Working to Separate Money From State with Erik Voorhees

in #money7 years ago

In this video, Erik Voorhees explains how he got into Bitcoin and why cryptocurrency will separate money from the State. Voorhees believes the current monetary system has serious systemic problems with counter-party risk, that the Federal Reserve System is "fraudulent" and advocates "the separation of money and state." He keeps his assets and finances in Bitcoin, and is an outspoken opponent of taxation.

"The separation of money and state will be the great achievement of cryptocurrecy...Not by getting enough people to vote on it because that will never happen. But just by providing an alternative in the marketplace and for that alternative to win over time."

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Great stuff! On top of spreading the word of anarchism, we should also lead by example. Erik Voorhees is doing a great job at this!

Excellent stuff!

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