Why do we need to earn money? Why can't we just live without business and money?

in #money7 years ago

What I've understood in this short span of a life time is that the need for money arises due to the fact that we all should survive. Survival is essentially the first and foremost mission assigned to all of us since we are out into this beautiful world. So basically if i say money forms the basis of our very survival, many of you wouldn't agree unless and until everyone can shake away the superficial bubble in which we all take safe house in. It shouldn't be viewed through the narrow dimension that could write me off as a synonym for greed for attributing the significance of money to the essence of survival itself.

Being pragmatic I always used to think about the artificial nature of this supposedly "Neo-capitalist" world in which we try to do all what we can within the hypocritical barbed wires of "equitable distribution" of wealth, which undoubtedly forms the motto behind any mammoth global financial institution or a Nation's government. But can't this unending race for wealth and money be attributed to the simple principle of competition? Is that one of the prime reason why we even work? To make our lives comfortable and to be better than the previous day's person whom we were. Without such a competition to amass wealth or better ourselves would anyone be taking effort to run the thorny tracks of this marathon?

Competition alone doesn't carve out the domain within which such a multi-dimensional aspect, here we say the need of money, would perfectly fit in. Nonetheless it has its pretty share of the pie. According to the classical theory of the origin of money or the evolution of the "inevitable" goes well back to the traditional system of barter. That would even show the ultimate need of a driving force that is essential for the human beings to live and survive all the odds. If we consider the animal populace I wish we could ever find, such material satisfaction or pseudo realities forming the bedrock of life itself. The ants do work like nothing and maybe we can't possibly say they might have some intangible or novel concepts of a driving force like the human's global economics and wealth. Maybe they are also working to achieve something that would suffice them just like stashing a few dollars in our accounts does to us.

The need to earn money have already become the most important objective behind any of the jobs we take today. Reality is that it has always been the same ever since the conception of the aforementioned "driving force". We don't have to blame the 21st century plight of "global economic slump" or the never ending "depressions" or the hyper inflationary economies or anything that's happening today, in order to witness the significance underlying the need for money or the possible impacts that it could make on the entire human community. It goes well with the adage, it's always been this way". We cannot dig out the depth of its root nor can attempt to see its canopy at the top. It's all about some mysterious aroma that could attract each and everyone born to this Mother Earth and has ultimately took us all to the signing of the "Paris Climate Summit". It shows the greed and greed and possibly the greed of humanity , which in its pursuit of adding more and more digits to their bank balances, forgetting completely the futility of all those man-made papers in ultimately saving his remaining life.

These material papers and the digital codes can indeed buy you the precious of the precious things available on this land or even up the space. But then again the luxury of it goes only to the people occupying the top most rung of the ladder and not anywhere near the bottom. This is one inevitable result of the competition that urges us to keep moving forward. If we are living in today's world there is no way out but to kick start your engine to join the race without losing any more of the valuable "time" that has found a place to cohabit the space which fills up this entire galaxy or even beyond, thanks to "Einstein's theory of relativity".

Acquiring money thus forms an integral part of anybody's life unless you've been blessed to achieve the potential of a real ascetic who can renounce every worldly pleasures and be off to your perpetual solitude. That is certainly not the real solution but a gift. Not everyone can achieve that feat. If we are to introspect the actual need of this race for money, seeing the children who starve to death each day in the tropics of Asia and Africa, seeing the tragedies warping the entire world with inhuman practices to acquire wealth, seeing the inequities that's prevailing still in this age of supposedly "intellectual societies". Not even the fruits of education are reaching everyone. If not to destroy the hunger of that famished skeletal child or to deny another demise of a human being for any other's greed or to annihilate poverty, We are all but forced to ask about the real need of earning money. If it cannot even cover such little things then nobody else but each of us is to blame.

What if we stopped our pursuit for money and do away with all these wealth, investments, profit, loss, bank balances and everything around us? It's near to impossible in this world of doing all the impossibles. The irony lies exactly there. Nobody would be motivated to work if there's no concept like money anymore. Not even I or you would be even able to think of such a life. Well then its hypocrisy to write this at the same time. Maybe that's because I too belong to the world of homo sapiens. If we do not have an objective, even though, as superficial as this but powerful, you won't be able to achieve anything in life.

Everybody, being on the practical side of it cannot ever deny the importance of money but it would be greatly appreciated if we can infuse some of the golden principles of socialism or at least think before getting over-indulged in money-making about all those people who are just like us but ended up on the wrong side of this capitalist world.

It has always been the same


Playing Poker for example wouldn t be that funny without money :P

lol, man olding days live style is crazy when our fore father using barter system

Actually Socialisim is better, but to apply it is another case, interms of my people here, like we have some element of selfishnes...#sbmaina.

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