How to Make Money the Easy waysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #money7 years ago

Do you want to be rich?

How would you feel about having enough money to live in a mansion, fly around in your own plane, and have a pet monkey?

In today’s Steemit post I’m not going to tell you how to get rich. The reason being, I don’t really know how to get rich.

If you do know how to make millions, please let me know in the comments as I really want to upgrade my bicycle.

Rather, in this post, I’m going to tell you how to make money the easy way. This advice is highly unlikely to make you rich, but It just might help you find some kind of financial contentment.

I wish somebody had told me this years ago, it would have saved me from a lot of heartaches. Nevertheless, here is everything I know about making money the easy way:

Don't go Chasing Dollars

Never take a job or do any kind of work on the premise that it pays well.

“Huh?!” You ask, “If I want to make money, why wouldn’t I take a job that pays well?”

Going after a high paying job works really well in the short term. It’s two years down the track that problems start to arise.

I remember years ago when I was starting out, I went for the job that was going to pay me the most. The only thing I ended up with was a deep depression and a drinking problem.

The problem is that only a very few people are truly motivated by money alone. For most of us, we need something more to keep us interested.

Imagine thinking to yourself “I’m going to become a lawyer because lawyers make lots of money.” Seemingly, this is a noble ambition. However, unless you have a real interest in lawyering there is most likely going to come a day when you want to jump out of the window of your high-class law firm office.

The only thing that the large sums of money you are making are going to help you with is buying drugs to alleviate the misery that is your everyday.

You must have some underlying passion in your chosen field of work which leads me to my next point … 

Don't do What you Love

Don’t follow your dreams.

Don’t quit your job and move to Hollywood to become an actor or something equally ridiculous.

There are some people that are lucky enough to do what they are truly passionate about and get paid for it. If you are one of these people - I’m jealous, I hate you, and I hope you die.

For most of us, the harsh reality of life is that this isn’t going to be an option. Sadly, my career as a professional race car driver ended at the same indoor go-kart track it started.

The problem with following your heart is that 99.99999% of the time your heart won’t pay the bills. This is a big problem if you like eating, not smelling like a dead cat, and living indoors.

I’m going to say something that might sound mean:

Struggling artists are assholes.

There is nothing honorable about being a struggling artist. Struggling artists are parasites. They don’t contribute anything to society, they don’t pay taxes, and they all have a smug attitude that makes me want to punch them in the face.

Don’t be a struggling artist.

Find the Sweet Spot

To make money the easy way you need to find a compromise with what pays and what you are passionate about.

The work that you do has to have monetary value to society, but also enables you to express your unique talents. This work might not be what you “dream” about doing, but it’s close enough.

By finding this sweet spot, going to work in the morning won’t feel like being forced marched into a concentration camp, and you also won’t be an annoying artist asshole that needs to borrow money from your parents to pay the rent.

Here are some examples of dream jobs and their real-world applications:

Professional Athlete - Personal Trainer

Musician - Audio Engineer

Creative Writer - Marketing 

New Age Artist - Get a job you bum 

Here is a graph I made that makes no sense and poorly illustrates my point: 


To make money the easy way you need to find a practical way to make money from your unique talents and interest.

By operating in the sweet spot you will be able to engage in a career that may not be what you dream about, but pays the bills without turning you into a suicidal emo.

If you kinda like what you are doing and feel happy about going to work in the morning, something strange might happen: Sooner or later opportunities are bound to appear. These opportunities may show you that what you dream of doing and what actually makes you happy are two entirely different things.

Good luck!


This is really good advice. You need some steemit exposure so people will actually read it! :)

I enjoyed your post and realise why you liked my story, The Lost Manuscript. It struck a chord. Nice to meet you.

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