KEPLERTEK: (contribute to the creation of future)

in #money6 years ago (edited)


The adaptability and increased usage of technology is because it’s advancement is based on making it fit in so without even noticing it ,it becomes a part of our daily life .The technology that exists in today’s world was unimaginable a decade before . Talking on voice calls and video calls overseas, getting reliable research within seconds, travelling to space and many more other advancements has stunned the world with how much can intelligent engineers, scientists and can invent with their extraordinary innovative ideas .But now Keplertek is moving these advancements a step ahead bringing a great era of technological advancement in existence by featuring a whole new future by the creation of an entire ecosystem of Robotics and AI .


Keplertek, The Science of Today is the Technology of Tomorrow:

Keplertek is a project of blockchain technology that provides an ecosystem of services through an easy-to-use interface, connecting exciting Robotics and AI startups with investors while allowing full transparency and traceability of investments. The platform aims to create a global marketplace platform for investing in robotics and high-tech through a transparent and decentralized portal controlled and managed by investors. KEP is continuously working on making it possible for token holders to invest in robotics through its platform incubator and accelerator programs in partnership with GITA with consistence pace , which will begin and process the innovative ideas in physical models with the help of new technological developments resulting in huge income, both for token investors and project investors.
Some of the extraordinary and unique services provided by Keplertec are as following:

  1. Presence of Internal exchange to convert major crypto.
  2. Quick conversion and exchange of fiat currencies into KEP.
  3. Built-in wallet for easy storage and Investment.
  4. Explorer feat to track investments transparently.
  5. Tools connecting startups with all the actors in the investment sector.
  6. Templates of smart contracts that enables running smooth fundraising campaigns.
  7. Guarantees 100% investment safety.
    8.100% fraud protection and 100% reversal of the investments.
  8. Engagements on Kepler Platform are backed by smart contracts and blockchain records.
  9. Swift access to funds for inventors


Token Details:

token distribution.png

KEP token is the ERC20 token that aims to become the preferred method to invest transparently through the Ethereum blockchain and to access the ecosystem of services provided by the Kepler platform.
-Symbol KEP
-Maximum Supply 100,000,000
-Type: ERC20
-Price 1 KEP = 1.25 USD
-ICO Period: KEP
-Accepted Currencies ETH, BTC
-Minimum Cap: 10 million
-Hard Cap (including Pre-sale) : 62.500,000 USD
-Soft Cap: 10,000,000 USD
-Pre-Sale bonus -30%Ico-Bonus-15-5
-Tokens for Sale: 50,000,000


Token Distribution:

Following are the details of initial generation of KEP running on Ethereum and its respective distribution:
-40% of tokens) will be allocated to token sale contributors and will be transferable at the end of the ICO.
-5% of tokens will be allocated to the team and will be locked by the smart contract for 12 months.
-3% of will be allocated to top management and advisors that have contributed to the project’s success. 20% of tokens will be transferable when ICO ends, while the remaining 80% will be locked by the smart contract for 6 months.
-12% of tokens will be allocated to plertekKe company and will be held as a provision for future expenses, partnerships, business development, marketing and strategic acquisitions. Depending on future developments, a portion of these tokens 4% could be allocated towards the reserve funds managed by the Kepler Team. Tokens will be locked by the smart contract for 12 months.

ICO Details:

Price in ICO 1KEP= 1.25 USD

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Without a doubt 21st century will forever be remembered as the century that launched and experienced one of the most disruptive technologies in the history of mankind through blockchain technologies. And this process is still in continuity leading towards more innovations and inventions every single day leading to progression .Keplertek has now placed the firm base of Robotics and AI one of the branches of disruptive technologies to intervene within the overall process of innovation taking this whole era of extreme advancement on a whole new level .Providing new opportunities to engineers to showcase their extraordinary skills through presenting their innovative ideas and later implementing them with a strategic plan that will give us a whole new future oriented technological world .


For more Information please visit the official links below:


Author: Ahtsham
Bitcointalk username: Ahtsham90
Bitcointalk profile link
Ether Address: 0x66EF10B68C2e765E9CbF5994D2d8CAd7F9b0E748


The Keplertek will bring the future to the blockchain and that makes Keplertek platform very valuable to the blockchain adding to the growth of the blockchain which crypto investers love to see happen it plans to bring Robotics and AI startups the means funding and the blockchain has alot of funding going on this project only adds to that like this great blog adds value to the steemit planform and the steemit family love when this happen it helps steemit to grow and we need to grow bigger than all of the rest for steemit success thank you for this very great blog

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