The Post-Money World -- After everyone says "F*** it."

in #money5 years ago


Today I destroyed my garden.

It was oddly placed and carried with it maintenance as to make it look pretty we had to dump more dirt on it, get some wood to build a new wall around it, and potentially get greenhouse covers since summer is coming and my plants would die without it.

I said "screw it", it was my parent's yard anyways, and I didn't want to be like the Kale there and get attached to somewhere where the plastic underneath it didn't belong.

Money was an artificial invention to transfer resources (like food) from the unaware to the cunning masters, under the guise of a "system" to make transactions easier. This doesn't just go for the dollar -- it goes for gold, too, because the value of these things are mere perceptions.

And a powerful perception it is, too. Millions have died and starve and fight each other over it. Lies are told and the public argues with each other over it it. And yet what the hell is it?

Perception. A perception that very well may get us all killed.

My buddy @atherz made a pretty sobering post earlier talking about Binance and if they release their DEX, he says it'll be the end of the crypto bubble. I'm not going to comment on the validity of that, but he does raise the question of what happens after the economic collapse. After all of the phony money gets exposed and the robots take everyone's jobs.

Are we going to go back to gold and start the cycle all over again? Because it is a cycle...

And it happens precisely because of our attachment to money. Money is the parasite that gives us the high and yet at the same time destroys our spirit.

What is money?

Is it paper..? It is digits? Is it food? Is it dictated?

No, it's mere perception. Gold was valuable because it was perceived as wealth. As in:

  • Some guy finds a shiny rock and points it at other people and tells them "haha, you don't have this rock!"
  • The collective attaches the emotion of lack to that rock. And then they attach the whole economic system to it.
  • And then the guy with the rocks says "okay now use this paper", which the world does, and then he used that to get more shiny rocks.
  • And then he uses that emotional leverage to throw everyone into the washing machine, giving them cars that run off of oil, which he controls, and then gets even more thirsty so makes people build a global machine to cement people into this shiny rock mindset.

Wake up, sheep. You can tell how people get destroyed by money; you can see it on their face. And in the cities where the perception is very thick, it's no wonder that some people are reduced to sucking d*cks and begging on the streets.

It's no wonder that anyone that points this out gets killed by the guy with shiny rocks.

Can the money mindset change?

Anything can change. But it's going to take this massive wake-up call to everyone on the planet. The crash will be the "single largest event in human history", as all of the world sees that yes -- money has failed us.

Indeed every system fails us eventually. The strength, then, is recognizing that, letting it go, and paving it over so that nature can remake it into something better than we could do on our own.

I just wish the guy with the rocks knew that he could still play with his gold and live on a planet where people respected him.

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