VITAMIN SHOPPE INC (VSI) - Buy Setup pattern ( formacion del patron de compra)

in #money6 years ago

En Español

Bolsa de Valores de NewYork

La Empresa


lo que importa ... cada cuerpo importa ™

No es sólo nuestro lema; es nuestro mantra comunica nuestro enfoque en ayudar a hacer que el mundo sea más saludable, una vida a la vez. Desde el momento en que abrimos nuestra primera tienda en 1977, nuestra misión ha sido ayudar a las personas a alcanzar sus objetivos de salud y bienestar. Aunque hemos cambiado a lo largo de los años, nuestros valores se han mantenido igual.

Más de 700 tiendas

Vitamin Shoppe ® tiene más de 700 tiendas en todo Estados Unidos y Puerto Rico. Sin embargo, el éxito para nosotros no se mide por la cantidad de tiendas que abrimos. El éxito para nosotros significa proporcionar una experiencia de cliente satisfactoria a cada persona que compra en nuestra tienda.

Mas informacion aqui:



Análisis Tecnico (VSI)

Gráfico de Velas Semanales


No me gusta:

  • Poca fluidez desde $9,60 hasta $13,90

Me gusta:

  • COG sobre Promedio movil de 20 periodos
  • Promedios moviles de 40 y 20 en formacion de carril de tren
  • Formacion del patron Buy Setup
  • Mayor fluidez sobre zona de $14.

In English

The New York Stock Exchange

The Company


what matters...every body matters™

Is not just our tagline; it's our mantra. it communicates our focus on helping to make the world healthier, one life at a time. From the time we opened our first store in 1977, our mission has been to help people achieve their health and wellness goals. Though we've changed over the years, our values have remained the same.

700+ Stores

The Vitamin Shoppe® has over 700 stores throughout the United States and Puerto Rico. However, success for us is not measured by how many stores we open. Success for us means providing a fulfilling customer experience to each person who shops in our store.

A healthy difference

Our goal is to make a healthy difference in people's lives every day and travel with each customer on their wellness journey. It matters to us that our customers know we are a reliable resource for their favorite products and also a place where highly trained health enthusiasts are always excited to advise, explain, and share healthy inspiration. From our huge range of top-quality supplements (26,000), to our free Healthy Awards® club and everyday low prices, we make it easier for our customers to make healthier choices every day.

More information here:

Reuters Report Plus


Technical Analysis (VSI)

Weekly Candle Chart


I do not like:

  • Little fluency from $ 9.60 to $ 13.90

I like it:

  • COG on 20-period moving average
  • Moving averages of 40 and 20 in train rail formation
  • Buy Setup pattern
  • Greater fluency over area of $ 14.

by alexmorenoec

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