
Berwick is still claiming that his Shemitah scam predictions were accurate…after they've been wrong about a half dozen times dating back over a year now. Berwick is a two-bit conman. We're releasing all of his emails, contracts, messages, videos, photos and more shortly. We'll see how he attempts to twist the reality of what he has done to a very large number of his victims.

I really don't know that much about berwick besides what he posts but I do hear several people (like you) saying that they have been scammed by him in person. I see no reason why you or they would be lying. I look forward to reading all of that. Cheers!

The 2012 thing was actually about change, according to the Mayans. It was the doom-porn merchants that wanted to cash in that were pushing the "end is nigh" agenda.

Agreed, I think the 2012 things was a grid shift (possible connected to the collective conscious) in things that can't be seen with our regular senses.

Yes, well said. Definitely doom porn merchants looking to cash in on the 2012 "end is nigh" thing.

The world as we knew it did end in 2012. We have seen more truth come to light than ever before in our history. These fuckers in power can't hide anymore ;) The more we expose them, the more their empire will crumble. Mwahaha lol

I think saying "the world did end as we know it" is too much of a broad term, is to easily misinterpreted and doesn't really accurately say what happened. The best way I have to describe what I think happened in 2012 was a grid shift that we are unable to see with our regular sense.

People and the elites in power have been playing a cat and mouse game for a very long time. I think this quote accurately displays what has been happening constantly over the centuries with power and people.

“Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

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