ShadowFork Ponzi Scheme loses money. Wait a moment...

in #money6 years ago

Vitalic coin what's up bro I'm sure you're very happy with what you've created I'm sure you are however the people on the playground that you made well they're not playing by the rules that you like problem bro salty fro mad bro Vitalic oi Vitalic oi what's up crip donation is paid up bit shadow fork smart contract bug freezes 1 million dollars worth of etherium oh we've heard that before right like with parody and stuff mmm it seems the theory of self-sustaining Ponzi scheme has already hit a major roadblock even though there are a lot of initial interest in the project a few spin-offs have been created already it seems they the latest contract known as shadow fork contains a major issue which prevents anyone from withdrawing funds this also mean the contracts creator is unable to cash out any of the proceeds it is still an honest Ponzi scheme how how that works out I have no idea how can you how can you be an honest Ponzi scheme isn't that an oxymoronic statement but v/o people are thrilled by this development well proof of weak hands coin spins off major problems a lot of it atheria enthusiasts will agree that using scrap contracts for ponzi schemes is exactly what it would a theorem creator Vitalic reader and had in mind when he created aetherium no he didn't it's not exactly a great PR move well it does highlight the possibility it's a smart contract technology it also tracks a lot of negative attention you got it proof of weak hands coin is an honest and transparent smart contract based Ponzi scheme how is that even a real sentence that has attracted a lot of interest it's a unique setup that allowed a lot of people to make some money along the way such as the nature of Ponzi schemes this inspired proof of weak hand coins created to come up with a slightly different twist on a smart contract based the Ponzi scheme known as shadow fork this new scheme would pay extra dividends to investors is a very daring business model but one that could actually work out quite well if you could get your money out unfortunately things hardly ever go as planned especially when it comes to people compiling smart contracts without the necessary coding knowledge to recognize and address major errors when people started investing in this new aetherium based ponzi it quickly became apparent that cashing out would become a big problem that's because there is a major flaw in the smart contract with throws an exception as a result any attempt to remove funds from the smart contract is deemed impossible and will create a continuous a loop and the creator of this concert shrugged off this develop as everyone is stuck huddling now it's a bit cheeky but people knew that something like this could eventually happen more specifically the ether collected by the smart contract will be stuck in limbo a forever that is unless a theorem developers decide to roll back the blockchain again and remove any transactions associated with this contract so essentially guys this is a mini doubt it seems highly unlikely history will repeat itself in this regard though this incident also teaches everyone a valuable lesson never invest in a project without knowing exactly it's smart contract code does how many investors actually look at the code I look at the code you guys see me do stuff I look at the git I look at the code but how many people actually look at the code a valuable lesson that goes pretty much unheeded ain't nobody look at the code if anyone has audited this contract this issue would have been prevented quite easily I could have audited it but I didn't because I'm not interested in aetherium based Ponzi schemes according to the latest statistics the shadow for smart contract holds over nine hundred and twenty eight thousand dollars worth of ether that's a big owie this money is lost forever and new transactions are still coming in for some reason not like this guys there's no way to fix this problem and everyone should avoid sending money to this particular address unless someone comes up with a solution the one-line coding error will spend the end of proof of weekends coins second a Ponzi scheme it's an unfortunate turn of events even though it's not entirely unexpected all of this once again shows the need for aetherium smart contract auditing or just not investing in ASA theorem based smart contract coin it's good that everyone in the world can set up their own contracts without proper knowledge things can go awry very quickly shadow fork shows just how dangerous this technology can be in the hands of inexperienced coders looking to build financial tools although the Ponzi scheme should always be ignored it seems a lot of people invested in this contract regardless index it's an expensive lesson learned for all intents and purposes I have nothing to say guys if you willingly invest in a Ponzi scheme it's hard to have any empathy whatsoever with your losses no I don't want people to lose money in the cryptocurrency game but at the same time if you're investing in something that's called weak proof of weak hands coin which clearly markets itself as a Ponzi scheme and shadow fork the second one which clearly markets itself as a Ponzi scheme what the hell is wrong with you you know what cryptocurrency is teaching me a lot about humanity the entire spectrum of humanity teaching being an cryptocurrency has enabled me to meet some of the most beautiful brightest intelligent wonderful caring loving people on the planet being encrypted of currency has also taught me that there is a a massive amount of people that are willing to do anything for a buck even if they know the risks are against them let me know in the Bitcoin up above the comment section below what do you think about this new aetherium based smart contract Ponzi scheme called shadow work guys smash the like button for the only statistically proven coin in the world it's called Bitcoin you should probably buy more

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