STEEMIT CHANGING LIVES in Africa! I got a $200 reward yesterday, But my friend @tj4real got $1,5000 from one post I resteemed!! Bless this place! I am crying tears of joy! we REALLY CAN end poverty and hunger in Africa using blockchains!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #money7 years ago (edited)

yesterday I woke up to $200 of rewards and today I got another suprise, this one REALLy made me happy ani am honestly stunned and can barely write anything!

Look at this! @tj4real and his post got $1500 I am so overwhelmed! This is an amazing surprise ffor me after I couldn't sleep yesterday and I just slept today after being up over a day online just excited about everything and i finally slept today from noon to around 5 pm and I will sleep soon again but I HAD to make a post about this to point out this Steemit Miracle! And I thank the steemit whales who made this possible! Basically so many steemit whales upvted this i cant even mention them all here because look it says 135 upvotes ! And I cant see all the people who actually upvoted or I would thank you all but Thank you SO MUCH to @thejohalfiles and @gigafart an @darthnava who I know for sure did upvote according to the list when i click the arrow here

(Please everyone upvote and follow them even if youre a minnow, to support these steemit whales for helping us SO much! Try and upvote or follow all the people on the above list who upvoted TJ's post! Its good polite etiquette to find people who upvoted you and return the favor if you have the time! Itsa great way to make friends here for those "minnows" (beginners) here on steemit who need to start earning more!)

I am crying tears of joy right now

I will keep this short (haha i tried)This is so amazing! i KNEW this could happen if we just tried! I KNEW steemit would WANt these new African Steemit users to succeed! I am so happy for TJ and all the Africans he has either befriend of has personally helped to join steemit! Steemit WANTS you to succeed bro! I know you will not let them down! And be a role model for all your new and old friends here on steemit like:
@appiahgyan @xpency @ortigas100 @kwabkess @mcsamm @othniel @benimahmud @foreigner and many more which i will add especially if you comment I will add you, i will be calling this group Steemit Africa from now on #steemitafrica Team Africa on Steemit and I KNOW @tj4real will become a great leader who will use this money wisely to purchase technology like a nice camera to photograph ghana and africa, Cheap Smartphones for new steemit users, an internet cafe for people in Ghana near him to come use steemit for free, and also eventually we will get TJ enough money to market and gain investors for the creation an airborne wireless network of free WIFi for all africans who need it OR make it so cheap to use anyone can afford it! This is an example of a project TJ can help to raise awareness and help gain investors for! Imagine free or cheap wifi from airplanes in the sky! It can work! We can also focus mostly on just getting more africans on steemit and teaching them how to make good posts and show them how organic and easy to learn steemit can be! Tell them steemit is like a video game!

I saw this ad on FoxNews of all places, while watching a live stream of it On my Tablet on youtube, an ad for Airborne Wireless Network

Remember @tj4real I have been saying how I dont like how you have to pay so much for internet bandwidth and they have to pay by the GB? An How I said we will create our OWN free wifi for africa?? THIS IS HOW! We use Wifi routers on AIRPLANES that are all connected in a mesh network IN THE SKY and airplanes already travel over all the major cities in Africa everyday!

So for Tj and Steemit Africa we can now begin to discuss some technological solutions for African people and really begin raising money for investing in infrastructure that can TRIPLE the GDP of Ghana and all of Africa using Steemit Blockchain and cryptocurrency! The Chinese already invest heavily in Africa and will also be very interested ingetting Africa equipped with Bitcoin Infrastructure and crypto currency since China is very pro bitcoin!

Ill cut this short but LOOK at that! I will post this image again! proof he got over $1500 from one post! This is like months of salary for an african! This is CHANGING LIVES

I am so proud of @tj4real and all of Steeit Africa and I really see him as a leader in his region and steemit GAVE him the platform we GAVE these people a chance! ad soon theyll be making us MONEy even! Im not trying to profit off people in need, no, BUT why not allow them to show their value to the west? African Culture and music will be a WEALTh of culture for western pop music! The beat an percussive rhythms of popular african music videos on youtube REALLy shows me that African Music can be used as a pool of cultural currency that africa can use to represent themselves in the western media and to promote african food culture products and overall helping africa export its OWN culture to the world the same way Hollywoood exports american culture to the world!

Lets use the HUMAN resources we have! African may not have the infrastructure and markets we have in the west but they have a human resource of talented people who can NOW show themselves an tell their stories over Streaming Video like Youtube AND now decentralized blockchain social media lie Steemit which lets africans Say whatever they want without fear of censorship AND they can sen and recieve money like a bank account! NO platform has been able to provide alll of this for africa until now! And there is BIG MONEY in exploring catchy and rhythmic African Culture to the world! look at Akon! Africans can claim they are tougher and more real than american hip hop, because african streets are the REAL jungle! African people are strong and they will inherit their birthright of a wealthy and powerful Africa!

(We should find these people! And @tj4real and @xpency you should find the people inthis Bitcoin Africa photo!

here is the website i found this photo! and if u EVER need to look up a photo and find where it came from online u can do a reverse Image Search at )

Now I think you can celebrate @tj4real ! Listen to this song from african american rapper Future about making lots of money and investing called "Let's fuck up some commas" refering to the commas found in a bank account, 1 comma means $1,000 and two commas means $1,000,000 and 3 commas means youre a billionaire!

If you have questions about bitcoin steemit crypto or making money mining like this email [email protected] or text/call me (619) 302 0398 and....

Follow @Ackza


@ackza and all his followers, Africa thanks you for believing in us. As you have already stated, the money will be judiciously used to bring more people into the platform as it is one of my aims to invite more and more. Africa is really greatfull and we will showcase our talents very soon. Am going to organise a big seminar in the coming month where i will help atleast 100 africans sign up within a day very soon. The campaign to liberate Ghana and Africa is still going on and its thankd to all my followers and everyone upvoting and showing love . Am really short of words


Hey bro, can you teach me how to use the streemian? thanks @ackza I want to be part of your team if it's okay with you.


Awesome, i love to see This @ackza

This is only becouse no goverment have thier hand in the kaos.

Hope you find steem well

I give you a upvote for this

Please follow me at @mrstaf Soo i can follow and give more.

You are helping us di more, I had a seminar yesterday, I introduced over 200 people to steemit, I hope you can share it when I post. Thank you so much @ackza

NICE! yes lets hope they all get on steemit! hahaha hopefully i wil make enough to be paying you $200 but hha dont make me poor from that program haha its ok i know i will be able to EASILy afford to pay u $200 if all those people singup! I want you to start making ALOt of money! i want you to have a taste of it too! i am gonna send you 6 SBD or about $10 right now

I wish there was a better way to thank you, because you are a wonderful person, you riches will continue to come, as you bless people, so you will remain blessed. i couldn't read through your post because I was so astonished by what @tj4real made, I am so happy for her. and yes I will find those people wearing the Bitcoin shirts. I will continues reaching out to people.

YEs ii know!i feel i should make more ppsts now and keep this train going!
i need to relax tho and not force my steemit posst BUt i nee dto amke apost now about the Gotenna and the BRCK wifi mesh devces and BRCK is actually designed and made by africans so u can be proud of it on new level!
yes this is the spirit! I bet OPERAh would LOVE o fund our project of giving smartphones and Gotenna wifi mesh network devices that broadcast 3 miles to allow for free wifi in africa,

ALSO the BRCK device

BRCK is best described as a “backup generator for the internet.” When it was announced, the idea of a rugged, rechargeable, mobile wifi device captured imaginations as a good way to bring robust connectivity to people in places with spotty infrastructure – particularly in developing countries.

The device is the brainchild of Nairobi-based technology company Ushahidi, and was created partly out of simple frustration with dropped internet connections and power outages in the city. After a successful Kickstarter campaign last year, BRCK has now manufactured and shipped more than 1,000 units to 45 countries, many of them in emerging markets, and is catching up on the backlog of orders. article from 2014

Nice work u got going here. Keep the spirit going.

Awesome post! I am so happy for you and your friend! I will witness your success. I hope the blockchain changes the world!

I am telling everyone I know about Steemit, it's the most amazing site out there isn't it?!
Today I told an old friend from high school about it and he is amped to become a fellow Steemian!

Lol, Rafiki with the Steem plaque! Empowering the African people..I can appreciate that. They have been put down and held back since they reigned last in the times of Egypt. The shift is happening. Keep it up man, you are definiyely doing your part for the good of alll humanity. Uplifting and empowering everyone. Bring about an equal society. It's crazy how people throw out so much food And people are frickin starving. This has to end. And with none of that gmo crap poison Monsanto has up their sleevs to depopulate the earth. Stay ahead of the game. Get on top of it, grip tight with both hands and feet. Steer the thing where we need it to go. We are the avatars.

Oh well done mate. Continue to spread the word.

Your fighting the good fight buddy, best of luck!

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