proven ways to earn money online fast

in #money7 years ago

As far as I know everyone is willing to earn money online but many are still not sure how and where to start.Well here I will be discussing some of the ways to earn money online in the best and legit way.
Ihave been earning money online since a time from long ago and I will be sharing some of my portfolios to earn money online sitting in your home.
There are numerous ways to earn money online which can’t be listed in one post/article.Here, I will be listing some of the best and the most used one by far that you will success.
The one thing that you need to keep in mind is that you wont get overnight success.You have to work each and everyday very hard.
So,with out any delay lets get started with the lists :-

1)Blogging/YouTube :-
This is by far one of the most used method to earn money online. The popularity is not going down but very much up now days. As many advertisers and publishers are getting into the market the scope of blogging and youtubing is also increasing. More the internet is reaching the nook and corner of the world ,blogging and YouTubing scope is increasing.
To earn from blogging and youtubing you do not need to start with initial financial funding.You do not need money to start.You just need is internet connection , some great ideas ,Skill and passion for it.
In short youtubing means to earn money by uploading videos in YouTube But this is not so simple as I am saying,there is much more behind it.I will be going for it in next article. Stay Tuned.

Blogging means to create a blog/website and post article regularly through your blog or website. You can choose any niche/topic that you like to feature and write the articles related to it and internet is that much huge that you will be getting some people reading your blogs.

So, where do the money comes from ?
Actually to make money from Youtube or blog you need to insert ads in your videos/articles and for this you need to find the advertisers.After you find advertisers you advertise their ads through your blog or video so here you are working as a publisher.
This bridge between this advertiser and publisher is filled by ad-networks that are now in the internet and the most famous and the most used one is obviously the ad-network from Google – Google Adsense.
So,you need to sign up for google adsense get he ads and put in your blogs/videos but to get ads from google adsense you need to fulfill some criteria of google adsense.
This method of earning from YouTubing/blogging is also called “Earning From Adsense”.

I will be going through both of the ways of earning from YouTube and Blog in next articles.Stay Tuned.

Freelancer –
A freelancer is a one who sells his/her skills online. To understand freelancing you just need to think like a offline job that you are doing.Lets say you are a IT technician working in ABC company from 9-4 and that’s your job but freelancing means to do the same job online any where any time.
There are many freelancing sites that you can get in internet and I will be listing some of the best ones below.What actually happens in these sites are there will be many people who will post the jobs/tasks and you just need to find the right task/job ; complete it as demanded by the client and get paid.
Freelancing sites works s a bridge between you(Doer) and Client(that posts job).
Before you start freelancing what you need to have is skills that can match your competitors in the online works. There will be many people like you searching for the job and for one task/job there will be many offers offered by freelancers like you ; you just need to stand out among them and convince your client that you are perfect for the job.

Some of the freelancing sites are
a) Freelancer
b) Upwork
c) Fiver

To work as a freelancer you need to have good skills in any field ; any field like technology,SEO,article writer,tuition teacher etc I mean any skills.

I will be going more about Freelancing in coming Days. Stay Tuned.

You might be much familiar with this word in offline. Marketing is one of the jobs that has covered much % in offline field so does this in online.
There are different types of marketing online that you can choose and build your career ahead.Some of the types of marketers are

  1. Internet Marketing
    2)Affiliate Marketing
    4)Social Media Marketing
    5)Email Marketing
    6)Referral Marketing
    7)Video Marketing

These all marketing are different in terms and their works too. But the main backbone behind these marketing to get the traffic/Audience in the products that you market.

To start your marketing you need to find is the clients that needs marketing or the company that provides the jobs.
Among these different marketing the most famous and legit one to earn is Affiliate marketing which I will be covering in the next article and also will be briefly going on all the other marketing terms.

This is not the invest and get rich scheme.It is the way to invest in the matters that matters in future.
Trading precisely means to trade any tradable items in the internet.Mainly I will be focusing in the Crypto-currency trading , Forex Trading , Binary options.Trading in simple means buy and sell and get get profits doing so.

Investments precisely means to invest in any thing/work/materials that has good future.I will be suggestive to invest in Crypto Currency: shares market and ICO’S with my knowledge.4.jpg


Interesting post.
There are some other ways to make money online.
Do you want to know a good method to earn extra cryptocurrency from home? Check out this article that i've wrote:
I think Bounty hunting is one of the best ways.

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