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RE: The People Own Everything - Introduction and Breaking News

in #money5 years ago

Thank You. And yes, there is a lot more to be said before we can truly take responsibility for the worst crimes on the planet are exclusively perpetrated by Homo Sapiens. Crimes against Humanity are crimes against one another - at that, to be specific, might makes 'rights' (and takes them away) and the stronger one bullies the weaker one. That's one hell of a world view, You would think, correct? But that's what's happening. One part of the species is devouring the other part. Were have I heard that before? Oh, yes. Here (and however now with a Slick Mickey):

I can pay off half of the population to kill the other half

Since this entry has been 'wickied', it shall only serve as a rough reference.

I certainly hope that Julian Assange will be blessed with the Barbara Streisand effect. That everybody that is not in the pockets of the corporations will now wake up and understand the significance of it. Imagine what has changed alone sine 911. On that day in September, the War on Terror was incorporated as War of Terror™ Inc. Even before that day, making a living, or in this case a killing off of killing people. People call it Empire, because it attempts to resemble that. But it is not. Never will be. Empire needs all people being with it. Or at least a considerable majority. Like the 'Ein Volk- ein Führer' Mantra that was yelled and whispered into the minds of the Germans.

Empire requires much more participation of the masses. Therefor, as an act of intimidation as was the case with Kashoggi and all the other real Journalists that were killed at work on the one hand, on the other hand it shows off as being ultimately beyond any rule of real (the one that generally sides with the living population) law. These regimes have gained an unprecedented degree of control over our lives. Those who dissent will be dealt with more harshly now and receive lengthy prison sentences under fake laws. The image of Assange reminded me of the Transportation of an Animal. Like an Orangutan, or Gorilla in the flashlights of a 60's Film Noir.

The worst part about all this is, that I cannot rid myself of the possibility of all being staged. Those who have roles on the stage, will be subject to be written out. To be disappeared. Ludicrously close to the world created by George Orwell.

There will be more about Assange, but first comes the original article of The People Own Everything.

Now comes coffee.

P.S.: We should all get carried away by this.


It is my feeling that things are so extreme because we are dealing with a wounded and dieing animal. Call it Empire or fascism, it matters not.

During my monitoring of the #Unity4J vigil one guest really stood out, in terms of making sense of what this force is exactly. Perhaps it will resonate with you as well. My belief is that that evil force is loosing and is on the wane.

To say, that this event encompasses a myriad of inconvenient realities coming at the 'masses' - before they wake up - would be the understatement in the history of Homo Sapiens.
Frankly, I am of the belief that this is and has been for some time now what the Mayans referred to when they spoke about the end of time. It is the end of innocence, where the profits from violence and wars are dictating the life conditions of all Beings on Earth. Violence and war are the air Western regimes are breathing. It is all about the racket.

Here is a screen capture of a search with 'DuckDuckGo' and I have learned that there is one search engine less to trust. This result is from today, 04.19.2019:


This is from the 16th:

Mind You that I could not do a screen capture - had to take a lousy image of it

Peteyboy did not come home last night. I picked him up at the neighbor's, where he loves to spend time. It's the nursery across the street and nobody lives on that huge property, yet. In short, if not all Critters are accounted for, the sleep is less good. Less good sleep = less energy to write. Today though, I should be able to publish the original article.

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