He said "Money is power". I said Bro, money only increases your chances of losing your power.

in #money7 years ago (edited)

Power is using your words and ideas to persuade your community to invest money in each other. Nothing is more valuable than your principals or your community. Today the blind masses have a warped perspective on success. Money is peripheral, black and white. Wealth is full color stereoscopic vision, even x-ray vision. The wealth I've earned must be shared and my wealth is more than money. Intelligence isn't what people can remember or repeat. That's trivial. Intelligence is what we create. What we bring new to the table.

For us, it's forbidden to govern #cryptocurrency. For us, it's forbidden to govern any #currency. As anarchists we live without rulers, but it's ludicrous to suggest we live without #leadership. Leadership is learning when to lead, learning when to follow. When to share, when to withhold. When to go, when to stand ground. Leaders realize people will follow them even if directed to stay away. All of us lead and all of us follow. The trick is to identify when we might possibly mislead. Our nature is tribal, but our Chief dosn't rule over us, our Chief is an ambassador, a communicator between other tribes. Politics is like the music industry, not worth investing my time. Music is meant to be shared and so is society. We vote with everything we do, every word, every non action, even to ignore is to vote. When we eat together, house and clothe everyone, when education and communication are realized for all humans, money becomes even more valuable. The higher we value people, the higher the value of money.

Money is hardly audible. Wealth is a shattering 200 decibels. Sure, money is sweet. Wealth is the appetizer, the main course, the sweetest desert, the full pallet, every flavour, even intoxicants. A single balanced soul who achieves inner wealth will be richer than the richest person who accumulates any debt-ridden fiat currency. The law is don't hurt others or yourself. Nothing is more valuable than your principals, than your morals. Everybody has chosen money over family. Nobody is pure on this planet. Not because we're evil, because we're infants, still to learn how to share. Sharing isn't easy, it's for only the highest intelligence. We still have yet to earn the title of "Children". The prophecy isn't that we become adults of God, it's to be children of God. My only doubt is that God breaks promises. They'll say afterwards, if only our Creator forced us to believe. If only we had a choice to return to the Earth to improve the conditions, now that we know the truth of our immortal soul. When our Muslim brothers warn about the eternal hell fire, it's important to understand that this isn't a physical place. It's a state of mind. A state of existence. You will face yourself in this life or the next. You will judge yourself much worse than anybody else will. When truth is realized it often hurts. It hurts when we realize how stupid we've been.

I was born fiercely independent. I can learn anything I apply myself to. It took an incredible about of effort and humility to learn how to beg, much much harder than to learn how to earn money. It took an exhausting amount of effort to learn how to receive, much much harder than to learn how to employ. The hardest thing for me is to ask for help. Both rich and poor work everyday. Hands down, without a doubt, living without a home I work harder than I ever did working for the man. Now I work for all men, women, all lifeforms. I learned some poor people are incredibly greedy, likewise I learned some rich are very generous and giving. Nothing is classy about greed, it transcends all classes. Those with excessive money are desperately in need. We need acceptance more than anything else. We need to be open to receive. Excessive riches destroy both these things. Excessive wealth will destroy you and your family. Accept family advice from aboriginals. Wealth is what we distribute to our community, by choice, not force.

He said, "Kill the rich". I said Bro, what's wrong with you? We need rich people. The story unfolding on Earth isn't about making people poorer. Everyone on Earth is about to get richer, even the rich. Money is synonymous with relationships. I appreciate you sharing financial advice but sharing how you manage relationships is your true wealth. Its difficult to ask for help. Can you spare some steem? @ned @dan @ben @jamesc @berniesanders @smooth @val-a @dantheman @ben @jamesc @dantheman ? I'm homeless and ate at the soup kitchen today. I'm giving you an opportunity here, on the immutable blockchain, to help your brother. We are 1 family on Earth. When I beg for change on the streets, I'm not looking for money as much as the highest caliber of souls. The dead step over me while the living step it up for humanity. There's a difference between those who live on the street and those who live with it. So live with the street. Invest in the street.

I speak the truth brothers, you risk eternal fire if you fail to empower this Earth tribe. Your immortal soul is risking permanent damage. My soul isn't stiff or solid, it's malleable. My soul attaches to your soul, now it never detaches. We are linked and accountable to each other. My soul isn't old as much as accumulated. Money is amateur. Wealth is the professional league. Those who hoard sit on the sidelines. Those who invest play the championship game. Giving our time is the most expensive thing we can share. If we give away a trillion dollars, but hoard our time, we've shared absolutely nothing. So with the greatest sincerely, thank you for your #time.

  • Jimmy James
    (Of the Growling Griffin tribe)
    Yellowday, Saturn 3, Year 1

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