bitcoin versus arzeholes, part Two of more . . .

in #money7 years ago (edited)

Grab a map, Canada has more polar bears than people NOT, Mexico ? there are enough Texans " loaded for bear " to hold up the Mexican army for a month.
Navy SEALS are stationed in CA, Army Green Berets in TX. What ' exactly ' is the military " threat " to The United States of America ?
[ How long do you think it takes to rearm an A10, or F15 or F22 Fighter Plane or a Apache attack helicopter ? I think you get my point ]
In case you are missing the OBVIOUS, America is a ISLAND surrounded by the two FLICKING Biggest Oceans on THE PLANET !
Check out the SIZE of the Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean, WHY such a HUGE Military; logic will tell you why . . .

China will simply stop wasting money on the USA ( China now owns LOTS of America LEGALLY ) and is simply prepared to WAIT
until America can NO LONGER AFFORD its " Defense Forces " then China will simply ' reclaim ' their RIGHTs under existing American LAW !

How many TRILLION Dollars does America now owe and to whom; my guess ? 14, ooo, 000, ooo, 000 ! US$
Who knows . . . Maybe The Pentagon is doing the accounting, it is a lot more than " bus fare " of that I am SURE !
( warning do NOT view if you are prone to seizures ! ) [ if you have severe heart disease, probably best to avoid also ]

I BELIEVE those communists sit in Hong Kong and simply stop wasting their money on an isolationist America, they watch the ELECTION and laugh,
one Communist says to another while laughing ' do you think the Americans realise RED is THE Colour of COMMUNISM ?

The friend replies, who cares ? even if we wait 50 years; we will WIN ! ! !

The friend replies Do you think we will be alive to SEE it ?

The reply is " who cares about one Chinese among a BILLION people; the Communist Party will be here still ! ! ! "

Western Professional Politicians are lucky to plan up to their next sub-contract; some other Countries PLAN Decades of years into the unknowable future.

Change of topic . . .
Oh yeah is Obama a LAW professor or a Law lecturer ?

And . . . why does he need a ship load of other people to write his books for him? But HE seems to need the annual retirement pay of US$200,000 to pay the team of Lawyers he needs on those Book Deals ;)

Probably his busy speaking engagements at around who knows 400,ooo US$, or maybe he is busy on his estimated cost of his Library estimated at somewhere between 500 Million or probably over 1.5 Billion Dollars,
hey even an Ex-President needs a bookcase; Right ...

How much time did he find to help Hillary on the Campaign trail ? why was that ;)
Maybe he did not want to waste his time ? ? ? LoL . . .
Maybe he knew something already ;)
Maybe he was busy with book deals, who knows...

I BELIEVE you got a lot of lost years of Government pay ground to make up for...

Why waste money on a Presidential Election Campaign; right ;)

Maybe there are lot less letters in the Alphabet of Politics than in the Real alphabet.
Time 4 sum Calculus . . . B + c + O = T - c ?
Who knows; forget it, I suck at Algebra...
Enough Math; my head hurts, ( smoko break, again; more F'in tax dollars, did I mention I hate arzeholes ?. . . )

Out of recent American presidents only Jimmy Carter (Jimmy Carter is one kool Dude actually, as this article shows he hired a convicted murderer and promptly put them in charge of a 3 year old, as you do, LoL ;) and George H _ Bush have actually seen Military Service in the Defense of their Country.

Now being an Aussie I would probably have a beer with George H _ Bush, if someone else was buying; what Aussie would not unless under Doctors Orders.

But most Aussies do not drink with Arzeholes,
I am only referring to convicted mass murderers here;
and NOT !!!
George H _ Bush is NOT on that list of War Criminals; just pointing that out clearly...


So you might be wondering WHY this convicted mass murderer is walking around in his ' Made in America ' camouflage outfit still...

Enter Stage Left (History) a former American President who seems remarkable very little informed about SEX, LoL.
(refer to)
The International Criminal Court versus The United States of America.
( which means sort of America will try Americans in American owned Courts and the rest of the World can go fuck itself ;) which makes ME wonder why I am PAYING Australian TAXES ! )

And why America cannot win any fucking WARs after SIXTEEN Years against Countries that have no armies ?
[ side-road ]
Why give someone a job right?
Seriously; have you seen fuel prices?

I wonder how much Defense Contracts are WORTH ;)

Oh an American has used that word WORTH 2 ( see below )...

( back on track )
Probably because Huge Businesses know that tax payers will NOT continue to fund the Military should America Win wars.
(you will see why below)

Topic change again...
Imagine you are 38 years old, you are driven by a need to find a CURE for Breast Cancer, 5 years,
ten years, 15, 20 and now YOU are SO invested in NOT finding a CURE.
After 25 years YOU are now 63 and your Retirement is just not enough, your Vacation and Health Care are KEY components
of your every day life. As you fall into bed exhausted from financial stress; your WORST nightmare replays over and over,
YOU have heard someone has a remarkable new treatment for Breast cancer.
Ship you think; I am 63 and going to be out of a job... WTF ! am I going to DO, krap I hope that Research ends up as useless as all the rest . . .
( Professional Fund Raisers now have life long careers ) . . .
Many of these organizations spend more money on raising money now than using that money for its true intended purpose.
This is not to be confused with " charities " that raise money NOT for its intended purpose at all.

All this is separate to SCAMMERS who never intended to do anything EXCEPT steal your money, (more on this below)...

Don't BELEIVE me, check out down-town Haiti and see what the International Donations actually did all those years ago after the Earthquake . . .
LoL I will let your mind work out where all that money ever went ( the ' Middle Man ' syndrome ) . . .
Seriously we really do need to have a more appropriate modern day term for that, like " go-between " or ' intermediary '...

Anyways, where was I ? . . . So if someone is confused over what a SEX Act is, so how does Hillary have kids ? [ anyways, never mind that we are here to talk about Arzehole's ].

[ OK sorry folks; time for a " Birds and the Bees talk " [ like your parents probably NEVER had with you, maybe ? ] and sorry if this offends your moralities but GIVING
a Head JOB iS a Sexual Act, just like homosexuality is a sex act, ( I do not " get " homosexuality ", that's my problem, the same way ' homosexuals do not " get " conventional ' sex ).
Who cares; consenting mature people have the RIGHT to do ' reasonable things '. That is the way the World is SUPPOSED to work.
Chicks GIVE head Jobs in EXPECTATION of a Return on Investment, ship happens and are usually " short-changed " about 99% of the time, but Live in HOPE !
sorry if that offends your purist sensibilities, but chicks are people also ! Get over iT ! ]

So Arzehole is such a Brave Patriot and successful business whatever LoL, arzehole continues in life seeking every photo opportunity it can find.

Arzehole is annoyed when it complains about a Former American President following arzeholes bullship activities and makes a statement something like
“I have no desire to see myself on television. I don’t want to be a panel of formers instructing the currents on what to do. ... I’m trying to regain a sense of anonymity.
I didn’t like it when a certain former president — and it wasn’t 41 or 42 — made my life miserable,” Bush said.

( Which means I am a convicted mass murderer under international law, I bribe, Politicans and Judges and Federal Agents. If it means profit
and someone will not be bought; I simply arrange a fatal car accident. Hell I would blow up a plane just to stay free of the ICC, but that attracts a lot of attention.
I buy Countries when I NEED to, otherwise I quietly mass murder entire villages since I have control over what makes the news.
Some former Presidents are " trust fund babies ", they understand the way the World works for the Rich.
But not some Peanut Farmer; why did you ever get elected into our " Club ". . . )

I believe Arzehole is still annoyed to have a " friend " open a ' white-wash ' investigation only to find the person was going to actually
TRY and do his job and thus Arzehole HAD to close that investigation prematurely . . .
[ find the reference yourself for once; I am busy BUYING Bitcoin ! ]

Uhm . . . I wonder what this means ?

Hey look at arzehole in 2017 :)

I wonder why Jimmy Carter is standing at least a FOOT away from all these other HAPPY TOGETHER Former American Presidents ???
Is it because he dislikes them ?

Here is Arzehole in all its Political Glory; at the end this convicted mass murderer Salutes the World . . .

Anyways enough about arzeholes; we are here to speak of something less important than mass murderers.

MORE about Former United States Presidents Etc. right after this brief . . .

Price chart,
(refer to)

Bill Gates on YouTube,
(refer to)

check out the look on this " journalists " face . . .

Here is another opinion on bitcoin...

Oh if you are wondering how secure Bitcoin is this human says
" everyone is walking around with a Swiss bank account in their pocket ".

Yeah that's kool by me; chick's dig money, happy to have a Swiss Bank Account EVERY DAY ! ! !

[ If your wondering what all this means to taxation etc.,
NOT MY PROBLEM ! ! !. THEY are the humans who voluntarily
sort high public office and Swore a Duty TO the American People,
they were never Drafted into public office; probably because many are
"Trust-Fund Baby's " ;) ! ]

Let a FLICKIN bunch of Politicians do their j-o-b for a change, just stop Em from stealing from my PURSE ! ! !

Trust me when I say; if they can lead me to Awesome TAX deductions they can lead me there by my pubic hairs !

INTERMISSION, we will be right back,
If you are wondering what might be KEY to all this missing money; a hint would be some arsehole with an
anonymously donated HEART (which is obviously) an improvement over the heart this convicted mass murderer
was " issued " when it was ' hatched '.


So back to The History of Former The United States of America past Presidents . . .
Seriously even hundreds of years ago, WTH is with flying a Kite in a THUNDERSTORM?
(refer to)

Here is another American President with questionable common sense,
(refer to)

... and guess who it ends with . . .
(refer to)

more on this . . .
(refer to)

How long has krazy ship been going on ?

Oh and if you are thinking about this little story; imagine this, it is safely secured
by lots of letters with copy and pasted labels printed on a Dumb printer.
Do you know how hard it is to buy any printer nowdays that does not have
a memory module ? Well it is easier than finding a FLIcking CD BURNER lately...
A friends car and long drives to post letters, thumb drives = USB Sticks and CD's.
Sleeping in the car and bathing in public toilets and free WiFi internet
connections in business car parks and Emails from unknowable email accounts
written into the future for delivery to over 99 people around the world.
(even I have no knowledge of those email accounts) I simply do not recall
since the human memory can only recall a certain amount, computers are better.
Oh and an unfortunate accident involving a computer hard drive disk and a woodchipper...

Cash is Good; bitcoin is BETTER, that is why you
to buy one BitCoin.
Well you do not need one Bitcoin; bitcoin has EIGHT decimal places
maybe you should BUY some . . .

Price chart...
(refer to)

Bill Gates, needs little introduction . . .

One Bitcoin will make you a Millionaire !
(refer to)

The Death of Money . . .
(refer to)

Madeline Albright; I BELIEVE I NEED to 2 remind you some humans have NOT been convicted. YE_ . . .

Hey; LOOK who it is ;)

Think about it, I am an Australian; EXPLAIN it to me, if you would ? Why does a quarter of a Billion people who live behind the Pacific Ocean (the LARGEST Ocean on EARTH) and the most bad Arze Ocean known;
the Atlantic Ocean need radar invisible planes that can fly half way around the world?

[ oops; side road ]

( back on course, of course )
Here we see a BILLION Dollar plane having a " Bad Day "

Would an arzehole convicted mass murderer arrange such a thing ? for profit ?

Ain't they pretty ?

Do you prefer this?

or this ?

Read about a couple of arzeholes Bromance here . . .
I wonder why these investigators cannot find any link, LoL...

That's right Folks

ADOLF FLICKING HITLER is alive an well and crawling around The Heart-Land of The Good Ole United States of America.

Ooh RAH ! ! !

Again as I said, I BELIEVE all the above is accurate since I checked many different uncensored internet sources.
There is that word again...


It is the same word used by the USA Justice Department to explain their refusal to prosecute the chiefs of tobacco companies
over allegations of PERJURY Charges stemming from their Testimony in 1994 long after the photo opportunity was over.

How many were prosecuted? That number is approximately the same number of modern day Federal Agents who testified as to
the effectiveness of Enhanced Interrogation Techniques ( that is a polite way of saying TORTURE and WAR CRIMES ) for PERJURY...

Very similar type of subtle though processing that lets the ' Pentagon ' use the term " Collateral Damage ", when PEOPLE overseas are KILLED.

Anyways you will have the find those references yourself,

I myself am to BUSY trying to find more money to buy Bitcoin.

Cheers . . .

Additionals :

Old news you think ? Who owns the LAND under The WALL which is not a wall but a Fence ?
Who will win those contracts; I BET you a BitCoin Arzehole knows who will get those contracts to build the wall...

LoL there is even some Dude running around trying to convince American TaxPayers to pay for The Wall LoL with
their AFTER Tax dollars simply so they can get something like a fraction of that Donation back against their Taxes LoL.
LoL I wonder who owns that land LOL . . .
He wants TAX payers to pay for it simply because no one else will buy ? some otherwise worthless land LoL.
Seriously, if he PULLS that off; HE will get a MEDAL like the human ( mentioned above ) got...

check out this little Gem ;)
Anyone recall that smile on his face as someone whispered in his ear ?

You probably know this man . . .

Could you imagine this smirking mass murderer doing that?

Does a mass murderer look so pretty in Made in China Camouflage gear ?
( how useful would it be for a mass murderer to ask another mass murder stuff ?, yeah right... )

Here is something he spoke about.

Guess what Arzehole has planned NEXT for America . . .
( or something like that; I do not communicate with arzeholes so I am only focusing on current defense thinking )
In fact if I could get away from my own arsehole I think I would be a happier person; but Mother Nature had other designs...
[ you should note the different spelling between arsseholes and arZeholes ] . . .

Seriously China and Russia are NOT nice to each other, even at the HEIGHT of the Cold WAR FULLY 30% of Russian Combat Power
was AIMED squarely at CHINA. Washington KNOWS Russia did not mess with the election,
China Knows Russia did not mess with the election.
Russia knows it did not mess with the election. The Pentagon might suck at auditing money; but
The Pentagon knows down to the last yard where EVERY Russian important Military facility is located, the same is known to the Russians
about America. If China ever felt that Russia did anything to UNITE the American people into a UNITED Country again by removing all
the divisions within American Society, the Chinese Communist Party would launch its
entire Economic and Military power upon Russia if they could, simply to punish Russia for being so stupid.
(Russia has approx. 7,ooo and USA some 6,800 Nuclear Weapons; such an exchange of Firepower would probably throw humanity back to the Caves ! )

One wonders what arzeholes might be motivated enough to " arrange " things like this, especially when spending
SHIP loads of money that belong to REAL people, not convicted Mass Murderers....

Being an Aussie and a practical sort of PERSON and KNOWING the good Master Sargeant was trying to HANG me by the Neck until dead,
yeah I might " dip " into ' petty-cash ' to save a scaley hide; after all SHIP I EVEN joined the FLICKIN Military to save my scaley hide . . .

Have you noticed the RECURRING Theme here? = NOT opening wallets ?

Ever wondered why military spending is so high ?
(you gotta have weapons to fight with; right ?) [ you can always buy more, right ? ]

Maybe some of the above explains stuff like this . . .

Oh I wonder what this means ?
I think you can think a LOT about that " coincidence ". . .
( I wonder if there were some accounting computers about where that " explosion " happened ;)

I am sorry; I have failed, I have searched diligently. But no one has so far as I can find " connected the Dots ".
Firstly I BELIEVE that is Bullship that an official investigation has ruled a PLANE hit the Pentagon.
Firstly the TIMELINE, plane hits North tower WTC, Plane hits South tower on 911,
some 57 minutes after that while the World iS Stunned who the FLICK CARES about the Pentagon...

So how long does it take to replace a few perfectly good light poles with bent lightpoles ?
and do some other outside damage to make it look like a plane hit the Pentagon?
= about 57 minutes. There is an arzehole who was running The Pentagon asking . . .

You guessed it for more money ! to upgrade The Pentagon accounting systems,
so how is that upgrade of The Pentagon actually working out for a bunch of arzehole
convicted mass murderers ?
Who got the Contracts to REBUILD NYC after 911 WTC? I BELIEVE I wonder . . .
Oh; where were we...
So anyways Pentagon accounting upgrades how is that working out for a bunch of
arzehole convicted mass murderers ?
I BELIEVE this might answer that trillion dollar question; in 2016 !

So the " greatest " ' Bank Robbery ' in Human history of a couple of trillion dollars in 2001 has simply
been UPSCALED to allow for " inflation " in 2016. All it needs is a bunch of convicted mass murderers
to ' control ' many aspects of mass media release and a ship load of Government departments.

Who better to pull off The Greatest Bank Robbery in History ? Maybe a bunch of Arzeholes getting PAID to
perform a SWORN Duty to make sure it never happens. And all you need is a few hundred
million ordinary people to simply believe the krap they are being told every day by smiling News Anchors.

Oh BTW; there WAS no Bank and the robbers are arzeholes ! Just want to point that out...

You know what ? next time I come to America I am going to hire myself a metallurgist or whatever the FLICK they
are called and wander into Fort Knox and TEST that GOLD to make sure it is real. No one has seen that
Gold for many decades now ?

Why is it in America everyone will talk about their POLITICAL loyalties; but no one talks about
important ship like how much they get PAID. Simply because the boss knows how much each worker
gets paid and does not want anyone to realise they have been getting paid less than their
best friend sitting next to them for the last seven years . . .

Sorry, I got distracted...
Oh yes; we were talking about GOLD, NO the American DOLLAR is NOT backed by anything
other than the word of a Politician.
American Fiat Banknotes have not been backed by a
Gold Standard for DACADES . . .

I Believe the REASON the US$ 100 BankNote is the Most powerful physical money in the world
is that the dude on the " Benjamin " was more a SCIENTIST than ' mere ' other politicians.

The Government Insurance fund that protects bank deposits.
Has lots and lots of dollar coins to juggle to get its books just right,
I BELIEVE I am not implying any mismanagement simply pointing out
it is a very delicate mechanism that keeps this insurance
company from going into bankruptcy.
Guess who fdic is suing in 2017 ?
FDIC would be backed by a USA Government who owes so much money overseas . . .

Not all banks or financial institutions are covered under the fidc insurance policy,
this is a list of failed banks . . .
I BELIEVE I want to point out I am NOT suggesting there is currently any problem at all, I am simply
publishing research. This is in no way connected with the fact that Banks, Economists
and Financial Gurus have been talking about how Americans are so over committed
and in debt for car loans. But no is listening much . . .
' Google ' " CAR LOAN CRISIS ".

Oh sorry; got distracted again; where was I ? oh yeah, MASS MURDER...

Well EYE Do CARE, some well over 120+ Brave Patriots lost their lives in the Pentagon that day !!!
Simply because some already convicted Arzeholes wanted to steal a bunch of money !

These ArzeHoles were convicted in Absentia simply because they were to cowardly to leave North America.
They are STILL CONVICTED MASS MURDERERS even if FLICKING scumbags were to cowardly to turn up to give their own Defense.
WHY did arzeholes not try and mount any Legal Defense; because they KNOW they are Arzeholes and have no LEGAL DEFENSE !

Anyways enough about useless arzeholes, I BELIEVE evidence points to a horizontal missile or whatever that hit the Pentagon.
This video show NOTHING really useful; it is more likely CGI (Computer Graphic Imagery) than evidence.

Like how touchup artists remove moles and Birthmarks from Bikini models before publication.

Who ORDERED those upgrades of the Pentagon. No matter it was probably some minor functionary acting on Orders.
WHY WAS THAT SECTION ORDERED for a Mandatory upgrade ?
What percentage of the Pentagon had been Super-Hardened ?
Were the accounting computers in that location ?
If so who would arrange them to be located in that section of The Pentagon ?
( I cannot find those answers maybe someone else can... )

I BELIEVE it was SUPER-HARDENED simply to withstand a massive outside missile strike !
[ to CONFINE Damage to that local area and to ensure ARZEHOLE was SAFE on the OTHER SIDE of the Pentagon ]
Radar Controllers report this " plane " was not acting like an airliner, (below).
Why was that area practically deserted due to Renovations, simply to keep the collateral damage of murdered victims low.
Why was no Senior Official of The Pentagon no injured, ... guess why ...
Why was a CURRENTLY Already Convicted Internationally Wanted Mass Murderer on the other side of the Pentagon,
one clue; saving scaley hides ! ! !

I have failed, everyone talks about the Pentagon and Planes and Damage NOT consistent with a Plane,
but so far NO ONE (as far as I can find) talks about the CONTENTS inside the Pentagon . . .
Here is snopes opinion
Maybe Snopes consulted Pentagon information ?

I BET YOU ONE BitCoin that it was accounting computers holding details of TRILLIONS of Dollars of missing money.
I will leave it to other investigators to find that ?
I BELIEVE this Truth and leave you with this image of a Brave American Patriot these CONVICTED Mass Murderers have HARMED...

Check out this footage from a Pentagon security camera...

( Which shows exactly . . . not much )
Here is one ' Official ' " Story ", Star Wars was a story to; right ? . . .

I wonder what this means ? I have no idea; I am to busy trying to put a bunch of arzehole mass murderers in Jail for the next 999 years !
so assuming that evidence is correct what arzehole would arrange fake movie footage of a plane hitting the Pentagon ?
To a little ole aussie like me, funny how that plane came in at such a low glide path; I wonder what arzehole could arrange a
military grade missile to be launched horizontally at the Pentagon; any ideas ?

Personally given The FACT that a CONVICTED Mass MURDERER was Chief of The Pentagon I
have to disregard any evidence The PENTAGON supplies. This upgrade to The Pentagon was completed in record time,
I wonder who got those contracts . . .
All this after The Oklahoma Bombing, would a CONVICTED Mass Murderer arrange such a BOMBING
simply to ' justify ' the " EXPENSE " of HARDENING The PENTAGON ?

As I said I BELIEVE Radar Operators reports suggest radar signals revealed more of military plane types of movement than a commercial jet airliner.

I wonder if this would punch a hole in the side of the Pentagon?
No ? ; window shopping time . . .
if none of that " floats your boat ", check this out . . .

Who would even notice such a vehicle outside the Pentagon anyways ? Especially if
some " pre-conditioning " of an increase in heavy military traffic had
been slowly building up for weeks before hand.
Would an internationally convicted mass murderer who wanted to steal 2-3 trillion
dollars have access to such a weapon system ?
Now; if I was a " devious " Aussie Chick; I categorically DENY I am Devious; but if I was . . .
Hypothetically, if I was going to steal 2-3 TRILLION Dollars, I would find a couple of extremely experienced
commercial airliner pilots dying of cancer and offer their family a cool hundred million each in Cash !
All these " walking-dead " pilots have to do is fly and commit a major act of terrorism in NYC 911 WTC.
I would not care how much I was going to give those families of a dying pilot, who I would be doing
a favour for since a quick death is better than most Cancer deaths; that was not hard to " sell " these
poor people THAT story. Then eight seconds AFTER the plane hits the Towers I take back
the stolen tax payers money, what are those poor families going to do ?
Take legal action ? . . .
Think would a convicted mass murderer do something like that ? ? ?

After all I already have this cover story running anyways . . .
Where are many faces like that today; think woodchipper...
Seriously if you were a convicted Mass Murderer stealing trillions of dollars; would you leave it up to
some goat handlers? I would not I would ensure a story like this was " conveniently " available . . .

Seriously who BELEIVES in the " co-incidence " that like a day after a ship load of money goes missing,
911 WTC just happens. Honestly do you also BELIEVE that Bible story about the Virgin Mother 2 ?

Oh; Who got this money ?
I have no idea, I have not got the time to find out...
. . . BUSY putting a bunch of Mass Murderers away, since no one else seems to care...

Oh yeah, have you ever wondered how a convicted mass murder gets an anonymous heart donor?
Well maybe it might have something to do with the BILLIONS of American Tax Payers dollars that cannot be found,
or maybe it might separately have something to do with the Billions of money that cannot be located in the Middle East etc.
Yep just enough distance between an arzehole and " a conflict of interest ",
LoL truly do you think a convicted mass murderer would be bothered with Ethics LOL.

I wonder where the Bush empire " seed " investment money ever came from ;)
It makes fascinating reading seeing where famous people have gained their ' seed ' money ;)

I BELIEVE I will let you enjoy the Research that leads back to where " The Don " got his seed money :)

Oh and if you not sure if that is Good or Bad NEWS; check this out . . .

Ain't Life Great, please remember that link refers to an ARZEHOLE by some other description . . .

Check out Arzehole's future location...

Yeah I agree sometimes the truth sucks; that is probably why other sources of information are such a habit...

What is my motive in all this ? not much really; besides the moral responsibility of " The only way for Evil to prosper is for Good People to do nothing ".

Other putting a lot of Arzeholes and maybe some Humans in a deep dark hole forever; simply because the good Master Sergeant is not available to do his Duty.

Why am I doing this ? besides putting a krap load of mass murderers away; you mean ?
Why? simply to " reclaim " Western Democrazy, you only need check out the krazy ship Australian politicians do...
. . . besides the money that has been stolen out of my purse, in todays world it is oK for some people to mess around with someone elses significant other.
But it ain't right to mess with another persons money !

Why is this rarely seen in other places; simply Journalists are very busy people and powerful Special Interest groups make sure they broadcast exactly what
is desirable. Most Companies PR and Marketeering Departments know to the minute a Journalists EXACT Mandatory deadline for articles; they simply WAIT
until the Journalist has NO time to investigate their Press Release, but ensures the Journalist has enough time to "rewrite" that info as NEWS ;)
In fact if this PR person helped me meet my deadlines and ensured I kept my j-o-b I would indeed be very grateful to them :)

If you are new to Steemit, it is an open uncensored internet blog platform that pays you for posting content, please click the voting button below.
I get paid by votings and yes your vote counts and it is FREE to sign up and vote; I wonder if any of those letters or future emails will arrive in time to
vote ? Personally I do not care. I just want an arzehole in the good hands of a long forgotten Master Sergeant and the World to begin to heal . . .

It is the American PEOPLE who make America Great; NOT those Rich humans who happily wander around and smile smugly when good people call them American Royalty...

Anyone with an INTERNET connection is a Honorary Citizen of CyberSpace, there is no Police Force or Courts over the internet. We citizens do not allow Earthy Law Enforcement to invade our Nation.
Sure we let Law Enforcement grab money launderers and child pornography scumbags etc. But we will NEVER let any National Government have POWER over the INTERNET. Simply because the World
needs an OPEN Forum that cannot be CONTROLLED by humans like Arzehole.

The INTERNET was " built " primarily as a USA Military Communication relay in the event of any attack on America; even if that attack took out ALL Primary and Secondary C&C Defense systems
there would STILL remain a guaranteed system of Command and Control so American Defense Forces could show any aggressor just how incredibly stupid they were to attack the USA.

In case your wondering The United States of America has around 6,800 Nuclear Weapons, more than enough to " crack " Plant EARTH in half like an egg.
No nation would ever be insane enough, even if any aggressors ideology is to destroy the people of America, America is to BIG it would never succeed.
BUT even if you are insane enough to try you would never live long enough to get any mental health treatment.

It is the American PEOPLE that make America GREAT, not the Rich 1% that Americans have been taught to worship.

Oh if the scumbags who stole my daughters money when I told her to buy Bitcoin are reading this; know this, I am already following your Computer digital trail.
I have my starting place and I am going to fuck your computers right up the arze when I find you, currently I am simply distracted by putting a bunch of Mass Murderers into a deep hole forever.
Once that is done . . .

Messing with a persons wallet is wrong, like me having to pay taxes simply so arzehole can profit from their Wars of Mass Murder.

Hey Arzehole if our still hiding in HeartLand America and reading this, you are stealing my TAX dollars and getting a Lot of BRAVE Men and Women wounded in agony simply because @#$%^&* useless to get a j-o-b,
your an ArzeHole and I am going to put all your buddy arzeholes out of the way so The WORLD can begin to heal itself.

The chaos arzeholes create stops here and now.

FUCK you Arzehole, I am going to give the Master Sergeant a modern day Hitler to HANG . . .

If you think this is about America it is not, this is about systematic corruption which is only secondary to Mass MURDER, Adolf Hitler used TROOPS, MODERN Mass MURDERS use EXPENSIVE Technology.
There are a few arzeholes hiding in BRITIAN and some CANADIANS WILL have a CASE to answer (and MANY other Countires like Spain etc.) for HARBOURING a bunch of kiddy fuckers,
why would I call these arzeholes pedophiles ?

Simply maybe logic says that is a logical starting point in the lead up to becoming a Mass Murderer . . .

Anyways if a bunch of arzeholes want to SUE me for some bullship, I WELCOME the open forum of a COURT Case to State my POINTS of LAW and we will see if
an INDEPENDENT Judge under The United States of America CONSTITUTION wants to GO ON-RECORDS for HARBOURING ADOLF HITLER, I WELCOME the chance...

Anyways my publishing days are over. This has taken many weeks of 24/7 effort. How does a person do 24/7. Simply by living on coffee and nuts or whatever other food
one can grab in under one minute and then a bottle of wine to fell asleep, I think a few days ago I might have got five hours sleep.
This is seven days a week, it has been months since I did stuff like a movie, krap lately I think I know less about sex than Bill Clinton.

I am simply trying to put an already convicted mass murderers into a deep hole forever...

Love You :)

Why am I not going to be publishing any more ?

Simple I am going to be to busy making my own money in Bitcoin.

As any sensible chick should be doing . . .

I know, I know; it is long and I need an edita, ( obviously ) but I do not have tax payers to pay for that . . .

Oh did you UPvote and Like this Story that I BELIEVE is The TRUTH?

oh wondering if any of this is TRUE, who cares I am DEEP in a bottle of booze, work it out for yourself.
Do you own Due Diligence before you spend your hard earned real money,
Welcome to the FUTURE !

vote now; TRUST me I NEED the VOTES to buy more BitCoin ! ! ! ...

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