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RE: US Household Debt Now Exceeds Pre-2008 Credit Bubble/Market Crash Levels. By Gregory Mannarino

in #money7 years ago

So, we all know the debt is out of control. Forclosures happening all around and yet I still see construction of new homes going up while investors are grabbing up all the foreclosured homes and renting out. It cost MORE to rent than own a home. It's hard to comprehend just how one loses their homes because banks are pushing forclosures yet they somehow find the money to rent. When you talk about credit cards, you see people charging away but no cash. So that's a strong sign your already into cryto-currency. Courts are filling up with bankrupcys and stores closing, some due to internet based buying, I mean who doesn't use the internet to buy these days? I believe Greg and this all is going to all hit hard, people need to prepare for what has happened in other countries and happening here right now.

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