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RE: Trading Strategy for upcoming EOS ICO

in #money7 years ago

Uncapped ICO's scare the heck out of me. The whole "letting the market set the value" is great, but the backlogs we get means that no one has complete information... So it may look like, for example, $50m is put in for 1/3rd of coins = $150 valuation, when in reality the currency in transit is worth another 50m and you've got double the valuation...

If they can reliably show valuation without significant time lag then this is a great way to do it. I just don't think that's possible given what we've seen on the blockchain networks these last couple weeks...


Since everything is open, you could just look at Etherscan and figure out how much was invested. Not sure I would trust the company to provide accurate info on that. In any the CPA investing in this?

Even looking at etherscan I think it would be tough. I was keeping an eye on Civic yesterday after I got in, and there were so many bounced transactions due to people not knowing how to transfer, transferring even without a deposit ID, and gas limitations, that even if you looked at all transactions to the contract, you wouldn't know which would actually go through, which were duplicates, etc.
I'm no pro about this whole blockchain thing, but just seems like even with this beautifully open/DL system, it's hard to really know.

For now I am planning to stay hands off. I think I share most sentiments with you -- especially in that most ICO's the exclusivity gives you a great guaranteed pop when it hits an exchange, whereas with EOS you are almost guaranteeing you'll have limited upside (and with any of these projects, potential full loss downside)

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