Inspire Yourself To Financial Greatness With These 10 Quotes About Wealth And Money

in #money4 years ago

The economic and financial going only gets tougher for most these days, with many battling incessantly to survive. Yes, just to survive. While the struggling ones carry on with their exhausting struggle with financial difficulties, some are out there enjoying what you might call a blessed fortune. But wait a little, was some born to be poor or destined by fate to be poor? Someone with a jagged mindset about money, wealth and riches might answer in the affirmative, but those who are enlightened know the truth. The state of your finances is determined by actions you take day in day out. So you can become a millionaire, it means. But only if you choose to and that choice concurs with your daily actions. 
To make money you need inspiration. Success stories are one of the things that inspire us most. What about words of wisdom and deep- thinking? Also yes. All the quotes below, if you read them carefully and digest them deeply, you can start off the wealthy-acquiring process by stuffing your mind full of inspiration. After all according to me, no man ever did anything and succeeded without being inspired first ( hope it makes sense, my quote I mean).
So scroll and read carefully. You can make some jottings as you scrap the list. You will surely be elevated to the next financial level. Success is achievable, especially financial success. You only need inspiration and determination amongst other factors. Leave you thought in the comments. I want to know what you are thinking. Happy reading and happy financial elevation.


10.  “All achievements, all earned riches, have their beginning in an idea.” —Napoleon Hill (<id="goog_443927727"> < id="goog_1708556296">).

Quote Meaning

Mr. Hill implies that to become rich you have to have or think up a wealth-generating idea. Men like Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zukerberg are exemplifications of this wise saying. So to make wealth or become rich you have to come up with an idea that will generate wealth. It wouldn't hurt to use pen/paper to generate new money-making ideas daily. Click
here to learn how to generate ideas. If you do so for a year or more you can come up with an idea that can change your life.

9. “What’s keeping you from being rich? In most cases it’s simply a lack of belief. In order to become rich, you must believe you can do it, and you must take the actions necessary to achieve your goal.” —Suze Orman (< id="goog_869450315">. More quotes).

Quote Meaning

A wise man once said " what the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve". One of the things that can hold a person from high achievements is a lack of confidence/belief. You may know how to do something but if you doubt you can do it, you may not be able to do it. You may not know how to do something but if you believe you can and even if you keep failing, persist in that belief and very soon you will start doing that impossible thing. It also applies to money. Believe you have the strength and intelligence to hustle and make it, and you shall. Never doubt yourself.

8.  “It’s simple arithmetic: Your income can grow only to the extent that you do.” —T. Harv Eker (Biography. More quotes).

Quote Meaning

Knowledge is the real wealth. Without knowledge you can't make wealth. So the more you get knowledge, the more you have more chances of making wealth. Read books, attend seminars, listen to enriching programs, be always near successful people and learn their secrets. And you will soon become rich. Click here to discover books you can read in 2020 to change your life and acquire enriching knowledge.


7.  “The only difference between a rich person and a poor person is how they use their time.” —Robert Kiyosaki (< id="goog_486223609">. id="goog_1891762886"><>).

Quote Meaning

How we use our time is very important when it comes to making money. Don't spend your time doing useless things that won't change your life. Why watch non beneficial TV shows when there are beneficial ones you can watch? Always use you time to do things that will change your life with you time and not things that give pleasure but are useless. To be able to know how to manage your time more, you need to master the art of goal setting. Click here to learn more.

6.  “The more you learn, the more you earn.” ―Frank Clark ( Biography. More quotes).

Quote Meaning

This is the same with the explanation in No.7. The origin of wealth is knowledge. You get a piece of knowledge on how to make money in a particular way and you utilize it. So spend your life gathering knowledge, learn valuable skills, develop your talents etc and soon you will become rich and have money. Click here to get self development secrets that can change your life overnight.

5.  “Before you can become a millionaire, you must learn to think like one. You must learn how to motivate yourself to counter fear with courage.” —Thomas J. Stanley (Biography. More quotes).

Quote Meaning

What makes a millionaire a millionaire? Because he thinks in a particular way that resonates with money and wealth. The way you think makes you the person you are.  What kind of thoughts do millionaires think? They believe in saving. They believe it is possible to make money in any situation. They don't believe in giving up, etc. So change your thoughts and think money. I will recommend you read Napoleon Hill's books about money and wealth. Read books about money and wealth and your thinking will adjust to that of millionaires. Want books about money to motivate you? Click < id="goog_330228678"> to find out more.


4.  “Rich people have small TVs and big libraries, and poor people have small libraries and big TVs.” —Zig Ziglar (< id="goog_603243909">. More quotes).

Quote Meaning

Explained simply? Rich people are interested in result- producing and self-developing activities while poor people think only of pleasure. Please if you don't have a library, build one every month use you income to buy books that will enrich and build you. Invest more in developing yourself than in making yourself more comfortable. As Solomon put it in Proverbs "... he that loveth pleasure shall be a poor man." That is coming from one of the wisest people in history, so better believe it is true and take the necessary actions before it is too late.

3.  “I have about concluded that wealth is a state of mind, and that anyone can acquire a wealthy state of mind by thinking rich thoughts.” —Edward Young (Biography. More quotes).

Quote Meaning

Just like I explained before, you can become wealthy by thinking like a millionaire. Read books about riches and soon your thinking will change. These quotes about money, read them daily and it will work. Your success begins from the way you think. Click here to learn how to change a negative mindset.


2.  “Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads and empty hearts can do that.” —Norman Vincent Peale (Biography. More quotes).

Quote Meaning

The same thing repeated over and over. The human mind is such that it needs emphasis to be propelled into the understanding the gravity, value of information. So again you are told you can't have money without developing yourself. I know you will hear and take action because you are not hard of hearing.

1.  “Today the greatest single source of wealth is between your ears.” —Brian Tracy ( Biography. More quotes).

Qoute Meaning

Again. Open your ears and mind to receive new life changing information. You spend hours daily online. How many of the several hundred searches you make everyday on the internet includes things like " How do I become a better person?" or "How can I break this bad habit?" or " What can I do to make more money?" Remember time is the real money not the printed paper utilized for purchasing purposes. Seek for good information and develop yourself.

My Own Quote:

"If  you want success you must be willing to pay the price. Everything has a price, both success and failure. If you want ssuccess then be ready to pay the price of sacrifice and hardwork. If you want failure then pay the price of laziness and pleasure-seeking. At the end everyone gets the commodity he paid for - success or failure. Its all your choice" - Aloysius Mbaba

Using my qoute to summarize everything. You have to be ready to do anything to achieve success. Take the steps I listed in the article and your life will change. Develop, build yourself, think money-making thoughts. You are the only one that can change your financial ( fortunes). Others may help, but over 80% of the work must be done by you.
For best results read this article over and over again to get a clear deep understanding of it. That's how the human mind works. We don't usually take everything in the first time we read something. If we repeatedly read it we understand it better.


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