Satoshi Forest aka Sean's Outpost in Escambia County Crowdfunded BTC to buy private land to allow homeless people to live freely, but is now being threatened by Escambia County!

in #money8 years ago

Life giving activities like sleeping should not be outlawed and homeless deserve to have a freakin small sliver of any urban area with a hammock at LEAST a little hammock! cant they open a freakin vacant lot or a Warehouse with bunk beds etc? After researching this question I find that many people say its the Insurance, others say its the health and Safety Codes, but I refuse to believe we live in a civilization where regulations stop homeless people from having a home....I have read about some cities that make unconstitutional laws that make Life giving Everyday human activities like Eating and Sleeping criminalized and you cannot make laws making it illegal to be homeless! Thats why they tried to make this small homeless refuge in Escambia county, south florida called Satoshi Forest or "Seans's Outpost"

With land bought after his crowd funding post was funded with bitcoin! He has a great project and we need more of these all around the country! I tried posting Gofundme's with noi luck to raise money to buy land to allow homeless in san diego to hve somewhere to go without registering without any paperwork just a plot of land maybe under some big tents, or use those Ikea refugee shelters, or just a warehouse with bunk beds and a big shower and bathroom area!

Anyway We need more places liek Sean's Outpost in Florida And now hes being threatened by his county!
His outpost is seriously just a small piece of forest land away from any houses out in the middle of nowhere not causing any eye soar or nuisance for anyone and they still dont want it there thinking it will attract homeless from outside the town but thats ridiculous...They are trying to stop private people from allowing homeless people on private property, wtf Escambia county?

It's just a piece of land in the forest for homeless people to set up their camps and tents and not be bothered! We need more projects like Satoshi Forest! Watch the video about them here from Max Kaiser and Stacey Herberts @KaiserReport

The Homeless must have the freedoms we all enjoy Especially in a developed first world nation come on guys we can do better than this, i also talked about the 700 million chronically undernourished who go to bed hungry every night who deserve to have a simple smartphone with free 3g/4g even 2.5g edge network to connect to plus a bitcoin wallet pre installed witha few doillars in bitcoin and regular payments of $1 a day to their bitcoin wallet enabling them to receive a free basic daily food income to use for food ! DIRECT payments to the worlds most poor! The $700 million a day would be paid back in all the higher productivity in the economy from all the newly fed workers who can actually contribute to society now that theyre fed and have actual food energy calories to burn as human labor!

They would simply be getting food money! Why not send cryptocash directly to people who need to use it for food! or to head of households who would use a large amount to feed a large family...we need to have this UBI Basic Income JUST for these most poor, they shouldn't have to go to bed hungry every night, it is never because of food shortage but because of a MONEY shortage! or a land shortage, they dont have the money or the land to grow the food, so lets send them money directly to feed themselves with our bitcoins, and promote bitcoins to food vendors and people in these countries! Developing nations with irradic and possibly hyperinflated currencies (zimbabwe) see Bitcoin as very attractive, also Indians are getting into crypto currency because of their recent troubles with their 500 rupee bill demonetization...

And so basically wherever you see financial troubles around the world, a local spike in bitcoin prices follows, and people race to convert large amounts of cash into bitcoin as a way to store it safely without spending money on banking fees AND allows people to avoid their local taxes! And its value seems to keep increasing even better than the stock market! (if you buy the right crypto currencies like BCD, XBC, BTCD, etc , eth, and all the other underrated coins offered on poloniex on their way to the moon like how darkcoin or Dash did or how yesterday Bitcoin plus went from like 4 cents to $20 up 3000% at one point

Now imagine making enough profit from crypto currencies or on cheap Pod/Capsule hotels in every downtown of every major city in the US and using the profit to pay for extra free pod/capsules for homeless people, We would have this nearby but in a different building than the business pods/capsules sold to tourists or whoever for money..., for obvious reasons, extra showers and different facilities to help homeless people etc) or just find some cheap warehouse or cheap land and quietly allow homeless to come in but just be chill and low key, have it somewhere away from any schools or houses etc, This could end homelessness if we had one in every major city in America! We could use these ikea shelters look how nice they can be inside! so much potential, u could create walls and separate rooms, etc


Government is never trying to help the most poor and desperate. It seems that they think if they just outlaw them, they will disappear or die. At the same time supporting anti-homelessness initiatives that don't do anything while real people are making a difference like with Satoshi's forest.

The level of homelessness in a rich country like the USA is absurd.

Yes when big corporations monopolize like walmart and 7/11 they stamp oit competitoirs with "regulations" and cops end up shuttung doiwn little kids lemonade stands and kids learn the lesson that its not worth the trouble of opening up a business OR that to be a capitalist they have to go on the black market and sell their sweet sweet black market lemonade on the down low...seriously the NUMBER ONE method for getting yourself OUT oif poverty is STREET VENDING! it is a FACT that STREET VENDING got BILLIONS of people OUT of poverty and Street Vending is the NUMBER ONE way people can lift THEMSELVES out of poverty! ALL street vendors should be given waivors from all regulations and fees so they can actually make money! They should give all small businesses that make over a certain amount have a 2 year period where they dont have top pay any taxes or government fees and they still ahve to passinspectiosn and not get peopel sick but still people should be allowed to starta food truck as long as its clean, they should be allowed to make money for a 2 year period before having to pay any regulatory fees, seriously we need to cut ALL regulatory Barriers to entry for all small businesses!

But Walmart for example doesnt want peopel selling stuff for cheaper than themn! undercutting them to make a profit is a NO NO and they use regulations to sta,mp out the little guy!

This is true man, even in 'communist' China I've seen dozens of unlicensed street vendors selling everything from meat kebabs to fake watches...

The govt just lets them be for the most part, sometimes some corrupt local cop will ask them for a bribe.. there was an incident where a cop beat up some street vendor and then got beaten up by 50 people on the street. but truth is they're just trying to make a living as a small businessperson so why interfere with that?

Yeah Street Vending has gotten Billion people out of poverty in the last decade or something like that

Thailand studies it as a tool for poverty alleviation, its a SHAME that in America people believe that our poverty problem is so small the Government can handle it, such a shame people just allow that to happen when in Developing countries the governments are nowhere near teh size they would ever need to be to be able to take care of a billion people like in india for example, and theres 800 million humans who still go to bed hungry every night and we have to provide the jobs and opportunities for them to feed themselves, and once they all start getting access to internet either on smartphones or web cafes they can fund by using steemit and bitcoin (because what Web Cafe in the world wouldn't accept Bitcoin as Payment??)
And so that many people 800 million thats more than you could pay for for any government no matter how much welfare, because thats lets say 1 dollar a day minimum which isnt even enough anymore, and thats 800 million dollars a DAY you need to pay in welfare to feed the worlds poor who are chronically undernourished and are going to bed hungry everynight? See how CRAZY of a task that is? what government can afford to spend 800 million dollars a DAY just on feeding everyone? see how universal basic income is crazy and doesn't make sense? Even if you gave everyone 1 dollar a day to keep them alive in basic food, which isnt even enough, but even with that its 7 billion dollars a day that ... the government pays? even the top billionaires with 100 Billion dollars would run out of money in a week or two! We would never want people depending on a system like that because it always collapses because its unsustainable and will end up killing way more people than it ever helped and we should get a system where the rich and middle class and even upper middle class are so wealthy and travel the world so much and talk to so many people around the world so often that they can basically solve the world problems of the ultra poor as a hobby and have investors invest in their ability to end poverty which can also be profitable and you gain life long investor and loyal customers who WILL stay loyal to you when you help them OUT of poverty and i experience something like this with many steemit users in developing nations I try my best to help and they seem much more appreciative than any american or developed world user of steemit so thats a great because loyalty is all i am looking for when forming the team around me, so getting to forge loyalty through helping someone start earning their own income online may end up helping you uplift someone even more talented or hard working than yourself, like some of the guys in ghana i helped end up making ore than i do on steemit which i am more than happy about because that was my entire point, and it feels great knowing that users i may have helped will be able to one day upvote me when they are a steemit whale! It feels so good knowing I inspired and then helped a user become as successful as myself and then a dolphin or whale themselves!

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