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RE: Are We On The Threshold Of An Epic Credit Default Swap Nightmare? By Gregory Mannarino

in #money7 years ago

It is going to be much worse than 2008. The inverse spread could happen this year though. Markets will come crushing down, precious metals and cryptocurrencies could go up significantly. Very good post, thanks!


People are going to realize corporations have been buying their own stocks with money borrowed in bonds. Once money is hard to obtain the liquidity crunch is going to be epic. Liquidity might be pulled from speculative markets like crypto so a deflationary period isn't a guarantee that crypto prices will rise.

CDS and toxic instruments are held by nearly every major bank and corporation in the world, when the hammer falls it'll be something the likes of which the world has never seen. Strong legislation must be put in place in the aftermath to repeat such a failure to control such dangerous greed, but any nation that does so will see capital flight as investors will continue to chase yield.

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