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RE: Where Are All The Entrepreneurs?

in #money7 years ago

This piece is priceless!!!

I, personally, would like to only have to deal with a few necessary rules when it comes to building codes.

I love the idea of re-purposing property and renovating it to fit ones needs.

Back in the summer of 1955, Uncle Roy (married to my dad's older sister) passed away unexpectedly from a heart-attack while on vacation. Aunt Ruby and her 10 year old son, Phil, moved in with my folks and me for several months but were saving money to eventually buy a home of their own.

My dad got the idea to re-purpose the south part of our barn into a 5 room and bath apartment for them so that they could have more space to themselves while saving to buy a house.

I believe they only paid for their own phone and utilities while living there.

Anyway, this barn got further developed as the years went by and has a very rich history and a lot of very happy memories.

I no longer live on the farm, but, if the walls of that barn -- as well as those of our first home and the one we built later -- could talk, they would have a lot of wonderful stories to share.

The walls might not talk, but I do, so I'll share those stories.

At this time, I'm living in senior housing and see this as where I would like to continue to be until at least some time in early 2019, but my eventual dream is to buy some land (likely, with a structure either on it or one I could move there) and blend the old and the new into my dream house.

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