Just got a $70 reward on Steemit! Sent 80GBG to Golos users, And I made $50+ USD on my first Golos Post! + Many reasons why you should all invest in Golos, become a Golos whale for only a few thousand US dollars!

in #money7 years ago (edited)

I feel like this whole steem thing is really going to work out! lol of course it will! of COURSE this is working! We are SO lucky to get to be a part of what essentially feels like a massive Startup Company that is about to "Go Public" and all of us stake holders (or Stock Holders if this was during the IPO dot com craze) all of us stakeholders will be getting a big Bonus when new investors are onboarded and we see $2 then $5 then $10 steem and beyond! But also be on the lookout for other opportunities others haven't jumped on yet, Like golos(Rusian Steemit Hardfork) which is at nearly 10 cents and thre are only 120 Million Golos tokens and the marketcap is only $13 Million US dollars worth so much room for growth considering Steem is at around $250 Million US dollars worth. Golos is the RUSSIAN STEEM for anyone wondering! I will be discussing Golos in this post so just be aware that it is a sister site to steemit related directly by forking, Golos hard forked or diverged from Steem around 11 month ago and now they are the Russian Steemit which works better for Russian websites to be hosted in Russia anyway, which I explain below :D

And I feel like $1 steem is very cheap, and it's not just us SAYING this, when people who have been here a while like @fyrstikken TELL you to buy some steem and Golos ... it is not just them being salesmen for their own self interests, they don't need to do any work to get others to invest, they sell themselves, they are simply being nice guys, trying to HELP us! Trying to give us some TIPS on what new crypto currencies are undervalued and so we should be grateful to get to even hangout with such successful people! I know that I am learning a lot about life and investing and trying to work on myself and not arguing with people about unimportant things not worth arguing over.

Here this is a little map I made showing the SCO Golos Empire!

just how Golos will rain down Money in the form of Rubles Rupees Yuan whatever you want all over East Asia! By going through either a decentralized exchange like bitshares openledger.io which allows you to actually exchange of course steem but also I believe Golos 9And we should add Golos to Blocktrades or help some golos.io users set up a Golos Blocktrades hosted in Russia as they by law must host their big popular sites within Russia which makes sense since it is Russia and that law does unarguably create some Russian homegrown websites OR the Russians have actually been making their own websites since the beginning including VK etc

And I know this is Bloomberg BUT it is a GOOD documentary series called Hello World and there is of course some anti russian government jokes and sentiments BUT it STILL shows a LOT of russian companies in a way you cannot see in ANY other video on youtube in this short of a period of time and so I will post this Link here and recommend that IF you want to invest in Golos.io the Russian Steemit , and if you aren't aware of how advanced the current Russian Internet Scene is, I recommend you watch this Documentary shows a good slice of it!

The documentary is still propaganda ... and they have obvious anti russian racism when they call VK a "Russian Facebook Knockoff" which is rediculous because Facebook was NOT the first social network and you could say Facebook was a knock off of Myspace which was a knockoff of Friendster (2002) which was a Knockoff of LIVEJOURNAL Which was around 1999! And Livejournal was a knockoff of Geocities which had been around since 1994! yes we have had social network websites since 1994! Yup Yup Pentium 1 processor and windows 3.1 baby! ! But anyway back to the documentary about Innovative Russian Tech companies ....so it only shows the tip of the iceberg and honestly the Bloomberg documentary propaganda underplays Russian tech companies and makes them seem childish or smaller than they really are. There are massive Russian tech Industry for example Russian factories manufacture GPU chips for video cards! They build rockets and stealth fighters and Russia builds some very advanced weapons and Ships and when it comes to Submarines they have the largest!

So in the above Bloomberg Russian Tech Sector documentary they say Russia makes internet companies demand 6 months of users activities and Golos by default already keeps all records of the users activities public! LOL its perfect and so Golos and steemit by default already conform to Russian Laws because all User activity is public and on the blockchain! I Feel like once someone really explains Golos to Putin he and other Russian leaders will accept it as a great way for Russians to make money , much better for the country than Ethereum, especially when so many Russian people are getting paid who never have to invest any money into Golos. In the beginning it will be many non Russian Steemit users buying up all the golos power out of support for our sister Blockchain but hopefully more Russians than not own the majority of the golos power when it becomes popular enough! I believe we can convince the entire pro Russian community outside Russia to invest in Golos as a way to help the economically struggling Russian people. Golos can be that simple boost that Russia needs and Africa of all places might even become one of benefactors of Golos! My friends in Steemit Team Ghana will most likely be interested in investing in Golos to create another great revenue stream of passive income while helping to support the Golos network AND profiting off it after Golos goes way up in value!

You can signup for Golos free at http://golos.io and if the Google Chrome browser does not auto translate the page or ask you if you want it translated, just Right Click the background of the page and click "Translate to Russia". Or if you cannot get past the signup for some reason just let me know in the comments and we will help you with anon golos service by @someguy123 here: https://anonym.golos.rocks/ for about $2 worth of Litecoin which will definitely be worth it and I used this service to get my golos account and made the money back within minutes but if you would rather just wait you should be able to signup fre like Steemit but for those of you in the know, Steemit signups may have a delay (which will be fixed next hardfork) and so we have anon steem and steemconnect.com to allow anyone with a steemit account or without one to automatically instantly create new steemit accounts and immediately begin posting and earning!
And Here is the Post I did explaining how Golos is just the Steemit Hardfork for Russia with its own decentralized Golos coin and GBG like SBD and if you have a steemit account created before 11 months ago you automatically Got a golos account with a small amount of Golos depending on how much steem/SBD you had. So yeah Russians have a great development and IT culture and will work hard to make Golos a beautiful Gem of Russian Technological pride to export to All BRICS nations!

(Made this image to illustrate the symbolism of Golos being used for BRICS nations as a way to help their own people)

BRICS nations will love Golos and I Bet my African friends here on Steemit like @tj4real @xpency @mcsamm @kwakumax and @richforever will love to know that Golos is only around 15 cents and will one day soon be $1 and beyond to $10 and more in next year or few years! Just like Steem will be going to $10 and beyond to $100 and more even to $1000 years from now! So I got in Golos at 10 cents with 1000 Golos and it will be Steemit for Russia! And Marketcap is small only a little over $13 Million dollars and there are only 120 Million golos tokens instead of 240 million steem :) so it could become very valuable compared to steem if it ever gets to the same levels of marketcap! AND the growth rate of golos is much faster than Steemit since Golos has almost caught up with us in terms of total numbers of accounts and yet it only hard forked from our steem blockchain 11 months ago (correct me if I am wrong). Steemit had many months headstart! Golos will catch up because Russian people are hungry for innovation and will work hard everyday and make Golos a really fun place to hangout and work! And as Steemit grows Golos also grows! If steemit has Smart Media Tokens so will Golos be able to monetize all the other Russian websites!

I was even having fun with old Soviet Propaganda posters and replaced the word "Communism" with "Golos" On this old Russian Poster which happened to show a Train! :D It's too perfect for Steem because of the steem locomotive and everything! :D hah I hope some of you enjoy this like I did when I found the poster and realized I could replace the communist propaganda with blockchain cryptocurrency propaganda and then saw the Train I knew It could be used here! I just need someone with actual photoshop to fix it and rotate that Golos symbol on the train and I believe all the old world war 2 and cold war propaganda posters can be used to promote steem and golos! Anyway Thisis another chance to get in when its around 10 cents HAH imagine getting Stem at 10 cents! Anyway I really do believe in Golos and Steem and we should also be buying Steem at $1 because $1 is CHEAP! I Cannot wait for steem to start going up up up but I do want more cheap steem:D

I also gave out 10 GBG each (around $1.50 now) to over 8 Russians on Golos! Detailed here in my latst post

Here is another Image I made for Golos showing some popular russian Music Stars and I put Golos logos and Rusian Fiat money all over the screen and the music Video for that song by Russian Music group "Little Big" which is actually pretty amazing!

Here is the Video again if you all want to see itm very Russian very funny!

Hah that video really inspired me to make some Russian Money! And Russian people are very high IQ and fun to talk to, very intellectually stimulating and don't worry about the language barrier, there is no language barrier because google auto translates everything! Just let the page auto translate or right click> translate to English in Google Chrome, and type in English and they get a Russian version on their side! Just type clearly so the google auto translate can work its magic more easily! Anyway I love this network and woke up early to get a Golos Post up AND now have an equally long Steemit Post! I have a Rick and Morty themed cartoon for steemit coming out with @flauwy it will be amazing but I'll leave it at that! Ok see you soon steemit i will be checking back in today for at least a few more posts to unload all of the recent Ideas I have had for steemit!

Foo Foo

If you have questions about bitcoin steemit crypto or making money mining or marketing, feel free to email me [email protected] or text 619 500 3748 and....

Follow @Ackza


Thanks for the heads up. Finna invest in Golos since it's very cheap right now. #GolosWhales

i bought 300 usd worth of Golos and my upvote is not even a cent... very disappointed

I really have to read on this golos token and get some for my wallet. It is really interesting how people like yourself keep sharing productive info here on steemit. For me, that is one of the reasons i love spending time here. Thanks for sharing @ac

Very interesting post and clip. I have not seen this yet. But I know for sure that in Russia there are no 10000 rubles.

ahhh so these are not real??? or are they just old?? Thank you for letting me know,

ajhhh so were they thinking of making a new 10,000 note for crimea?

haha just found that is that true?

nope, they've just created 200 rubles banknote with Crimean city Sevastopol.
Whale Upvote from @dunsky

Let's get some Russian money, that video is super hilarious, I lost it when he showed him his baby's picture with same gun the American thought would keep him safe in Russia 😂
I'll check this golos, don't know how that would work for me as I use more of mobile phone than PC.

Golos is going to do a lot more for russian economy then that 'cryptoRubble' thing

You may be right. Let's see how it goes.

you can use golos and steemit just fine on a mobile phone! in fact the Steemit official App is coming out soon and before that does u can still use the mobile site perfectly on mobile chrome or whatever browser OR the esteem unofficial app where you only give it your posting key ..which you cannot use to transfer funds etc

Yeah, I even wrote about the benefit of using only posting keys to post, comment and upvote. I am actually waiting for an app from steemit. I bet it would be good. Thanks

Yesyes exactly with ana ctiual app we can store our keys the way bitcoin wallet apps store keys and even back up kleys in like the cloud using a encryptoed password but that may not begodo maybe just best to have phytsical hardware walets and maybe steemit app can have like yubi key or ledger nano S compatibility be SOOOo cool to get ledger compatible with steemit.com oh would that be nice if it could sign transactions!

So many possibilities and capabilities could be incorporated into that app. That's why I'm patiently waiting for it.

Golos is the Russian Steem? like, comparitively the same?

I thought is was like a split from steem, like what happen to bitcoin.
I saw a old post about how some people did not know they also had a golos account, with funds on it.
I also made a account few weeks ago, with tbe Esteem app you can lig in too both at the same time!

Wait so you are saying that Steem and Golos blockchains aren't seperate?

no if you had a Steemit Account from before 11 months ago, when the Steem hard fork happened and golos was born, then you will have a golos account wit even a lil bit of golos (depending on how much steem you had back then!) But if you are new, then no, you wont be able to login to both at once, but your golos password will be the same and account name IF you did have an account on steemit from before 11 months ago!!!

But dude look yes its JUST like the hardfork of Bitcoin @sieses @clumsysilverdad and @fechaugger

And its very cool because Steem handled the hardfork like a Boss cleanly with very little drama compared to Bitcoin hardforks!

And so yes if you had an account from the beginning or at least over 11 months old you may have Golos in your golos.io account so just to check for example I would go to golos.io/@fyrtsikken or golos.io/@stellabelle examples of steemit members @fyrtsikken and @stellabelle who have been on Steem since the beginning so when golos split they got a golos account with a lil golos it was some fraction of whatever steempower you had

Its very interesting to learn the history of it! Especially getting to learn it all after the facts!

Steemit and golos will be in a race soon when all of Russia starts using Golos it could race above $1 and beyond steem's price and remember that steem has 240 million coin while golos hasonly 120 million! so boom shakalaka laka whats crackamalakamafryin?!

Wachu got in dat wallet boi i gotz dat praivut keeeeezzzz doz pureEYEvat KEEEEEZZZZ

haha anyways i have bee learning a lot from zee russians , RUssiya Russiya is ver ver goot mutta rosiya yes yes I love golos its so fun and it will be worth so much!

But we need to get the developers some coaching from steemit professionals at steemit inc, golos inc needs help, they have a limit to just 5 comment replies per comment it gives u an error on the 6th reply bout Nesting comments like they are fucking russian dolls or something lol i swear its crazy! Its from old leftover glitch theymessed with without changing when they hardforked! It ss fixed n steemit but not in golos man they gotta fix that 5 reply limit nesting error! literaly it means the next comment aftr this one, which woudl be 5th, well after THAt it wouldnt even let u make another comment so this THREAD is hereby DEAD after 5 commentrs it SUCKS it cust off SO much conversation on Golos.io and it HAS tp be fixed so PLEASE lets get the golso creators and Developers the Golos Devs PLEASE lets get them to fix that SERIOUS error!!! or give us some evidence that it will be fixed in next hardfork!

ANYWAY thanks for reading! yes golos will be a HUGE opportunity to cash in on a massively undervalued crypto currency thats actually not too late to get into!!! marketcap is seriously only $13 million USD golos i! so we have so much time but have to act quick! someone recently bought $1 million golos or $50,000 worth thats 1 million out of the only 140 million golos! Thats 1/140th of the whole network for $50,000 USD so lets realize how smart that is!!!! You can BECOME one of the TOP 10 golos whales basically forever for just $60,000 !!! This is what @fyrtsikken was trying to tell us all here and his 5year plan is no joke! His cartoon comic of the trees growing and how we shouldn't chop down our trees (power down sell our steem) because the trees havent even fruited yet We will all make so much money from our steempower from price of steem going up from $1 to $10 to $100 to $1000 and beyond that we can live off the CURATION rewards ALONE

Anyway TLDR:; Steem and Golos are separate blockchains but they once were the same and they split when the hit a Fork in the Road! AKA Hard Fork around 11 months ago

If everyone here writes such great comments like you do, then Golos stands no chance. I'm almost sorry that my 100% vote is just worth two pennies. You deserve more.

I read about Golos before but didn't really understood it. And because learning Russian isn't exactly something easy. Then it becomes very hard to understand what Golos is about.

So I assumed they were two seperate projects from the start. It's interesting that Golos is a fork from the 'original' Steem blockchain.

no golos is not a competitor to steemit! Golos and steemit go hand in hand to success, when steem goes up golos will too and when Golos goes up so will steem

We work together, Golos can use steem code and Golos can use Steem code!

And to read the russian ytou just right click > translate to english and Boom! it all translate automatically to english! and you get to see the magic of golos ad how its just a whole another steem based world out there but for russia!

and golos will always be successful because golos will be the Russian steem and everyone in Russia will use golos! Its gonna be like, steemit for the west golos for t he east... Golos will always jave support in Russia and they have a hive mind... they will work together to realy really make Golos super advanced, itwill be Russian Pride! Look at http://golosvoice.club its a nicer looking version of golos it uses golos blokcchain but iuts another gateway like busy.org is for steemit its anotehr steem gateway anyway man....

its amazing..... we have so much work to do on these platforms filling them up with content

Thanks!! I could not describe it as good as that, stil a noob on the subject.
But turns out i learned a lot already haha.
Thanks for confirming, and love the humor!!
I also have deep respect for russia, als that media nonsens trying to make us afraid, nothing is wrong with russia!! They just humans like everyone.

Wow , wonderful claim your money......./////////

Nice, enjoyed the hype I bought a little bit of Golos, might have around 8 or 9k voice power. I didnt make nowhere near what you did, but I did take 3rd in a picture contest. One thought, steem doesnt really have the head start as you say, if you had a steemit account you got a golos account. So they stayed equal at the start... Go Golos, I will add you on there and give you my few cents

ahh ok yes but steem still had a head start! because many early steemit users never used their golos accounts or just cashed em out etc or are just letting the golospower become more valuable like @stellabelle who has over 1K in golospower and hasnt been postin but she could! many more users like that! its hard when ur busy on steemit to go use another website just like it, but heres the thing, the golso community is smaller, marketcap smaller, they really also didn't get teh same momentum we got hen they forked, its like they had to start over ya know? we kept growing at faster rate, well, they started growing fast too,

Maybe we can get the existing steemit accounts on golos to start using them more! or convince em all to power up on golos and to sit on it like an investment~!

but yeah maybe stem didnt realy have a head start and thats why golos total accounts number is so close to steemit heh, ok cool man i added you on golos too!

This sounds interesting, I'm going to check it out, thanks

yes yes heres 3 cents, soon i will have golos power too enough to give 3 cent upvotes! man it feels so good to be back here on steemit where i can give out multiple cents in upvotes where on golos i can barely do 1 cent upvotes SO i just need more golospower! i will be buying more golos very soon!

I gotta sign up there. :)

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