My Idea for a Pod/Capsule hotel business plan for American micro-hotels based on japanese capsule hotels, ALSO microhomes for $10-$20k to allow poor people to own property and a home...

in #money7 years ago

When I look at every American downtown, full of tall buildings, I see prosperity.

When I see buildings being built and construction cranes everywhere, I see each building as a money machine! In some expensive cities with very large buildings, every floor can be a million dollars or more! Real Estate will always have a unique apeal! ...And to allow everyone even the poorest to participate in the real estate market we should create microhomes and microhome villages where for the price of a car someone can buy a home! Like this!

For the price of a car someone can buy financial independence for the rest of their lives with everything they need, with maybe an expanded option for a few more thousand dollars to get a solar panel system..

We could fund a microhome operation here on steemit or on crowdfunding services 9 i always thought someone could use steemit AS a crowdfunding tool!) But we could pay for some microhome villages using my idea for pod/capsule hotels! To get started Here are some small houses you can actually buy online!

But imagine a nice little treehouse or even a modified RV type Trailer, like for $5,000-$10,000 you could buy a small sliver of land and build a microhome and sell it for $10,000-$20,000. I would love to incorporate the blockchain in this somehow. Well maybe if we can make some money with my pod/capsule hotel idea I explain below, than maybe I'll be able top fund the building of some microhome villages! Maybe we can make a profit selling those too but helping those we sell to by giving them an opportunity to rent out a small extra room we can build in their microhome for them to make some extra cash by renting out to a tenant of their own! Turn homeless into landlords! I really see a lot of promise with this microhome and micro-apt idea! I know Alex Jones says its bad how many downtowns are selling young people tiny apts for expensive prices and I agree that is just wrong...what I am talking about is not that but making microhomes for the homeless or the very poor...

And to pay for it we build micro-hotels and let people enjoy living somewhere cheap, for only $10-$20 a night with deals if you stay a week or a month...seriously people will forget about regular hotel rooms, people who wanna just save their money and just have a bed to sleep in but still have access to a private shower and bathroom, and access to teh shared TV room with nice easyboy shares to relax in,and we will have a couple healthy and tasty vending machines for food, or we can have our own cheap little cafe and resturaunt for breakfast and dinner

But I really believe a great BUSINESS idea that you could actually invest ina nd get a great ROI right now is the building of a Pod/Capsule Hotel in the downtown of your choice...I would prefer San Diego because I live here and personally witness the endless tourism we get here thanks to our perfect weather and lack of any real natural disaster to threaten the city of san diego (We had Fires but they only got to east county, still only 30 mins from downtown but still we have perfect weather here and the Zoo, Seaworld, etc, disney land just a short hour drive away, legoland, etc, anyway I just think opening a cheap hotel in downtown San Diego using the capsule/pod method would allow people to crash right in downtown, go outa nd drink and shop and be in downtown and be able to walk directly to their hotel rooms that they will only have to pay $20 for if they stay at our capsule! And we should offer $40 Pod rooms!

(From )
They make microhomes very nice and it would give people the option to buy land and a home without needing $100,000 to a million to have a home....seriously Hotels also need this scaled down approach..the Japanese "tube" hotel or "Capsule" hotel,

you actually get a fairly large area, not enough to stand up in, but plenty of room for even two people to sleep comfortably, all for $20 a night maybe even $15 or even $10 if we get enough capsules going, and make it just like the japanese ones, have a little shower and bathroom and breakfast area, (charge extra for breakfast) and have a free lounge area with a HDTV and lots of nice chairs and couches to relax in so you have like a place to hangout in if you cant sleep or if its not night-time is an example of a newer version, and the type we need in American cities AND at EVERY AIRPORT! i WISH they had these mini hotel rooms at airports because it SUCKS to not have a bed and have to sleep on an airport floor!

And then we have the cheapest option on this floor, so we have the Pods for like $40 a night and capsules for $15 a night, I mean wow look at how many capsules we can fit on a floor! hah i just see money when I see all these capsules! People will LOVE saving money on hotels by using these!

And give people a good deal if they spend like a week or a month in there! And you cant fill up your capsule with junk so u dont have to worry about hiring cleaning people to clean the rooms etc, just offer lockers for people to keep their stuff..or just a locked room and always have the person take a ticket with their luggage or anything they keep behind our locked room vault area when the lockers run out, OR we just have lockers fairly big enough for people to keep most their stuff, but we will probably need an overflow room, and just tag stuff and u get a tag or scan your barcode and register your luggage or whatever property drop off with a Bracelet system which we will have everyone use at this hotel...just like in avoid people loosing keys or forgetting their capsule or pod number they just have everyone wear a bracelet(necklace for anyone without hands)

Make it exactly l;ike the japanese capsule hotels (As seen in the Only in japan youtube channel) and you could take a normal hotel/motel with only like 20 rooms and remake it into a capsule hotel with 100 capsules, or 200, you could have several rows of capsules, and be able to have alot of people for very little space and make lots of cash, especially in any downtown of every US city, just imagine a hotel that allowed you to stay downtown, crash after drinking, like allowing you to sleep downtown like all the rich people but only having to pay $20?! And you can make it japanese themed so people just think its another culture and will forget the fact that we are us imply downsizing literally sizing down and scaling down while at the same time scaling up! We are reducing the room size from people who dont care about space who just want a place to crash! And we will even have a special service to help drunk people get a room, where the process is streamlined by letting you just give your stuff to a person who puts em in a locker for you, and you get your key for that and your room on a BRACELET with a NUMBER on it and THATS how you open each capsule and the whole business will be automated and turnkey franchise options, you could have more than one per city, have em super close to airports, i could see one in downtown san diego as being a great alternative to expensive hotels for tourists who wanna save money, we need a Pod hotel in San Diego like this one in New york,

Now I know they already have a New York manhatten tube hotel which is very smart because the cheapest hotel in manhatten is $300 if youre lucky so finding a place for under $150 is a deal! And i believe this new york "Pod" 51 capsule hotel has small "Pods" for $135

Tourists will happily sleep in these bunkbeds, also we can be family friendly by having a family floor, and we can make sure families are grouped all in the same area, I'm telling you, these things have a bright future! You can start off with just a few capsules and post it on Airbnb or something on the downlow and before we know it well have enough money crowdfunded to buy some warehouse ind owntown san diego and ill be able to start working on this project with some fellow like minded peopel who will work for free in exchange for a piece of the business when its up and running, ya know just friends mayube on steemit who can help with extra building materials or with helping us build a few capsules or pods out of wood or rebar or PVC or whatever building material we can get to build some mockups, or if we can use bamboo i have lots of that we can build little hotel pods out of cement outdooor like these

We could make the interior of our more expensive luxury pods look like futuristic spaceships interiors with lots of LCD screens and LEDs and extra stuff on the walls like this

And we could even have a small pod for the homeless at parks and other urban areas, where the homeless already sleep on the streets or in tents, and give them dignity by giving the option to spend like $5 and have a bed for the night like 10 hours

Just like this image, and just like pay bathrooms the pod will close and it will have a cot, maybe with like a hammock made of a material that can be easily cleaned, and for like $5-$10 homeless can buy like 8-10 hours in this private cot and it will let them lock it and allow them access in and out with a code it gives them, have a little touchscreen outside with a backup number pad to enter a code if someone breaks the touchscreen, but seriously, people could ask passerbyes for $10 to get a room and someone could actually buy them the pod and know the money went to them having a bed...seriously I wouldn't want to make money off homeless people but they dont even have an option to sleep somewhere for under $50 usually. And if homeless Americans HAD an option to sleep somewhere for $10 a night many of them would totally be taking that option every night! I would want to eventually give them free vouchers or give homeless people their own permanent pod or microhome, but for like $10 the homeless would totally be able to buy their way out of homelessness if they had $10 overnight sleeping pods/capsules at the park or in urban areas. if they could legally sleep in their own little private area that they KNEW was their own, without needing a tent etc, they would totally sleep there! I would put all the profit into building more urban pods that homeless can use for free, where I will legally buy or lease property in urban areas and build these mini hotel pods like in the above image, and below would be the upscale version, you could have these mini hotels like VENDING machines!

the Goal is to have so many of these capsule/pod hotels in so many places that the prices go down and noone will go homeless when there will be all these capsule pod options and special bare minimum ones in parks and areas with high homelessness. But the goal is for these to be so prevelant that to have a bed to sleep in indoors all youll have to do is beg on the street for $10 or maybe less (I hope the price can god own to $5 for the bare minimum capsule to sleep in)


I love these kind of innovated post that show there are sollutions for problematic issues.

Wow this is such a good idea! Handy and affordable sleeping conditions for a quick nap, this would be helpful especially to the homeless as they can get some money together and have a warm place to spend the night. Airports would also work as some flights are delayed or a second flight might be a few hours away and a place to put your head down for shut eye without having everyone look at you sounds great as long as they were clean and comfortable 😊

Yes live giving activities liek sleeping should not be outlawed and homeless deserve to have a freakin small sliver of any urban area with a hammock at LEAST a little hammock! cant they open a freakin vacant lot or a Warehouse with bunk beds etc? I have read about some cities that make unconmstutional laws that make Life giving Evervday human activities like Eatiung and Sleeping criminalized and you cannot make laws making it illegal to be homeless! Thats why they tried to make homeless refuge in Escambia county, south florida called Satoshi Forest or "Seans's Outpost"

with land bought after his crowd funding post was funded with bitcoin . and now hes being threatened by the county!

The Homeless must have the freedoms we all enjoy ESPECIALLy in a developed first world nation com3e on guys we can do better than this, i also talked about the 700 million chronicallyundernopurished who go to bed hungry every night who deerve to have a simple smartphone with free 3g/4g even 2.5edge g network to connect to a bitcoin network witha pre installed bitcoin wallet and recieve a free basic daily food income to use for food ! DIRECT payments to the worlds most poor! Noone would envy them! They would simply be getting food money! Send directly to peopel who use itf or teh food! or to head of hosueholds who would use a large amount to feed a large family...we need to have this UBI Basic Income JUSt for these most poor, they shouldnt have to go to bed hungry every night, it is never becauser of food shortage but becvause of a MONEy shortage! or a land shortage, they dont have the money or the land to grow the food, so leyts send them moneyu directly to feed themselves with our bitcoins,a nd promote bitcoins to food vendors and people in these countries

Now imagine making enough profit from cheap Pod/Caopsule hotels in every downtown of every major city in the US and using the profit to pay for extra free pod/capsules for homeless people, We would have this nearby but in a different building than the business pods/capsules sold to tourists or whoever for money..., for obvious reasons, extra showers and different facilities to help homeless people etc)

This is such a brilliant idea I don't know why they haven't done it before! The only downfall of you need money to build and authorisation from authorities to continue woth the plan which is pretty unlikely as they try and hide the fact people are homeless in the first place

Lol yes I know I refrenced Alex Jones worrying about my post, no but now its really Agenda 2030 , and making people live in tiny houses but thats for Upper middle class people, im talking about Homeless people just being able to have SOMETHING and theres no illuminati shame living in a small house i live in a tree house and its great, remember im just talking about moving homeless people OR visiting tourists wanting to save money, into small houses, im not talking about making all luxury upscale buildings having No yards and tiny little apartments no thats just greed...I DO see how that stuff intersects the small house thing, but serioulsy we will get more good than bad from small house revolution! You can always get a normal sized house (even though i understand they make the normal seem smaller and smaller, but according to Kurzgesagt the average amount of housing space has gone up and average amount of close friends down from 3 or 4 to 1 so i dunno,

Well you know that Alex Jones says we are all compartmentalized.

Very forward thinking @ackza ...Go for it!

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