In the event of an economic collapse are precious metals really what you would value most?

in #money8 years ago (edited)

  In the history of mankind gold has always been the global currency of choice. It's visually attractive, easy to melt and manipulate into coins, doesn't corrode and it is good conductor of electricity. History dictates that gold will most likely always land on its feet as a universal commodity of value. 

After watching commercial after commercial telling me I need to invest in gold or silver as a safety to a stock market collapse I asked myself how precious metals are going to serve my family if the situation goes really south. Should I expect to buy food and water with gold, silver, a gun or a train collection perhaps? 

Would I take gold or silver coins in exchange for food or water?

 I'm thinkin' HELL NO. A collectors can of spam is worth it's weight in gold in my opinion.  

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