1 Year on Copytip | Review

in #money4 years ago

I started using Copytip last season (See Post) with the idea to test it out for at least a year and the promise to make a proper review after. This has been my experience with this platform...

What is Copytip ?

So Copytip is a sports betting tipster platform where it's possible to automatically follow tips that are being posted by punters. The main problem with traditional tipster sites is that you get an e-mail and have to manually take the bet which most of the time is impossible because of quickly dropping odds or limits that are way too low. Copytip solves this problem as followers don't require to be online and are getting the same odds as the tipster.

I really liked this concept from the start as I had quite some bad experiences with traditional tipster sites in the past which are full of resellers which quickly makes it -EV and very frustrating.

Personal Experience Season 2019-2020

So I tested it out for an entire season and my overall impression has been positive overall. Their website in essence is a bookie very similar to my Betting Broker Sportmarket Pro offering the best odds and limits in a very user-friendly way.

Overall I have no complaints whatsoever on how everything works and can actually recommend this site just as a bookmaker to use on a regular basis to everyone who just wants to bet.

Season 2019-2020 Tips Results

I ended up taking 80 bets pre-game and Live combined during the entire season with flat symbolical 10€ stakes (always between 1.7-2.53 with an average around 2.00) and ended up with a +8.97% over the season which I'm quite pleased with. I never forced any action and the main goal from the start was to be profitable in which I succeeded.

Season 2019-2020 Followers Results

I once wrote an article on the difference between handicapping and following. One of the main dangers is to start the follow someone after a hot run as it is very likely some regression to the mean will occur. This is pretty much what happened as I started the season quite hot (early season always tends to be easier to beat) which made me grow somewhat of a following with increased stakes. Near the end of the season, I got in a small losing run which made it so that the ones that started to follow late ended up with a loss which was quite frustrating.

Basically most wins early on in the season came with a minimum following while total followed stakes for each bet ran up to around 500€ at the peak having around 17 different followers.

Honestly, all I really focus on is having my personal overall record at solid numbers using responsible flat bankroll management in which I succeeded. What followers do is their own responsibility and achievement both when they end up winning or losing.

Season 2020-2021 Plans

I like what Copytip is offering as a product even though I'm not jumping to start to follow anyone there myself at the moment. I plan to continue doing exactly the same as last season which is betting the selective bigger pre-game & live bets I take myself also on Copytip. All these bets will also be shared on Twitter (@costanzabets) and my blogs ( | Hive | Steemit | Publish0x | Uptrennd | Scorum). All live bets will be shared on the SBC Discord Channel.

I'm highly looking forward to it and hope to be able to make it into another profitable season!

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