New era of Bitcoin...

in #money7 years ago

2017 is a revolutionary year and represents the beginning of the Bitcoin era. Digital money, along with other cryptomonas, must play an important role in the future and must be made aware both by the general public and by companies and national governments that the future is here and now.
Since the beginning of this year we have seen an extraordinary increase in Bitcoin. In mid-January in 2016, Bitcoin's value was close to $ 350, and now it has exceeded the 1100 dollar threshold. However, the price of a Bitcoin is not the only interesting aspect; we also need to take into account the potential that cryptomonda has and how it can, in time, replace classical fiat coins, especially in the uncertain times we live in.725_Ly9jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9zdG9yYWdlL3VwbG9hZHMvdmlldy9hOTA3MGQ3YzNjMzZlNDBjNzY4OGJlYjE2NmE4NTRjYi5qcGc.jpg
2017: The Beginning of the Bitcoin Era
Jan 5 2017 in bitcoin, blockchain by Mirona Noru

2017 is a revolutionary year and represents the beginning of the Bitcoin era. Digital money, along with other cryptomonas, must play an important role in the future and must be made aware both by the general public and by companies and national governments that the future is here and now.
Since the beginning of this year we have seen an extraordinary increase in Bitcoin. In mid-January in 2016, Bitcoin's value was close to $ 350, and now it has exceeded $ 1100. However, the price of a Bitcoin is not the only interesting aspect; we also need to consider the potential that cryptomonade has and how it can replace the classic fiat coins over time, especially in the uncertain times we live in.


2016 a preamble for revolutionary 2017
2016 was a revelatory year. He showed us in clear terms that everything we have can disappear in a second. It was a year of political, social, economic revolutions, a year in which the world changed its attitudes and perceptions, a year that we will not forget too soon.

The most concrete examples in this regard are Brexit, the election of Trump as president of the United States of America, the demotion of the Indian currency and the Chinese yuan. All these major events have been the driving force behind the Bitcoin price rise; but at the same time they are also the symptoms of a general bad state of the economic area.

It is impossible to predict exactly what the long-term trends are, we can not say precisely what the economic future holds us and the geo-political space seems increasingly uncertain. However, there is certainly no doubt that if the current trend continues, Bitcoin remains the only viable alternative in these troubled times.
Why Bitcoin is more relevant than ever
Not only will Blockchain be an important factor in 2017, but also cryptomonas will attract more sympathizers.

Events in India, Venezuela, Nigeria and even in Western countries indicate that people lose confidence in financial "mass" systems. As a result, in 2017, many cryptomonas will have a growing significance and will be viable alternatives.

The Indian government has been increasingly vocal about introducing a law that will make financial anonymity difficult for the Indians as far as property holdings are concerned. Then, there are proposals to demote high-value bills in the US, Europe and Australia. So in 2017 people will increasingly want to turn to a currency that governments can not control.

Bitcoin is what we need in 2017
Bitcoin has survived and is increasingly a valuable currency, often dubbed "digital gold." Why are not all people still fully convinced? Why does not the mass of mass adoption happen once?

Many people will say that digital coins should not be adopted or Bitcoin is just an experiment. However, only when more people use and discovers Bitcoin, he realizes that the coin is really useful.

Perhaps this year, in 2017, the best gift we can offer as customers, against Bitcoin, is to use it to pay for it with different purchases and services. Only when Bitcoin becomes completely ubiquitous, its potential will be truly attained.


I agree, a digital currency needs to be used to make everyday purchases. I am also new to the digital currency and have went for a wallet that has the option of a key card/debit card.

8 ) infinity happiness

early to bed , and early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise!!
that is damn true..

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