Well, seems to be I am in a position I do not want to be in. I am sitting on my first loser in 10 trades, and I don't like it. The good news is that I am not getting killed yet, and for the stock to be down 5 dollars from where I bought it is pretty good. I am only down 110 right now, and that has to do with me selling the short options. They so far have covered most of my losses, but I am running out of premium in them, and may have to roll them over or get out of the trade. I have already rolled one of the options over from last week, and it was a pretty even trade when I did. It is really hard to get a sense of direction right now with the holidays and low volume, but It will return soon. I hope
Brady will need to go to his toes
he has too many rings
chiefs got calky
sorry cocky thinking of calk at work
What will be home depot next move
Will it be up? Will it be down?
Will biden bring a end to the world
He might be the worst president ever
Home depot is setting up for a good trade