Make Money Now! Stop Throwing Your Best Efforts Away!!!

in #money6 years ago

More about using Patreon for making Money online from your creative efforts.

I was just answering some questions to a new friend here at Steemit about using “Patreon” and so I thought I would make it into a post.

“What is Patreon”?

Patreon is a website that let’s you create a space to attract followers that would like to financially support your creative efforts.

For example, there is a fellow that I have been enjoying on YouTube. I like his informational videos. His videos are free for me to watch but because I like his work I want to help him, so when I realized he was on the “Patreon” website I went there and made a subscription for monthly donations to him.

Actually it was through his YouTube channel that I discovered that he was on “Patreon”, since of course he wanted people to know about it.

And so then I thought, “Hey why don’t I create a page on Patreon too?”

And so I did.

I’ve been using Instagram, YouTube, FaceBook, & Tumblr to attract and hopefully create followers and now of course I’m mentioning it to this community here as well.

Although when I mention it here in the Blockchain world, it is more of a “Hey look at what I’ve found!” kind of experience but the other sites that I’m using are really just to attract traffic.

Of course one of the things I like about it is that the support for my creative endeavors has the potential to be “ongoing”, whereas one of the major downsides I have found here at Steemit is that no matter how wonderful a project I create and even if I spent many hours or days putting it together and making it, in just a few days or sometimes hours, it is over and done. It may even be a post that people will find benefit from years into the future, but after just a very, very short time it is finished and of course we all know that many of our posts are never even read or watched because many people are just clicking on posts and UpVoting (if they do) in an effort to try and make money.

That never felt right to me in the sense of any real interest in my content. Yes of course there are a few that actually read or view what I’ve posted and I am very grateful for their interest but the VAST majority just could not care less.

And so there it is! It’s real enough and when people visit and support you at Patreon then you know they are REALLY interested in you and your good work. They actually care about the content you’re producing.

Patreon really and truly wants you to succeed for their own reasons, which of course translates into them earning money from your work but they definitely share tips and tricks with us creators for growing our audience because if WE make money then THEY make money.

Money? Yeah real cold hard cash delivered to you. For example, for me I have it set up to go straight to my PayPal account, but I’m sure there are other options as well. I just didn’t explore them because for me having it delivered to my PayPal makes it quick and easy.

You create your own “donation tiers” so they can be whatever you like for example $1, $2, $5, $10, $25, $100, etc., really whatever you like since you’re creating it yourself. And also potential patrons can skip the preset tiers and donate what they like.

At present I have only made 1 tier, which is a monthly donation/subscription of just $2. I’m going to add a few more tier choices in the near future but my page is brand new and I just haven’t decided my tier levels yet.

And so if this sounds interesting to you and you’d like to check it out the please use my referral link as a way of thanking me for sharing this information with you.

Also, if you use this invite to sign up and launch your Patreon page, we'll both earn bonuses as supporters pledge to you – let me know if you have any questions because I really want you to be successful and I will be certain to give all the help and share all the strategies I’m learning about this with the people who signup using my referral link.

Why? Because if you are successful then we BOTH win!

Here’s some info I grabbed from the Patreon site about how the referral program works.


So there it is. What are you waiting for? If you are a content creator that believes you have good content and you’d like to actually get paid for your efforts then climb aboard It’s FREE!


what should I do there now?)
say me in short and in steps)

Hello my friend I have sent a reply to your Discord Channel.

Thank you for using my referral link!

I will do my best to help you succeed! :-)

I'll send you some links to help you .

no, text versions are better for me;)

Okay my friend I will find or create text to help you with it. ☺

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