein said, "No problem can be solved by the same level of consciousness that created it."
The cryptocurrency revolution is the next iteration of money as an idol. Again the majority of these coins have no real, intrinsic value, and are just idols that require massive amounts of valuable computer resources to maintain. But the cryptocurrency, global decentralized blockchain money system is infinitely better than the fiat, central banker controlled systems of enslavement that are implemented in every country. Right now, the last day of 2018, happens to be an excellent time to buy cryptocurrency. My favorite pics are ZRX, BAT, EOS, and STEEM. Good luck, and remember the truth about "mon-eye".

Watch "Century of Enslavement, the History of the Federal Reserve"

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