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RE: Stocks And Bonds Are At A Major Crossroad, Something Has To Give. By Gregory Mannarino

in #money7 years ago

While the timing is difficult to predict, the spot VIX with a 9 handle tells it all. Complacency at market tops while world disorder has never been higher.


Very good post sir. I have had to follow the the ^vix since my mistakes I made in 99 through March 2000. Watching the ^vix during the March 2000 tech/bubble and 2001 911 attack events, I made great moves acquiring holdings during double low bottom in October 02 and March 03. Also It does matter regarding the ^vix, as I made good moves during double bottom in October 08 and March 09. Never seen so many 9's days. Thanks for pointing out the canary in the mine.

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